
Fire [Part 1]

"Master, they're closing in," hissed Mal, his voice low but urgent.

Aziz kept moving, weaving through the dense underbrush, but he knew it was pointless to keep running. 

The flock of crows still circled overhead, their sharp black wings cutting through the faint beams of light that filtered into the cavernous forest. 

Hundreds of eyes watched his every move, marking him like prey. He could Wraith Walk to escape, but even that would only give him fleeting moments of invisibility. 

Not enough to outrun what was coming.

Crow Von Flockson and his men had been hunting him, pushing him deeper and deeper into the forest.

Aziz had intentionally drawn them away from the Kings Hand camp, far enough that no reinforcements could easily reach them. 

He would soon near the edge of the lake, created by a river that carved its way through the heart of Peklo Forest.