
Chapter 22 : Tailing

NIng Xi and Xiao Bai woke up late in the afternoon the next day. This was the first time in a long time since Ning Xi had slept so peacefully. She always woke up either very late in the night or very early in the morning because of nightmare.

She always felt safe and secure whenever Xiao Bai slept over at her home.

She could not bring herself to trust anyone after all the harms she had suffered. One of her philosophy is,"What is the use of trusting someone who will eventually betray you at the end? Trust is earned through sincerity".

Waking up Xiao Bai was so surprised to find herself in a strange room. She didn't remember how she got to that room at all. She panicked, "Oh my god! Where am I?What happened last night?". She tried to calm herself down to get familiar with the room . Xiao Bai noticed that someone was sleeping beside her. All her thoughts was that the person sleeping next to her was a man," Damn! Don't tell me I have been taken advantage of in my drunken state? I have overcome all odds just to preserve my v.i.r.g.i.nity. F*ck the man who did this to me",She said looking very dejected.

She gently turn her head to see the beast who had done this to her. She was so relieved to see that the person sleeping next to her was Ning Xi .

Ning Xi had already woken up the moment she started fidgeting and she marked to puke blood by Xiao Bai testimony to she looses her virginity because of her, What the HELL ! . Xiao was too restless to notice that. Ning Xi was very sensitive to sounds and movement.

Ning Xi took the initiative to greet her first by kicking her out of the bed , "Morning darling".


" Xi'er! What the hell how can you kick me ? You scare the hell out of me?".

Xiao Bai had low alcohol tolerance while Ning Xi could drink ten bottles of wine without getting drunk.

"Why are you behaving as though you have seen a ghost? Are you not the one who persuaded me to drink with those guys but you got drunk after having just a few drinks? I bet you don't recall what you did to that guy", Ning Xi replied.

" OMG! don't tell me I did that to the cute looking guy? ",she asked looking scared.

Xiao Bai has the habit of kissing any guy she came across whenever she was drunk. She had gotten rid of the habit but she did not understand what triggered it again.

" You didn't,I prevented you from kissing him but you gave him a peck, anyone who tries to take advantage of you must first go through me before he can get to you, don't you trust me for that?".

"Yeah I trust my darling the most", she replied happily.

" Xi'er! it has been at least four months since we last go for shopping, how about we go on a shopping spree huh..huh...?she asked while batting her eyes in a cute manner.

"OK, you know I can't resist you whenever you act cute right? Ning Xi asked.

" Woo hoo! that's my girl",she replied happily.

"Should I go into the bathroom first or you?Ning Xi asked.

" Of course not, I have to go in first so that I will be able to select our outfits for the shopping",Xiao Bai replied.

"You can choose the outfits but you cannot pick an outfits that is considered indecent alright?", She replied warning.

She was scared that her friend might chose a short skimming gown again for her.

" OK, I will try to find a decent one for you".

After taking their bathe,they wore their clothes and entered the elevator downstairs to have their lunch. Since they woke up late in the afternoon they had missed their breakfast.

When they were through with eating they sat down to have a chat about the events that took place last night in the club.

"Xi'er!did you notice the way Mr. Handsome was staring at you?I think Mr.Handsome is interested in you?"Xiao Bai said teasingly.

"That Poker face guy likes me?Are you kidding me?"She asked sharply.

"Yeah Xi'er,I'm sure of it or even though he does not have interest in you I bet he has met you before? He was so surprised to see you there",She answered truthfully.

Although other people might have misunderstood Mr. Handsome stares at her best friend but she was not stupid not to notice the look of surprise on his handsome face when he had gazed at Ning Xi .She realized that Mr. Handsome was really good at concealing his expressions but she could detect the look of familiarity when he was staring at her best friend.

"I don't recall ever meeting him before. He is lucky that I haven't encountered him before because I'm very sure that he would have been dead by now if that guy had ever come in contact with me.if not for any other reason but due to his nasty behavior towards ladies",She stated seriously.

"Xi'er! maybe Mr. Handsome is not as bad as you assume. He was not the person who treated us as a club hostess first, it was his cute little brother Ting Tan who did",She tried to explain.

"That is true but they should not have assumed that we were p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.es. That was so wrong of them and how did you know his name?",She asked Xiao Bai curiously.

"Oh...I forced the name out of him. He was so reluctant to reveal his name to me so I used my charms to get the word out of him since my cute charm has always worked on you, I used it on him too and he was not able to resist it", She smile feeling satisfied of within her.

"He seems to be interested in you. He was not drunk when you wanted to kiss him last night but he didn't reject your advances on him?",She said teasingly.

"Oh....",She exclaimed in amazement.

"Xiao Bai , someone was tailing us yesterday and I think they were the ones who sent the person to track our location but I was able to mislead the person so he was not able to track our location. I would have vent all my anger on that person yesterday if not for the fact that you were too drunk?"She uttered viciously.

"You are the bravest Xi'er. You know what Xi'er?I can never get enough glimpse of your house?"She exclaim excitedly.

"In what way?"Ning Xi asked innocently.

"Apart from the interior designs I chose for you three years ago everything looks so different? I visited your Mansion few days ago but I can barely recognized your Mansion. Your Mansion was redecorated both your couches,paintings,portraits and other things were replaced to a more quality and super expensive ones. Your house looks so extravagant, I bet anyone who steals even the smallest bit of accessories from your Mansion will become a millionaire or multimillionaire without having to suffer to earn the money , after all you're now Military Chief and have six influential brothers and grandpa." She praised her best friend.

"Darling,I can get a more expensive ones for you?"she said honestly.

"Xi'er! I don't need a house as of now my schedule is very tight",

"Yeah,you will be travelling out next week for your upcoming shoots, and you will be back at least two months after your flight"

"Yes Xi'er,it's time for our shopping spree.I'm so eager that I can't endure it any longer ",She reminded Ning Xi.

"Which mall are we going to?"Ning Xi asked.

"Of course we are going to Fashion Empire, it has all the latest designer collections",She replied with a look of enthusiasm.

"Sure let's go".