
Spill the beans

Violet's silence was more scary than I imagined...she had no expression on her face and reading her was harder this way...

"But your highness...then what's the main reason for letting the princess participate in this battle.. if she hadn't we might have been able to avoid this"

Yes...we could but I wanted nothing more than cruel death for this bastard...

" of course...am well aware of that...but what good does it do if a bastard is allowed to rule anthill..."

I gave the most pitiful look in my entire life...they all stared at her with such a serious gaze... Zealot was no exception...but Violet's loud laugh push me off balance

" So this is where all your pathetic plan leads to. You dimwit... you could have done this a long time but you decide to stall your moment till you had me by the neck...

Well it's a good one.. because you really did good to remove all my love ones away "

Her words caught me off guard... everywhere was silent..they were all paying attention and this is a bad outcome

" Oh... I didn't realize how despicable a child I raised is... you killed your uncle yourself... didn't you?.... If you didn't your mother will be here!!!"

She didn't look suprised like her imagined her to be...but everyone was suprised

" Playing a victim card... look who is talking...if you hadn't poisoned him with the rarest poison... I won't have helped him end his misery... And about my mother whom you cheated on,you locked her up for weeks...she had attempted suicide twice and where were you....?

I admit that am indeed a bastard...but everyone here can justify to every single thing I did for you...how I face the north to settle your problem...how I almost died keeping the kingdom secret within me....what a joke...!

I don't expect you to love me for it...it is indeed painful to raise another man's child just as you brought another woman's children into the palace...stop being an hypocrite.

Am sure you want to banish me..do go ahead.."

I wasn't expecting her to talk this much....she didn't cry or chock in her words... she looks like a walking dead...so scary and for once there I felt hurt in my heart...

" Utterances from you doesn't matter... just as my former edict...if you lose I'll banish you...so I here by decree that Violet is here by banished...."

Everyone was quite...no one dare go against me but am sure they are cursing me in their hearts... I didn't imagined that the tables will be turned against me.... it's all because of this unfilial bastard

"Guards....take her away..."

I has earlier ordered the guards to be rough with her and compress her wound... this should be a pay back...

"Don't touch me...." she twist their hands and threw them away like log....

" Bind her...."

Guards troupe in with their swords... let's see how she fights against them all....

She grabbed a swords and she mercilessly kill them all...

"Die!!!!!!".she removed the sword from a guards chest....she looks like a killer machine...

"Be wary Zuma. You know who my father is... don't you? I believe you shouldn't sleep with all your eyes closed. You never know when I may come for your head " her smirk send shivers down my spine..

"I'll take my leave now... or are you still going to risk innocent lives...? If you want.. please do. I'll be able to add it to your list of pain..."

She looks scary and deadly...when did she become like this? Where is the old carefree Violet that I know?

"Greetings your highness...am here to pick up her majesty "

"Who are you?" i wasn't ready for unknown pick up...

" Am King Cedric's body guard...on his order am here to pick up his daughter..." What.... Cedric... already knows and he is claiming her

"Your highness..." all the guards bowed to Violet...

" Let's go home shall we...?"

I can't believe she's calling Sky high her home.... what an ungrateful wretch

" How can you call that place your home... you belong here!" I was about to go insane...

" Shut up or I'll slit your throat....you don't want trouble with my father right? if I had died you should have kissed the whole of anthill goodbye.

Prince Zealot.. thanks for everything... I owe you nothing but one and I'll pay if ever I can...."

She turned to Raven...

" This is for you...for the risk..."

"No need...you being alive is enough..." Raven rejected her gift and she turned to leave...

"You can't go.... I am not done with you yet...."

She didn't listen...she walked away victoriously...

"I'll advise your highness to prepare for the worst... because if the king finds out about Lady Vera's death...as well as that of Lord tarius and your plan to take the princess's life... it won't end well..."

Soon every traces of violet was completely wiped out... and I felt a huge hole in my heart...am supposed to fell triumphant..but I felt bitter and lost..

I quickly dismissed the court and seize the news of violet's banishment and everything that happened in the palace.


Am I still dreaming...what just happened...?

Violet is King Cedric's daughter...all this while I felt different around her

it was because she had a real father...am so confused

" Don't be confused..."....that voice...

What is she still doing here...? I thought she left.

"I came over to get my stuff... I should have sent someone but I had to come..."

"Ohh!" I had nothing to say to her at this moment

"You'll make a good King!"

I was suprised at her little smile...she looks beautiful but more beautiful than I saw her before

" I have known from the very beginning that you are the best candidate for this kingdom...but I hope you won't mind if I want to crush it"

She wants to wage war...is that what she wants?

"It's inevitable...my father has the title of the general of war...the Lord of blood! I don't want to have to lose my only relative in anthill...."

She called me a relative...she see me as a brother but why?


"Because you helped me... and not only that I have always had a good impression on you but I tried as much as possible not to be involved.

But you helped me in the time of chaos... I could have still reached this stage without help but having someone comfort me was all I need at that point "

I was so speechless and couldn't imagine what to say next

"Spare anthill..."

"I might. but I'll kill Zuma and some set of people..."

She is hell bent on taking down Zuma...i mean my father...i mean....ahhhhh... that despicable man isn't my father.


"Take this and give it to Zainrald...tell me to stop being people's puppet. If you ever need my help in putting him in place... don't hesitate to reach out to me. Because you are about to face a tough opposition from your little circle... your highness.. good bye"

She left without looking back..her beautiful figure already turned to a tall and mighty figure...a man-woman...pain is really a life changer

In my hands is a bottle that contains medicine...

"Did she really spare him...or prolonged his death..?"

Questions filled my mind but unfortunately there is no answer at this point.