
Underworld's Underlings

The heartthrob of every woman, Raul D'Ambrosio. Handsome, aloof, and former actor. Now, the ruthless CEO of D & A Enterprises. He played with life and people until he met his rival. Eleonora. Eleonora Von Berg, the pampered heir to Von Berg Winery. The chic, beautiful, and talented architect. She challenged her life as much as she could, only for the thrill of it. Until she met her opponent, Raul. "Don't you have an ounce of brain?" He growled as he trapped her between the wall and his body. "Raul, please...", her eyes brimming with tears, she manages to choke out. "You're hurting me..." But he wouldn't listen. He cupped her cheek roughly tilting her head to look at him. "All of it... All of it has no fucking meaning if I lost you." His eyes were wild and bloodshot. But he wasn't easing his grip on her waist. Eleonora stared back at his pleading eyes. As he wiped her tears, she cupped his face, connecting their foreheads. "No Raul, I need you. The baby needs you. I can't lose you..." Shock colored his face for a moment before he met her lips with his in a passionate kiss. They liked the other, on the surface. But when their passion for ambition, family, and the skeletons that come to light threatens to consume them, will they join forces? Will the unknown tear them apart?

Wil_Hel_Mina · perkotaan
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Raul rushed them through lunch to get back to the site only to have Eleonora start lecturing him on his decisions every now and then. She had been subtle about it, but it didn't mean he was any less irate.

"I get it, Ms. Von Berg. You have a lot of opinions regarding my decision making. But you're forgetting your place a little too often."

If looks could kill, her look would have charred him into coal. "You know what-," she started with venom, but caught herself just in time.

Raul was no fool. He was egging her on all day, just to irritate her with utterly stupid suggestions. Although it didn't go unnoticed by the other competitors, Helton was trying to reason with Raul after every idiotically outrageous suggestion. He once asked if Raul was testing them. All he got was a 'You've got to be kidding me look' from the man himself and he effectively shut up.

Raul wasted no time in taunting her. "What? You done already? If you want out, I can facilitate it." He rubbed his chin as if in deep thought. When his next words came out, he had a look of pure gloating and mockery.

"But, Ms. Von Berg, you have reason to be here, have you not?"

Eleonora knew that look, for she often sported it when it came to rivalry and she was game on. "Why yes, Mr. D'Ambrosio, I do. Plenty, in fact," she gave him a sweet smile. She picked up her speed, walking past him to stand next to a damaged mural.

"The most important one is you."

With a devious smile and honeyed voice, her final response caught him off guard as he approached the mural but moved a rock on the wall opening a secret passage. A stone hench appeared in the clearing, piquing everyone's interest.

They moved closer but stopped short in shock at the sight in front of them. It had a modern lever that has looked well used recently. Eleonora was the first to snap out of it as she started pulling the lever before Raul stepped up, gently pushing her hand away.

"I've got this."

Those simple words amazed her. It was yet another occasion when he had been kind when he didn't have to. This brought on another thought to her mind.

That maybe he wasn't a misogynistic barbarian, but he was actually concerned that if he had hired a woman for the said job he'd not only have little physical strength but he'd also have to take steps to protect her every step of the way. The thought brought a small smile on her face and her voice softened.

"I won't drag it down. I can pull my own weight."

"I know." He mumbled a little too brashly as he turned away, shrugging his shoulders. A concealed chuckle escaped Ercole and Helton, earning them a glare from Raul.

The lighthearted moment vanished when the heavy-looking trapdoor opened, revealing an underground room. The team was immediately on high alert as Ercole and Raul gripped their holsters. They cautiously descended into the dark room, their only light source being their torches.

Nothing could have prepared Raul and Eleonora for the scenery they came face to face with. "Those shipments... what's the meaning of this?" She stressed to Raul, who looked confused and horrified.

D&A Enterprises was inscribed in bold on every single package. Hundreds and hundreds of white packages in heaps, stacked up to the ceiling. He turned to Eleonora and sharply bit out.

"I have no part in that. Trust me, Ms. Von Berg." She was surprised by his words and so was he. Just as she turned, she slipped on a polythene wrapper, grabbing on to Raul to steady herself.

"What do you-"

"Wait, look. There's another pathway." She pointed to the back of the room, which now shone from the torch she dropped.

"Wow, that place is calling me." With mock enthusiasm, she took careful steps through the door, Raul following closely behind her. If they thought the previous room was horrifying, this cellar looked evil incarnate.

The stench was sickening with a mix of blood, rust and alcohol. Especially, wine. Eleonora covered her nose as her hands began to shake a little. It was clear they were indeed in a very dangerous place. But she knew she couldn't drag them down.

While she was shaken up from the place, Raul was still in shock on seeing his company logo inscribed onto hundreds of packets of drugs.

Yet, he knew he had the responsibility of removing this woman from this place safe and sound before this incident involved her. If they hadn't come down here he was going to tell her she was a perfect fit for the job. But lately nothing good seemed to be happening to him. He knew he had to rescind her offer as soon as they got back.

Fate wouldn't be so kind to him now when he really needed it, would it?

Eleonora walked forward in a daze, measuring her steps carefully. Raul was one step behind her with Helton following beside them, mostly beside Eleonora if she needed any support. Ercole now had his gun out watching carefully around them. The atmosphere was clearly dark in its true sense.

The cellar reeked of old rustic blood with every step they took and a little too sweetly of ageing old wine. When they were deep into the cellar Eleonora's heart stopped as her now sweaty face paled in fear.

There were splotches of blood pained across the wall in various places. A lot of the splotches were either a head taller than her or just her height or close to the ground. Some looked pointed like a bullet being fired and some were spread out like someone had been beaten to death.

She felt her entity shake as someone took her hand in theirs. She looked at Helton, who, despite his sweaty palms, tried to offer her a reassuring smile. Just then, two hands gripped her shoulders, pulling her back into a firm chest. Raul wasn't immune to the scene in front of him. A fact which his vice-like grip and hoarse voice reflected.

"It's okay. We'll be getting out of here."

She shook her head, pointing her torch to the bottom of a barrel, shining the eagle crest of Von Berg winery. Silent tears and sobs shook her form as she held still with him holding her. She didn't sag against him. Nor was she in control of her stiff body. She was petrified. Terrified and petrified.

"Raul, you're hiring me."