
A cunning fox

" What are you up to this time...? " I barge into the palace without greetings...to hell with greetings

"I was expecting you.. well your dear abiding uncle committed treason and as king am supposed to punish him" he had a smirk on his face..so irritating and disgusting

" Well...there is nothing you can say that will change my mind"

" You don't worth my words at all...so why waste them on you. Changing your mind is not something I'll do even if that's what the former violet will do. Not anymore...Well since you have decided on this you must have produced fake evidence to accuse him and swindle all his riches...such a despicable act, don't you think so your highness?" his eyes were full of suprises and emotions that are unsaid of...is it anger or jealousy...Is he jealous of my uncle's riches?

" It seems you have grown wings...well that's not a problem it can still be clipped down. If you are done with your nonsense. get out. Besides it's all your fault..your existence has caused me nothing but problem " a victorious smile rest on his face

" And your leadership cause nothing but war chaos " I smiled back

"if you upset me enough... I'll just have to clip those wings of yours early and it will be so painful "

I walked out not giving him any satisfaction of successfully insulting me I went to my mom's room.. surprisingly she looked so calm.. sitting by the mirror and dressing her hair

" Done staring at me...? I know am beautiful but you are more beautiful honey!" she laughed gently

" Have you heard?" I thought she hasn't process everything.. uncle might be in danger

" Yes..but what can I do?" she looks so helpless " Talk to your husband..?!" she really wants uncle to die... what set of despicable people are this?

'" I don't have any choice... Zuma already poisoned him and he has only seven days to live" I was calm than I expected.. I know there is something more than this

" What does he wants from uncle?" " He wants something from me!"

" Fulfill your wife duties to him....or what else can it be?" that's the only thing I can come up with. Zuma is in love with what's under mom's skirt.. and mom has been good in putting him right under there... when I was six I heard Zuma groaning and pleading with mom... what a jerk

" If it were that simple... I would give him that all day long. But he wants something else!" I was more upset with all this unnecessary suspense

" Tell me would you...cut to the chase!" " I went to see your father..." her words shocked me....my father...who is he?

" He is Cedric...king Cedric of the east sea. He is your father... I went to ask for his help in securing your future. I don't know how Zuma got to know about it...he is torturing tarius till I admit it to him that I went to see him "

" Then admit it;" she looked at me with a shocking eyes

" What!"

"Yes...if uncle dies.... you'll be alone in this palace and in this world " she buried her head on the table

" I'll try to get the antidote and save him. Try whatever you can form your end. if you don't want to admit it then fine!!!" I can't believe her position is more important than her brother's life...more despicable than I imagined.

"Leon...find me an antidote of the deadliest poison in anthill"

" The antidote is only made once in a year... and currently I have looked into it the antidote is with the king... and under his command they can't make another one " another dead end...life is so unfair in putting my uncle in our problems

" Then I'll have to get someone to make another one...tell Chronus to make some herbs that will help supress the poison till we can get our hands on the antidote"

" Yes"


Sleep was far from me at this moment... I did all I could and things wasn't right

" This herb can only work on him for two days and it can't be taken twice or else it will trigger the poison's effect even faster " is my uncle fated to die... time was fast and I haven't gotten the antidote yet... I'll have to steal the one from that money.

"Uncle. .here,have this sandwich " I winked at him to assure him to take the snack... which he did...

." Don't do anything foolish for me..is that understood?" is face was more pale... it's like his body is degenerating every minute

" Yes uncle....but if getting you out of here is something foolish... I'll gladly do it "I immediately ran off before he'll give me any other ' don't do something foolish ' lessons.

Vera refused to admit her sins... her infidelity to me at the cost of her brother's life. She only looked more beautiful than I ever imagine her to be... but today..she looks so pale and lifeless... it's the third day already and I hope I get a good


" Ready... you shouldn't prove stubborn!"

" You are really bent in knowing something that you can't handle...well you guessed right.. I went to see him" this is a truth that I have been trying hard to accept since I got informed by that once in awhile useful spy of mine...

"Bang" the sound of the table didn't scare her one bit.

"Why did you go see him?" curiosity won't give me peace of mind...did they have an affair like before...he wouldn't dare

" I went to tell him about something... something that has nothing to do with you. it has been difficult for you all these years and I had to help you get rid of your worries" I still don't understand this sly woman and whatever is cooking in that head of hers

" Spill it out woman!"

" Violet."

" What about that bastard?"

" A bastard...

I had to tell the father about his daughter so as to help you get rid of something that was a burden to you for years"

" How dare you? Violet is mine...my property! I raised her all this years and she has to pay me for that"

this meddling woman... how dare her inform that money of his daughter existence...she had ruined my plans.. I won't allow it

" And you were thinking that he'll take her from my grasp...you must be joking. Only I know what I'll do with violet... I alone decide her fate and what becomes of her... guards...!!!"

" Lock the queen inside her room and she can't leave until I say otherwise...if she escape I'll have your heads on a sliver plate and send to your families"

"Don't you dare touch me... I'll go by myself. Don't go back on your word Zuma" her cold aura can't be questioned... she's really a queen it's such a pity she already ruined that with her own hands..