
Chapter 21 : Useless

I have a feeling I did really saw her somewhere too but I don't know where.

Especially her eyes. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

"Bravo! Fisrt bro ,I can't believe you were able to figure out the solution to this difficult puzzle within such a short period of time . You are so awesome First bro", Ting Tan applauded with enthusiasm , he couldn't believe that his First brother was acting nonchalant about their conversation was quietly listening to them.

Yun Yi was also surprised at the realization that the two ladies were actually on disguise. Wow! WHAT ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ a striking realization,"First bro what a fantastic conclusion. Why didn't I think of this possibility earlier?"Yun asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, I can't believe I was not able to arrive with such results. I have been trying to analyse all the informations we have gathered about these two pretty ladies so far but my analysis has always prove abortive", Ting Tan complained with a sulking expression.

"With First bro high IQ ,he can easily figure out such little facts without lifting his fingers unlike you whose brain needs quality time amount of time before it could assimilate any information",Yun Yi replied in a teasing manner.

"Hey, Yun Yi my IQ is not inferior to yours at least",Ting Tan pouted childishly. Yun Yi and Ting Tan were two interesting heirs who often behaves in such a childish manner whenever they were not in the public.The ladies usually referred to them as the,TWO DEVILSH HANDSOME ANGELS. They grew up with Kim Tan ,so they have been friends for a long time. Although their opinions always seems contradictory they always deliberately act in such a manner in order to cheer their First brother up.

Kim Tan gave them a piercing look which made them shiver in fear, ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“ they knew when to adjust to their original standards.

" bro ,with this new development and it means that it is impossible to know the actual identity of this two mysterious ladies whereabout",Yun Yi said helplessly.

"We are at a dead end. This might look like a new development but actually it looks like we have been drag back to the beginning of this case",Ting Tan replied sadly , he really wanted to find this two ladies identity or at least their whereabouts but with this new confirmation, it looks like they will have to drop the search for the ladies.๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

"I can't believe this ladies are more mysterious than we have imagine",Yun Yi replied in disbelief.๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ง

Ting Tan immediately stood up from his former position where he was sitting down. He stood close to the entrance of the room,"First bro, I really love that fierce looking lady. I think she would have been the only lady who would have been able to tame your domineering and cold attitude ",Ting Tan said while winking at Yun Yi to support his words. This was their only chance of getting back at their First brother so he could not let this chance slip him by without taking advantage of that opportunity.

Yun Yi immediately stood up and took his stance close to Ting Tan.

"Yeah Ting that is absolutely true, they are perfect for each other. It is so awesome that our future sister-in-law is a perfectionist in the arts of disguise and I think First bro is so pissed of that she is the first person that First bro has ever failed to find in this lifetime".

The temperature in the room dropped drastically, the aura surrounding Kim Tan suddenly become cold, the room felt chilly. Ting Tan immediately advance towards them Kim Tan and Yun Yi took to their heels.Ting Tan and Yun Yi were quick to run to safety. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ They have annoyed their First brother over the limit that he could tolerate. They knew very well what would have been their punishments if they had not took to their heels. Kim Tan was not the kind of person to take pity on anyone who has provoked him and no body has ever dared to provoke him before except the two duos.

Kim Tan had been thinking that it was not impossible to identify this lady if he ever cross path with her. He had purposely dragged the lady to his lap last night because he wanted to remember how her figure looks like within a close distance. He has the ability to distinguish her perfect figure from any other lady's figures but he was not certain about what he should do in order to find her. For the first time in his life Kim Tan felt so useless and helpless at the moment