
Undying, Panam

In the 'country of dreams', Otem. Panam is nearing the end of her high school years. However tragedy struck taking the lives of everyone she cares about and makes it her mission to bring justice to those who wronged her. She now walks on a tight rope, between reaching her goals the right way or fall into the underbelly of Otem.

Siya_0372 · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Outfitted Killer


I sat at the back of a police car, the sun has already rose to mid day by now.

I was held under witness protection while they were working on the incident, interrogation took especially long too as well.

They don't know who killed those guys, I have my suspicions on who...

Apparently my attackers were students from Miguria, I suppose Detective has thugs in the school as well. Since I'm 17 they sent me to a foster home to live at.

After I settled in my things in the room shared with another person, I took my knife and phones.

Exiting the building I called him, (Old Man Consequences) the phone is answered I asked, "I'm in, what's the jobs?"

I spent a week preparing for this 'job', mentally mostly some of it stalking, and apparently I was a master at it.

Though stalking him wasn't the objective here, it was abduction.

My target was a man quite skinny even with the hoodie hiding most of his form and a backpack that hung on one shoulder.

He was texting on his cell phone, he was with 3 others who are talking to each other with cigarettes in their mouths.

The information I got about him was that he's a mule for guns.

So get him in an alley would be perfect for an abduction.

I have experienced it after all.

He stood up and began to move I walked along him across the street until he turned into an alley and I crossed the street to follow suite.

I pulled the knife out my pocket planning to catch him off guard and lead him out of town, but my plan broke down when the long barrel of a gun faced me.

The silencer extended it's length, this has been the third time I have ever seen a gun now, but the ominous feeling each time never really goes away.

I paused in placed I he already won, I raised my hands in resignation.


He used up four bullets on me, three hitting my chest and one to the eye.

I fell to the ground like a puppet, whose strings had been cut.

I died already! I died...

That was my last thought before everything faded to black.

My feeling began to return to me, I felt like I could move.

I looked at the path in the alley and people walked past it none of what happened.

I got up to my feet facing him, the wounds in my chair are still there, but my eye was the only thing that healed

I had a theory about what happened, but I don't have time to think about it now.

The man was quickly reloading his gun, slowly walking back with a expression that suggested panic.

I need to pacify him. I though.

When I tried making the next step I couldn't help but stay still, there was an inconspicuous feeling of a sudden disconnect from my body.

My sense were all sharpened, my body took off the mask I had on revealing my mouth salivating, the skin around harden.

The thick jet-black ink coated my appendages, now my eyes seemed locked on the man and the alley seemed noticeably brighter.

Detecting his shaking hand holding up the loaded gun, my body broke into a sudden sprint closing the distance between us.


The shots were fired, one struck my jaw, another my shoulder and the onther missed me entirely as I was within the range of his outstretched hand.

Before he could fire the last shot, I could feel my body muster ruthless might.

I, well better say my body, grabbed his arm and twisted it with speed that he couldn't flow with the movement.

Instead his arm was swirled around it's socket, and as I yanked to my body it inevitably popped out of place, through my acute hearing I could hear a sound reminiscent of paper ripping in his arm.

he was about to scream in pain, when his throat is met by a petrified muscled maw sinking into his neck, crushing his windpipe and tearing through flesh.

To my dismay, due to my acute sense, including sensation, I could feel everything with gory detail.

From the feeling of live twitching flesh writhe on my tongue, the windpipe blow into my mouth as he tried making a muted scream, hot steaming blood pumping into my mouth.

The one thing that truly made me feel disgust, was the action of swallowing the spurting blood.

I wanted to vomit right then and there, but I couldn't, nor make a horrified scream.

My wounds started healing, I couldn't look down at my body, but the pain I felt started residing.

My body dropped then dropped the man, who is now vainly trying to stop the blood left from leaving and desperately trying to make one last breathe. His eyes wide open when he stops his struggle.

I am suddenly let control to myself, the alterations were reverted back the maw seaming to wither into dust, I attempted to run away.

Feeling strength leave me I collapsed under my feet to the ground again, I couldn't move not even my fingertips.

It was bad timing because I heard foot steps approach me.

A familiar voice bellow out, "Fuckin' monster. You're something else entirely, huh."

Konstantine circled around me looking from me to the corpse.

Kneeling besides me, "you got some explaining to do, but first the body."

He get's up disappearing from my eye sight, I felt my arms and leg get tied and a cold needle enter my wrist.

"There is hope for you after all." I heard him, the words echo in my mind as I felt unimaginably sleepy.


I found myself in Konstatine's cabin.

In the scrap yard, inside it was run, down the wood seem rotten and the floors creaked under each step weighty step he took.

His figure moved about lit by The rooms illuminated by the candles laid around.

A thick smell permeated the house, is smelt like flesh being burnt, the vague sound of sizzling reached my ear.

I was told to sit on one of the smaller of the two decrepit couches, waiting in the dimly lit room.

the sun's lit hid behind the horizon, a rat scurried about the room I sat fearfully roam about.

Praying the Empress' mercy that it doesn't decide to veer too close to me, I swear I will start screaming. I declared in my mind.

It found it's way onto the table in front of me, but I froze, taking steady low breaths.

I finally noticed me, it glared at me, lowering it's stance to me.

I was eye to eye with a beady eyed rodent for moments that felt to go on for too long.

That's when Konstantine came back with a bucket with blood at it's rims, the rat turned it's attention to him.

He is seating at the sofa opposite to me, placed the bucket on a stand beside him.

"He lives with me." He says, dropping the bucket with a hollow clang, "I call it Jill." he adds.

the rat tips the bucket over, the began licking the thick darkened blood on the bucket, "It enjoys eating the leftovers."

His glare looked seem indescribable and the intent behind his words felt foreboding.

Crossed his arms, he leaned back breaking the eerie silence, "You know... tend to deal with people I know. Welp. time to talk, what was that you did before."

I paused not sure how to answer that question, "what do you... mean?"

"Your name, surname, birthday, where do you live and who do you live with?"

"Well, I-"

"Don't say any of those I already know all that." He interrupted me, I furrowed my brows, still quite unsettled that he know that much about me.

"What do you mean then?"

"You did whatever that was in the alley, what was that, how'd you do it, who taught you?"

I took a pause to piece together my thoughts and theories to my situation then prepared to voice my thoughts in a cohesive explanation.

He looked in consideration scratching his thick beard.

I often wondered about, if I had to tell someone about this ability to avoid death. What would I tell them, how much could I tell before I sound insane, but I didn't have time to mull that over further.

I took a deep breath, "I don't know myself. Simply the fact that when I die, I come back. With the other fact now, is that when I do my body takes control."

"With beasty abilities and unique method of killing." Konstantine added.

"Well I couldn't control myself, literally had no control. That's why I fell over." I nervously shrugged.

He glanced at the bucket, to the room, then back at me.

"You could maybe stand a chance offing Cirkinsal then... With some help." Konstantine grabbed the rat half way into the bucket, it squirming in his grip, "I can only offer you one type of revenge youngin', and it's the only one you can get in your position. just cost a few more favours, bloody ones too that ought to be in ya element. Unless, you can't handle it. This time I'll he you experiment with that."

I averted my gaze from him staring at my feet, the though of trying to carry on with life feel anxiety inducing.

That's because of the fact the anytime any where, this detective, Cirkinsal can screw my like at any time, Fool me twice...

"I made my mind the day I called you, As long as these people are evil. I have a reason to sleep peacefully at night." I reasoned, mostly for my sake.

I basically died on the first job, it would have been the end of Panam Frei a long time ago if it wasn't for these abilities.

Konstantine chuckled, "You really don't know what you are saying, but I do know what you mean. I'll walk you through it, I'll baby sit you for 3 jobs? That should be enough to compensate. I can't go to the city much." He noticed the rat in his hand, "Well, don't need you."

He gripped the rat's belly then squeezed, the rat made more frequent squeals, the insides seem to invert from it's mouth.

he dropped the now lifeless corpse of the rat, his grip marks apparent on the fur.

He raised the same bloody hand for a handshake, I looked at it mortified.

"This is how I make deals. If you or I do anything that breaks it, is nothing more than a rat."

I reluctantly took it, the texture is rough and his gentle grip hid had power behind it as he shook it.


POV: Gudder Roien

Otem is the country of wet dreams of people that around the world 'it's safe, secure and there's enough jobs to go around for everybody. Who wouldn't want to live in it?' the thing about a perfect country, is that they don't exist.

things like allowed guns, street racing and gambling are illegal.

That makes the demand, so much higher, like me. The chance to get in a country no could get into, made me want to even more.

They say those who managed to get in one way or another and caught would meet The Queens' hand or worse, what a rigid country right?

The cop are too, well most because I'd have lost my head otherwise.

Well because of that plenty of people are gonna do the things they aren't supposed to; like buying guns from a blackmarket dealer like me, if it's for a good buck I'd risk my head any day.

From rich high nobles of society all the way to the most feared criminal organisations and cartel want in on my goods.

To do that without the cops' eyes on it requires skilful and sly manoeuvring.

Of course I wouldn't know because I'm just a cog in this big machine.

My mules should be back by now dropping the gun to me, where we meet the buyers, I have all of them except one.

I puffed a cloud of smoke in the air, dropping my used up cigarette bud joining the pile at my feet.

I lit another in my mouth, and in my motions was tapping my foot impatiently.

We've been waiting so long for him that I'm on my last smoke.

I'm supposed to be at a apartment building, pretty run down, but it was where we usually trade since not a lot of people stay there and not a lot of witnesses.

The meet up spot was at the 5th floor of 8 room 27, I checked my as it struck 9:34 the meet up time was 9:40.

He's 2 hours late! That bastard did a fast on one us, I clicked my tongue. I'll cut the bastards hand off if I ever find him- that's a promise.

"let's go, we're running late!" I Hollered, the group entered the van and started the engine.

Sure enough we arrived in 10 minutes late, we were hurriedly went into the apartment.

I knocked the door to the room, "it's me!" I shouted, there was silence inside the room and then foots steps approached the door and opened. A woman dressed in a provocative dress was at full display for me to get an eyeful.

She stepped away in boredom, walked to her seat at the couch next to the customer.

Behind him was 3 people with rifle in hand, he is in a striped suit and round glasses.

Compared to me his suit was spotless in contrast to me and the dull room.

He's voice became very light and positive, "You're here, I was starting to think you ditched. That was gonna create problems, you don't like problems… do you?"

I audibly gulped, "No, it's just one of our mules was late." I walked my boys in front of the table opposite to him dropping the duffle bag.

He leaned forward and opened the bag, 3 rifles and what should have been 6 pistols inside.

He made a long whistle, "This is quite a few, 8 guns. You guys are the real deal indeed. How much?"

I walked forward as the two backed beside me, "80,000Toks... each."

He's shoulders lowered, his smiled stretched and fell back to the couch stretching his arms around the girl.

He chuckled lightly, "No, no, no."

"Is that a problem?" I replied, raising a brow.

"Very much a problem! I was under the assumption that you lot were professionals. Not a bunch of rag-tag-ruffians who are tardy, inorganized and complacent." He reasoned, "That's why to make up for it, I need promotion offer. To keep up your reputation. 20% off, so... 64 000Toks, each of course."

"64 000Toks each?" I muttered. that was still half a mil but I still gotta slit it and that wouldn't cover my expenses. "Nah, 100,000 for all of them. I don't think that'll do, that's not even half."

The guards gripped their rifle tighter, my boys reached for their pistols at their side.

I realised that atmosphere became thick and heavy, I'm beginning to contemplate my decision.

He smiled still, "Alright I'll compromised, 70 000Toks that or nothing."

He folded, I can keep pressing, "I don't think so, you either pay in full or I'll find another buyer." I declared in deep tone, looking at him straight in the eyes through his shaded round glasses.

He threw his hand up, "hmph, fine you-"


Our heads snapped at the door that broke open, emerging into the frames was some lady.

She wore a pair of sneakers, sweater pants, red shirt, a cloth mask covered her mouth and her eyes were darkened and sharp.

She drew her shotgun out from the frame.

We all pulled our guns out to shoot in response.


Ear piercing shots echoed in the room simultaneously, I felt light headed but I knew I wasn't shot.

I whipped my head to the client, his head was split apart it's contents splattered onto the girl's face.

The lady, now back on the floor. She must've rolled forward evading the bullets fired by the guards, her shotgun levelled.


The guards were peppered with buckshot, riddled with holes, the girl was screaming bloody murder.

I turned back in the place of the girl was now a bulky man in an overcoat, rifle aimed and readied around the frame of the door, "Oi! Aim there!" I yelled.

A blunt impact pushed me on the floor, the girl hopped on the couch directly in front of my boys.

One of them was getting shanked by the girl grabbing his gun away from her.


My other boy shot at her side finishing his chamber on her, she turned her attention to him.

"ANTON!!" This chick is insane! I hurried on my feet.

I didn't have a gun on me, so I moved towards her grabbing her arm and head bashing it against the wall.

She struggled under my hand as I held her in place rather easily, as I constricted my hand around her neck.

Who are these people, and how did they know our meet up. Was that mule a snitch! He sold us out!


A body was heard dropping on the floor. One of my boys? The old man paced through the room with a smoking barrel as he throws his rifle on his back. I received a hard kick to the side falling to the ground again.

"You're not strong enough to fight them close up like that. N.K. Fight smarter than harder instead." The deep voice reverberated to my ear it sounded so casually.

He grabbed my neck pinning it down, I struggled underneath his grip struggling to breathe.

I couldn't even budge it as my lungs ran out of oxygen to supply my brain and my mouth began to foam.

"D-did I kill any of them?" Her voice sounded, this bloody chick killed my boys, I'll... kill... her! my consciousness started fading.

the man looked around, the pained groans echoed the room answering, "No, they ought to succumb to their injuries though. Don't worry I'll finish them off."

"The girl? Will you kill her?"

"No, she won't tell anyone about this. Won't you?"

I couldn't think anymore, I just heard voices echo in my mind as everything fade to black.