
Chapter Forty nine

I just wish she was asleep I thought, I turned to see aunt coming to hug me "how was your evening"  "it was great" I replied yawning "oh! I guess you must be very tired, go on now, take a proper bath and rest". 

" But, I want her to dance with me before going to bed" I looked at the wall clock it was already 12mid night no way I was going to bed.

"Don't be badass" aunt scold pushing me gently toward the stairs "don't mind her, you should go and rest now" I kissed her goodnight before walking upstairs. When I was done with my bath, I lay down on the bed without a second thought I was asleep. 

The weekend came a little fast, we all sat in the kitchen helping aunt out in making the cake. We heard aunt's phone ring and waited for aunt to answer it when she was done she smiled widely telling us that Andrew was going over for lunch.

 "We have to make his favorite, she announced cheerful aunt saw him as her son and not some random stranger or friend I smiled when everything seems o be heating up I took a break to go upstairs to sleep this day I was very sleepy. 

This pregnancy was making me one lazy-ass lady and I hate it. When I felt someone hovering over me I opened my eyes to see Emily, " Aren't you hungry" "what! I asked still sleepy, "it time for dinner" she smirked.

 "Dinner! I jolted up looking at the dark sky outside and turning back at Emily in surprise " yeah! I thought you were dead, you oversleep". I yawned getting out of it, pregnancy wasn't helping me a bit, I just feel like crying.

 "Becca! Emily turned to me " What! why are you crying". "I don't know, I whispered allowing the tears to flow " you don't need to be upset, I was joking". "Am not upset"  "then why are you crying" I couldn't answer as I weep she moved close to me taking me in her arms and patting my back gently. 

"It's okay, I'm here for you" she whispered patting and kissing my hair, "I think I need to freshen up" I muttered "Okay, I'll be waiting for you downstairs," she said before going, I sigh and slumped on the bed, what was wrong with me, why was I feeling miserable all of a second.


I didn't even feel like going down for dinner again, I turned to the bed, I felt as if it welcoming back again without another thought I lay back shutting my eyes, and doze off.

I woke to the sound of my glowing stomach "hmmm I muttered turning to see it was already morning I glance at the clock behind me 7:15 I tiptoed out of the bed not to wake the sleeping Emily beside me going down immediately I headed for the kitchen, I was more than hungry.

" I know you can't endure the hunger" I heard my aunt giggled I just muttered a greeting before devouring the food she handed to me.

"This is not me," I said scooping more food into my mouth, when I was done with two plates of food, I glowed stood up. 

"Thanks, I can't believe I slept in all day yesterday" I frowned,  "okay," the aunt said consoling me, "Andrew told me you want to work". " yeah! I want to, I don't feel okay sitting at home all day and doing nothing, I feel like I'm useless". 

"You don't have to feel that way, I don't want you to even stress yourself, I just want to be one to take care of you, but... If you're feeling bored...she stopped to hold my face. " you can engage in something you like".

 "Awww! I hugged her happily "Thanks aunt, but... I have to convince mother". " you don't have to worry about that, I will speak to her, so...are do you have any work in mind" I shook my head in a frown.

 "Well. Andrew will be glad to help, he is coming in few hours. he told me that he has a perfect job for you"  "that's very nice of him, I think I'll go and refresh"

I was very curious to know which job he has in mind, I don't want to sit around and do anything when I heard the bell I rush to open it

 "Hi! I greeted him, he was always wearing a cheerful smile " Hi Becca someone is glooming"  "I told her that but she wanted to eat me off" I heard Emily come out of the kitchen to hug him, an aunt came out too with a smile on her face

 "Will you stay for dinner and making something". He glanced at his watch before speaking " Sorry I don't think I have a lot of free time" he answered "Becca! Can I steal you away from a timeline?

 " no problem" I smile curiously before following him and gave Emily an angry look when she winked at me.

 "You don't have to mind Emily sometimes" he laughed, oh! Was he watching me? "Sometimes she can get in your nerve but she is a sister I don't have" he nodded opening the car for me "I muttered my thanks before making myself comfortable.

 " so you don't have any particular job in mind" I nodded "But any comfortable job will do". "the aunt told me you have been early lately" he turns to stare briefly at me before focusing back on the road. "Yeah is it also normal"? 

 " Of course, you don't have to worry about anything, how much do you love designing," he asked speeding up a little "well... I don't think I know much about it since all I have done in years is the study"

 I smile sadly knowing that if I hadn't made any mistakes I would still have two more years to be a medical doctor then I would have made dad proud and mum happier but now... It wasn't going as I have planned.

 The last time I have asked about dad is was like his sickness is getting thorns on him but he chooses not to say or be open about anything since her child was already a failure.

 I turned my head to look out of the window, as if knowing the question have raised hurtful memories he chooses not to ask anything again.

Love from Casey ❤️