
Chapter 17: The Battle of Escape or Love?

At that moment, They're were guys surrounding us. We knew this was going to be fun!

Jimin/V/Jungkook Pov:

When Doctor Gentona told us to fight, We were like Hell No! We can't fight girls!

But he insisted us to.. The other reason was that we liked them and didn't want to hurt them but we had no other choice.

Jennie, Lisa, Rose Pov:

As we were starting the fight we started getting flashbacks and in one of them, it said that we have powers and they will come at the right time. WOW, NO WAY!! Then we felt it rushing through our bodies.

Lisa: Okay girls you know the drill


Jennie: Prepare to get kicked

Author Pov:

So they started the battle and Dr. Gentona brought in his men while the others were fighting. Pj was fighting with Penny and Dr Gentona, Rose was fighting with the men as well as Jennie and Lisa, but bts were wondering whether they should join or not and also watching them fight

Bts Pov:

Suga: Damn! I never knew these girls were This good

RM: yeh they be sweeping out all of Dr. Gentona's men

Jimin: Wow! Look at Lisa go, she's so pretty when fighting

Jungkook: Says you! Rose is much hotter

Taehyung: Liar!! Jennie is the hottest, I mean look at her

Jin: YAH! SHUT UP!!!

J-hope: Hyung, are we even going to join the fight

Jin: I don't know

Jungkook: Nah we should

Jin: Why??

Jungkook: Isn't it obvious? So Tae Tae, Chim Chim and I, Kookie can show Lisa, Jennie, and Rose who's the best and also how cool we are. Am I right??

Jimin: Yeh we should do it

Taehyung: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go

(and with that they went. Meanwhile RM, Suga, Jin and J-hope….)

Jin: Aish! These kids are hella annoying trying to impress their crushes who barely know them PFFT!

Suga: Hyung!!

Jin: What?

Suga: Can you shut up? I am trying to sleep


Jennie, Lisa, Rose Pov:

We nearly finished ending Dr. Gentona's men when we saw Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung standing in front of us.

Jimin: Well, well, well , look who we have here (sly smirk)

Lisa: Ugh! What do you want?

Jungkook: Well we just came here to fight you or should I say a mini battle

Rose: *starts laughing* Really you guys came here just for that??

Jungkook: Yes, we did

Jennie:Do you know what you're getting yourselves into?

Taehyung: Then are you ready?

Jennie/Lisa/Rose: BORN READY!

Then while we were fighting PJ got hurt and was almost killed until Rose stopped him

Rose: Don't you dare touch him!

Jungkook {In mind}: Rose looks so cute when she is mad, Aishh I'm falling for her...

Meanwhile: Doctor Gentona: Move out of the way little girl!, or I will kill you as well

Then out of nowhere, Pennywise kicked Rose out of the way

Jennie: ROSE! *she ran to you*

Lisa: Are you ok?

Rose: Yeah *coughs out blood*

Jennie: U are not fine girl

Lisa: Yeah, Jennie Unnie is right!

Jungkook {In mind}: When Rose got kicked it was a huge stab to my heart

When all the attention was to Rose, Doctor Gentona turned to PJ

Doctor Gentona: Well why not finish what we started right PJ

*Pennywise injected us AGAIN!*

What will happen this time?....