

Kacchan's POV

"Hey? Are you done with me?" I wake up to the scratchy voice and slowly shake the heavy fog like sleep from my head. I opened my eyes to see One sleeping curled up in my lap which made me smile a bit. I gave him a light kiss on his forehead and saw that he was slowly waking up as well. I look around and see Dabi still on the table, the table is cold metal and is inclined but he is just relaxed laying on it, waiting to hear our answer.

We had to erase his memories already, it was the only way to heal him without his mind absolutely going crazy with either panic or maybe even seizures. If he takes our deal though he will be watching what it is that we do to those on it.

"Don't you know sleep is good for you?" I grumble, while at the same time holding One closer, tighter in my arms. I snuggled back into his angel soft, blond hair getting a sweet giggle from my lover.

One let out a low purr letting me know what I already knew; we were both dangerously low on our levels. If we hadn't taken the last week off from school we probably wouldn't be able to move right now. Dabi has been exhausting and time consuming.

"I know baby, I know. We'll need to take a few days off after this but at least we'll be back in time for you know what," I whispered snuggling into his neck. Of course that would only get us mostly functional again. We will still need to take another day or so off after the fact just to be safe. We did promise both Mom and Dad after all that we would be safe.

"Huh, so you can actually understand him like that?" Dabi asked, irritating me to no end, but Deku noticed and cooed at me, calming me down again. Right, we need to stay in character. Why did I have to be nice waking up though?

I ignored the fire user opting to instead cuddle into my lover's neck, which only resulted in said lover to growl at me in warning.

"But I'm still sleepy!" I pouted trying to get him to let me go back to sleep. Which of course failed because he then let out a low purring growl that had the hair on my arms standing on end.

"Fine! Anything but that!" I jumped almost knocking him off of me which I apologized for repeatedly. If Dabi wasn't confused before he certainly is now.

"We have an offer for you but first we should go over a few things first. First, today is January 27th. Yes, it took that long. Seriously, how long were you going to keep all of that dirt on all of those people?" I gave him a funny look. "Don't worry we will take care of them. All of them. Fucking bunny girl won't know what hit her when we are done with her." I grumble only to get elbowed in the gut from One.

"Fuck it's true and you know it!" I snapped and he rolled his eyes at me and I sighed. "Fine, we'll do it your way… At first anyway." I blocked the second elbow attack. Dabi was staring open mouthed at the exchange. He was easily able to follow what I was saying of course I was talking in plain Japanese, but Deku on the other hand. Well he had to piece it together from my responses.

"Second, would you consider becoming a hero? A real one not one looking for revenge, glory or any of that shit. Remember what we already did to Endeavor, the false heroes are being removed and being put firmly in their places." I watched Dabi closely waiting to hear his answer. At first he opened his mouth to argue until I reminded him about his old man then he closed his mouth to actually think about it.

"Third, are you hungry?"

"What?" He looked so completely confused I had to stop myself from laughing.

"I said, are you hungry? One wants to finish healing your burns but we don't want to overtax your body. We can take off the cuffs if you want? We only left them on in case you freaked out once you woke up." I yawned and started stretching only for One to cuddle into me again.

"Oi! You're the one that said we had to get up!" I huffed when I realized he wasn't planning on getting up anytime soon. I listened to his answering purrs, growls and coos, feeling the blood rush to my face. Yes, even while green I was blushing like crazy.

"One don't make promises like that! We still have company and you know that-" My words were cut off thanks to his lips finding mine. It took what felt like moments but was probably a few minutes before he released me and I growled back at him.

I jumped up and carried him with me to a different room leaving Dabi right where he was, all but forgotten.


When we came back, probably hours later, One and I had switched places and he was carrying me. He set me down carefully while I winced and flinched at the uncomfortable chair. Damn it my back is sore and it's all because he couldn't wait until we got to bed. I mean fuck the hideout wasn't even that far away from this base, but did he think of that? No. I listened to his sweet coos and purrs of apologies as he snuggled into my lap again.

At this point I finally looked up to see Dabi red faced and staring but he quickly looked away when it hit him that I could see him. Yeah this base isn't soundproof at all. So he got to hear everything and One did not take it easy on me in the least. If anything I think he likes it when someone is listening whether it's from making people uncomfortable or the fact he uses it to show off how oh so talented he is, well I just don't know.

But at this point I'm just sleepy and frankly horny, so I snuggled into One's neck lightly kissing on him as I do. "Hurry up with your answer, we are low and need some real alone time," I grumbled at the man on our table.

He stared at us in shock for several minutes before he seemed to shake it from his head, "Uh can I think about it? It's a lot to take in. Yeah I feel like I haven't eaten since I got here and I don't know. I would need to think about being a hero. I guess it wouldn't be too difficult considering Endeavor but the hero association wouldn't want me. Would they?" He seemed to be talking more to himself than anything but I shrugged, getting his attention again.

"Forget about them and just tell me, do you want to be a hero? Fuck I don't even know why I asked if you're hungry or not. You haven't kept anything down in days," I pulled out my phone and texted Sixteen. "Hope you like american cause that's what I'm ordering," I mumbled as I hit send. He responded with a thumbs up and I put my phone away.

"It would be amazing to let everyone know that Hawks was mine," he sighed like a love sick teenager. I rolled my eyes, I already know that he doesn't actually love the feathered bastard but I also know that he feels guilty for it. Guilty enough to marry the fucker and pretend his whole life if he had too.

I rolled my eyes, "So that's a yes then. Good, we'll give you your first assignment for the first. Don't worry Hawks will be there too, even if he doesn't know it yet. The Association has already picked him so he should be getting told, about now, actually. We have our ways of knowing, don't worry about it." I added before yawning as if I were bored while I waited for One to hop back into my lap. My phone vibrated and I picked it up to see that Sixteen was already here with food. A lot of food.

What the hell does that mean? One saw the face I made and leaned over to look at my phone and jumped up clapping before running to the door. "Yeah, thanks I'll just wait here since you CRIPPLED me!" I yelled after him but I could clearly hear his giggles in response.

I looked back at Dabi before taking deep calming breaths, "Sorry it's just that we kind of need each other's quirks and you have kept us busy so we haven't gotten enough of them because of it." I am really trying to be nice. Truly I am but if One doesn't get his fine ass over here I'm going to blow my cover and start exploding!

"So the name Drug Lover's isn't just… Oh!" Dabi answered as if it just hit him.

"We are very addictive, don't touch us if you can help it." I'm still grumbling but my tone was overall nicer. I think. Besides, it wasn't a complete lie. My quirk is very addicting on it's own, but with One's it is a lot more potent.

I heard One's light coos from the door and soon enough he came back with Sixteen, both carrying a lot of food. When Sixteen put down the food he turned to Dabi as if appraising him for a minute.

"I see that they have already started with your burns," he then started turning his head this way and that as if he was trying to see him better. "I see, I'll just take a few pictures and we come up with a few different hero costumes for him. Fire isn't easy to create for but I know someone. Then there is the way you use your quirk. Hmm," he continued studying him. He took the photos and pulled out a needle with green and red thread.

"One?" He held it out as if he were offering it to some kind of prince of some shit, I rolled my eyes, not bothering to try and get up. One took the needle and thread.

"Sorry man, but it's time to mark you now. Don't move if you can help it. The placement of the eyes is very important. It tells us who dies when they land on our table," I kind of look away.

"You don't remember everyone you mark?" He asked, shocked.

"No, we actually do. We remember every word they utter, every cut and slice. No it's just…" how do I explain this?

"The day they took your teleporter they were in a blind rage. Even when they get like that, they can still see the mark. It could be the only thing to save your life," Sixteen cut in.

"Thanks so much for making us sound psychotic," I grumble and see him just shrug.

"He is One and you are Two, together you will save us all. It's a small price to pay. Speaking of. After he is stitched up I'll finish up here. The team is already… Wary... of your current levels. And Sandman is more than unsettled that you haven't checked in the last few days."

I groan, "Mother hen." But I smile knowing he actually cares. It's nice having people worry about us. About our actual well being and not what they can get from us or do to us.

I looked back at Dabi, "Better think of a hero name, you won't be going back to the league. Dabi 'died' about an hour ago." I shrugged my shoulders and kept ignoring his shocked and then horrified eyes.

"Don't worry, heroes tend to live longer when we are done with them," I smirked and One rolled his eyes but pulled me in for a kiss. Icyhot walked in still in disguise and froze at the sight of his brother.

"How about Phoenix? Reborn from the ashes and all that jazz?" I raised an eyebrow and Icyhot ended up shouting.

"He passed?" The relief and shock both on his face and in his voice was kind of funny but I just nodded before turning my attention back to One, my kisses taking my attention far, far away.

"I love you," I purred only for him to pick me up and carry me to the closest bed, the League headquarters, once our door was locked my moans were filling the air.

Oh yes.