
Chapter Hundred and forty four

Sunny sat at the bench outside the house just the perfect time that Josh always visited, she also need to apologize to him. 

She left without even talking to him at the school show, he had promised that he'll come and after that he'll take a walk with her friend but she had gone home without even acknowledging his presence and it hurt her that she let her friends down because if that woman.

"I was thinking of texting you but here you're here already" "Um mm, I thought that I should surprise you this time so how was it" She smiled and watched his face. "Hmm, I think I'm surprise, I thought that you might be snoring by this time". 

"Hey that's not fair" he laughed and sat next to her. "I'm...really sorry...for disappearing the other day after the show.....". "Hey theirs nothing to be sorry about and I had enjoyed the show especially your drawing it was the best". 

She looked up at him with a smile "Thanks, she rubbed her palms together as she remembered the happy express on Tara's face, effort had been so happy.

 "I drew my parents, I wanted to surprise them" she smiled, she had been do happy till she saw her...  "I just  wished that I have stayed after the show, It would have been fun". "Hey" Josh reached out and took her hand in his. 

"It okay, you shouldn't worry about it and I know that whatever happened was important, you wouldn't have disappeared like that if it wasn't important". Josh glance at her, it was clear that she had a bad day and he didn't want to worsen it for her. 

He stood up and stretched forward his hand. "Why don't we take a walk". Sunny stared at his hand then back at him. "Come on" he smiled and without thinking so much, she placed her hand in his. 

"So where are we heading to? "Hmm, just across the street". He watched her face, she was really beautiful, just like her name and he'll do anything to cheer her up. "You know you should brighten your face being angry doesn't suit you". 

"Yeah, just have a bad day". Josh stopped on the track and wait for her to do the same. "What? Sunny looked up "why do we stop. "I think that what you need is a hug" Really? She laughed. 

"Yes, Josh spread his arm open and smiled at her, "my mum always gives me a hug whenever I had a rough day, do come here". "But you're not a mum" Sunny pointed out. "Yeah, you're my friend". 

Yeah, she really need a hug now and without waiting further she moved into his arm and let him wrap his arm around her, she was tense for some minute and after some minute she relaxed against his body.  

And allow him to pat her back, this feels so comfortable. She wouldn't mind staying like this all night, it just feels so save. She clung to him and without knowing it, drops of tears rolled down from her eyes.

She tried to stop them but the more she wiped them away, the more she cry harder.  She gave up and buried her face in his shoulder and weep, she really feel hurt and angry. 

All her emotions seems to be pouring out now and without  a word Josh kept soothing her back. "I hate some people, I really do, I just hate them! She cried harder, everybody admires that woman, they thought she was a star and all but she was nothing like what they think she's is.

She's a heartless woman someone who deserves to be punished severely, she was so heartless and he hated her since much, she hated her first being her real mother, Tara was better off, she's the one who always stood by her and not Rebecca" 

She pulled away after some time and Josh handed her his handkerchief. "How are you feeling now? He asked her with the smile she was starting to admire. "Bet....ter" her voice crack, yeah she had cried really hard.  

"They went back home after they bought some snack. "You said something then... "What? Sunny turned toward him. 

"You said that I looked familiar". "Yes and you still do, she laughed "I know it kinda weird but feels as if I had known you for so long". 

"Hmm, that's weird but one day, you'll figure it out ". "I bet I wil, I never know that we would end up as friends". "Just say thanks to Jade, you owe her" Sunny laughed "yeah, it would have not been possible if it wasn't her.

"Sunny, he called and turned to her. "I think I should stop coming". "Why? Why do you have to say that?  Are you leaving?  

"No, not that". "Then what? I thought I might put you in danger". "What are you saying?  "You always sneak out to see me, you might be... "I'll gut you if you say anymore word" 

She glared at him then he face broke into a smile. "Thanks for tonight" with that Josh watched her walk back to the house, what if he had told her that she look really look like the woman in the picture that his daddy always keep in his wallet.

He sigh, he always remember the amount of chaos the picture has caused at home, his mum has asked his dad for several times to take out that picture but he never listen to her.

He had the pictures of this same strange lady in his drawer which he locked away because of gus mother constant nagging, he thought then that she was his father mistress but when it draws to him that his father has no mistress.

He couldn't stop thinking about that woman, who was she? Maybe some distance lover or crush or maybe his ex but who would hold onto their ex picture that way. 

He sigh and stopped a cab, whoever that woman is, she should know that his father loves getting so much and now he hope that tonight wouldn't end up with his mum yelling in nagging. 

He was tired of hearing her mum argue and his father silence was driving him crazy and hope that they go om with their plans in sorting every out here, he hopes that it works.

I made my way to Sam's house, I can't wait anymore longer to meet my daughter, maybe the pressure was too much when she saw me that's why I gave her some time and today, I wanted you see her.

I wanted to speak with my daughter, I was going to apologize for taking too long to see her, I know I had sent message upon messages but no reply until I couldn't connect girls them again.

I pulled out in front of the house, I just wish that my daughter would try to understand me, I just wish she could see reason with me. I wonder what sought of lies that Tara had filled her in.

Sunny sat on her reading table and kept drawing her imaginary sketch, her father had already gone for another conference while her mother was downstairs everything seems so perfect and okay.

Just the way it should be and she hopes the woman that calls herself her mother never comes back again, she sighed and tried to focus on her drawing but she couldn't stop thinking about Josh.

She had cried in front of him despite trying to act as if everything was alright but it had felt so right crying in his shoulder, she had felt relaxed and she had felt if she could open up to him about anything.

No matter what happens, she have to remember to not to trust much or let her guild down but she already did last night, she groaned out loud and tells herself to continue drawing. "Just focus Sunny". 

I made my way to the entrance door and Tara was already standing there with a disgusting look on her face. "Seems you didn't learn anything the last time". "I'm here for seeing my daughter Tara". 

"Really? You're here for your daughter? and what made you think that she'll want to see your face"."I don't want to repeat myself again or you'll have yourself thrown out of the way". 

"You can do whatever you want that's not my business what matters to me is my daughter, I don't want her your face because that would only make her angry and hurt, so I advice you for the sake of Sunny please....leave". 

"If you're done then get out of my way". "You know I don't know what you want prove by coming back here, she hates you because you never fulfilled any of your motherly roles, you don't deserve your be her mother!

I have had enough with anger, I hit her hard across the face. "Mum!! I looked inside and found Sunn angry looking then I looked back at Tara and saw her smiling. 

"This was her plan, disgusting!  Sunny rushed toward Tara "Mum are you alright? She turned to me in anger. "How dare you raise your hand in my mum, how dare you! 

 "Baby, you should go inside and let me handle this" Tara said holding her back on her arm. "I need to speak to you Sunny" I said regardless, I just wanted to speak to my daughter and I won't not tolerate Tara pretense or lie. 

I watched Sunny turned to me in anger "who do you think you are, did you think you can tell me what to do!  "I need to speak to you Sunny please, just give me a chance to talk". 

"I would never do that, not to the woman who abandoned me, not to a woman who doesn't care about anything only her wealth and fame, if you think you can come here and except me and my parents to adore you or worship you like everybody does just know that you're wasting your time"

"Sunny that's not it and I just want you to listen to me, I don't know what Tara must have to you but their all lies. Just1 give me a time to talk to you". 

"Don't you dare call my mother a liar, you're the one who is a liar, everything she had told me about you is true, you're the one who left me and you're calling her a liar?

 You lied to me that you'll be back but that's all a lie!  "Sunny..... I wanted to explain to tell her that I have sent messages upon message, that I had tried all this years to get hold of her that each birthday that I have wished her well. 

And had sent gift before it was brought for my knowledge that Sam has vacate, just to keep my her away from me but she was too mad for listen to anything that I would say even if I shout on top of my voice...

It would seem as two mad people yelling and screaming at each other, I just want her to give me a chance to explain properly. "Sunny, I called and made a step towards her. 

 "Don't...please! don't come close to me! Just leave me alone!! She yelled with tears In her eyes. "I want you to start away from me and my mother stay away from us please...please! She broke out in tears and my heart broke as I watched my daughter in tears.

This was not want I wanted, I came back for her to be happy not to push me away with so much in her heart. "Just stay away, I don't ever want you to show your face, I hate you! 

She continues to cry and I looked you at Tara face, she was enjoying this, enjoying her pain just to get revenge on me. She was hurting my daughter for her own amusement and satisfaction. 

"How could you Tara.... I found myself saying in anger. "How could you do this....  I looked down at my daughter. 

"I really want to get s chance to speak to you, to tell you how much I've missed you but you seem crowded in your own anger, I'll leave but know that you could reach to me whenever you feel like talking to me"