
Our love story

People's love story starts with pleasant situations.But ours, started with war.At our intial stage in high school, i met Elliot and he was so annoying. I was always pissing him off so was he.In our first year in high school we fought alot and couldn't stand each other.I don't remember much of it but it wasn't something worth watching.We didn't know this hate can turn into such a good and strong attraction , which i called love by then.

I don't know what happened in year two but we drew quite close.That is where we found out we weren't as bad is we thought of each other.I found out he was sweet and funny and that was enough for me. I had already falling for him, and was afraid to lose his friendship.Well in 2022 where i am right now we are not friends anyways we have drifted apart, our relationship now, u can say is just a cordial one.It breaks my heart, but whose cares. So as we grew closer my feelings for him became deeper, I just prayed he felt the same.He eventually did but wait....there was an obstacle blocking us from getting together. It was this girl from another department, i saw them to be a thing but i was definitely mistaken , he loved me instead.I was no where near the girl , she was perfect..... all i had was my brains and that got me my love