
Chapter 9: Secrets

Doctor Gentona Pov:

I was working in my office and checking up on some files when Dr. Kang came in and told me that I was in charge of a new patient; PJ Gentona (hmmm that sounds weird, my last name is potter too could we be related?? No you must be psycho, I don't have any other family since I lost my twin brother and three sisters.....)

As I made my way into the room I saw Pj and three girls that looked like his sisters sitting on the chairs. (Wait a minute... I remember oh well this was easier than I thought, no wonder why pennywise said that they were easy to find oh well welcome to your nightmare siblings....)

"Hello! My name is Dr Gentona and I am your new doctor as of now your recent doctor Dr Knowles had an emergency so I took her place". "Hey, I am Pj and these are my three younger sisters Jennie, Lisa, and Rose" replied Pj as they all shook each other.

I noticed all four of them were smiling like idiots and to be honest I just want to end them already because THEY stole My rightful throne to become the most powerful which is why I killed our parents as well and they used their powers to create a distraction and ever since then I was trying to find them for 10 years and here they are....

I tried not to act suspicious but I was thinking "I finally found them after all these years!" I had to tell PJ that he was discharged from the hospital tomorrow, It looked like they were happy but deep inside I just wanted to kill them, Before I left I needed to give them a hint who I am, So I told them that I was Doctor Gentona and they all looked really surprised just like I would expect them to react. Then one of them said that I looked like their older brother, I knew it was me because Pennywise told me the whole story, She seemed really sad when she said that "he disappeared" I felt guilty for some reason and felt pain like someone was stabbing me in the back but didn't show it. I asked her who their brother was and they looked at each like they're hiding something from me, I asked if something was wrong but another girl said that their older brother looked after them so well, It was true tho without me they would be nothing. It looked like they were about to cry but I wanted to know a bit more about my siblings since I haven't been around them for so long but I also wanted revenge, so I decided to call some of my guys to inject them with a needle and when no one was looking we ran to a black van and drove off...

Where is Dr Gentona taking them?