

Aizawa's POV

Those fights were boring even by my standards, I mean was class B even actually trying? The only one that was even remotely interesting was Dynamight against Real Steel and that was only because he was toying with him so damn much. Oh that's right, I had the unfortunate privilege of seeing his and Red's nasty break up months ago. Dynamight isn't even giving him everything he deserves so I just yawned and watched the show. I mean he hasn't broken any rules and I don't expect him to.

When the day was finally done I insisted that the whole of class B bow and apologize, not to just Deku and Dynamight either, but to the class as a whole. I could even see Monomoa's red face as he did as he was instructed. He was by far the most red but not the most angry. Note to self; keep a close eye on Real Steel...

Classes were dismissed and I was just finishing up with grading papers from the day, Hizashi having brought me some of the best coffee ever from our favorite café. He couldn't stay though, he needed to pick up Koda and Eri from school and I had to work tonight.

As both Eraserhead the pro hero and as Sandman the villain. One right after the other. Tomorrow All Might will be teaching the class all day to hopefully let me catch up on sleep but we will see how that goes. Urg. For now I clean up the classroom and lock it behind me before hurrying not home but to the base. It's much easier to sneak in and out of all the entrances and exits there than at home. Plus people were less likely to notice.


I have been at my post for over half of my shift and I just really want to take a nap. Nothing is going on at all and considering I don't have a partner like the others I was assigned one for guard duty and he won't shut the hell up. I do not give a flying fuck about his Aunt Gertrud and her dogs, I just DON'T.

"So anyway as I was saying my Aunt, she took Frank, another one of her dogs, to see the vet and HE said exactly the same thing!" I'm about to fucking lose it. Wait… I'm undercover...

As a villain.

"Dog shit," I waited for him to look at me which took no time at all because he snapped back around to look at me. "If I hear one more story about your aunt or her dogs I will put you on the table myself and show you why I am a part of the team." I let myself smile and the guy pressed his lips so tightly together I don't think air could have gotten through.

Finally some peace and quiet.

I had started to relax when I actually saw Hawks through the trees. What in the actual fuck is he doing here? How in the hell am I supposed to get him away safely without blowing my cover?

I pulled out my phone as if I were bored and the other guy was too busy staring at the ground to notice the pro hero the very short distance in front of us. I was about to send Hawks a text telling him to leave but what happened next made my blood freeze.

"Yo Hawks! It's been forever since you visited! Do you have any idea how crazy Dabi gets when you stay away for so long?" I look over at the guy I'm partnered with as if glaring at him but I'm in shock. Hawks is a pro hero and he visits one of the core League members? For that matter it seems that he does so regularly. Nezu didn't say anything about having any other heroes undercover here but he called him by his hero name. So he isn't hiding who he is from the L.O.V.

So that leaves…

"Oi Dognapper, watch it. Are you trying to get me caught?" I watched silently from where I'm standing, Hawks is a traitor… I found the traitor but he isn't at UA so how did he do it?

His best friend was Endeavor and Todoroki is his son. He would have gotten all of the school materials sent to him and knowing Endeavor he was probably bragging or more likely insulting the rest of the students to the only person who would listen. Hawks.

"Sorry, sorry. So did you learn anything new?" Dognapper asked, hopefully looking at the traitor with big eyes.

"Enough to come see my boyfriend. Who is this?" Hawks turned his attention to me at this point and I just narrowed my eyes at him and glared.

"Oh this is Sandman or Twenty-Two, he is still fairly new around here. Only been here a few weeks," Dognapper answered for me while I remained silent.

"Ah," he nodded as if understanding everything. "I bet you're surprised to see a pro hero show up but don't worry. I'm only here for my boyfriend, Dabi. I'm not a villain or a traitor, just in love." He smiled at me and I just glared back. I remained silent knowing that if I said anything he would recognize my voice because I was ready to tear him apart.

"Wait. Twenty-Two? So you're one of the Drug Lover's people? I heard that they actually torture you all before they accept you into their ranks. Is that true?" He looked at me curiously and I reached down and lifted my shirt just enough to show my side that the red and green smiley face was stitched on and see him gasp in shock. I dropped my shirt and with my phone still in hand sent a text in the group chat for One, Two, god and myself.

Sandman: Hawks is here. Not undercover and not attacking. He is here to see his boyfriend Dabi.

god: Interesting.

One: This actually explains a lot on how they have gotten their information until now.

Two: One…

One: I know. Sandman standby. Do not engage unless you have to.

Sandman: Obviously.

I turned my attention back to Hawks and Dognapper who were still talking about how crazy the rest of my team was to endure that kind of thing. I carefully clear my throat making sure to keep my voice disguised.

"We don't volunteer to be put on their table, we earn their offer after the fact," I turn my attention back to guard duty as if what I said was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wait. Offer? What is their offer?" I turned to Hawks who was staring wide eyed at me. My phone vibrated and I checked it. It was exactly what I was expecting.

"You can't know if you don't pass their test and so far only 20 have. Far more have died. Are you really that curious?" I asked him almost daring him to volunteer to torture. This will be so good, if he does then we can find out if he really is a traitor or not. Either way he is in big trouble, you can't just visit your villain boyfriend and work as a hero. It just doesn't work that way.

"Are you offering? Wait, is this an offer to join the Drug Lover's!?!" Hawk was almost yelling at this point and I grunted as if the noise hurt my ears.

"My shift is over in an hour if you're interested come here then," I grumble and turn away while waving him off. I can't seem too interested, none of us have ever offered like this before BUT Hawks is still a hero and we can't have another Endeavor. Never another Endeavor.

I ignored their gawking and Hawks finally left to go see his boyfriend leaving me with Dognapper who was staring at me again. I check my phone and see no new messages, just the last one.

god: question him. Discreetly if you can. Put him on your table if you can do so without drawing too much attention.

I sent a response.

Sandman: He wants to join the Drug Lover's people. So I offered to let him be tested. I think he will be back at the end of my shift.

One: Two and I are already at the throw away base.

Two: Yeah they will probably try to follow you guys here.

Sandman: I'll take care of it.

We didn't say anything else and the rest of my shift went uneventfully until my relief showed up. It was Four and Five, Kirishima and Todoroki. I raise an eyebrow at them and they nod. Good they are aware of the plan.

Hawks seemed to appear out of nowhere and neither of my students bat an eye at the pro hero standing in front of them.

"Oh more new people?" Hawks asked curiously. Dognapper introduced them like he did me, villain name and then code name. "So did you already pass on that I might be taking your test? They don't seem surprised to see me."

"One and Two approved so of course the rest of the team knows," I roll my eyes and see my students eyeing him cautiously. Thankfully they seemed to do it in a way that looked like they were judging him and harshly at that.

"Do you not like new members?" Hawks asked fidgeting under their gazes.

"First you would have to survive. I told you far more have died than passed and you're the first to volunteer to be tested. None of us know how to take you," I answered calmly and then had a creepy smile. "We all want to watch and they have to work, the fact that you were Endeavor's best friend well…" I left my sentence hanging. Everyone saw at least a small portion of what was done to Endeavor and that wasn't pretty.

"Oh I was only friends with him so I could get information on his family for my boyfriend. He still worries about whether they were treated decently. Thanks to the Drug Lover's and their video though they are being treated better than ever before. So I don't need to do that anymore." He smiled happily and I just turned away and started walking. It took about eight seconds for Hawks to realize I was leaving and for him to follow me.

I took him to a secluded area where One and Two were waiting and kept walking. Hawks walked right by them, not seeing them until they already had a hand on him. He dropped like dead weight and One carried him away. I pulled out my phone and sent a message before putting it away again. I won't get a response so it doesn't really matter.

Sandman: One and Two have him now.

I turned and left the way I came before finally making my way home again.


I walk inside to see Hizashi asleep with the kids on the couch, movie credits scrolling across the screen. I can't help smiling at the scene and snap a picture. Our family. I have a family and they adore my students. So they have taken to calling us Dadizawa and Mama Mic just like they had and it was too cute to even get irritated at.

I picked up Eri and Koda and take them to their room and tuck them into bed. Eventually they will need their own rooms but for now this works because neither of them like being alone. I made sure to turn on their one of a kind Deku nightlight before shutting the door as I left the room.

They have to be the biggest fans I have ever met, next to Deku himself when it came to All Might. I see their red shoes by the door and chuckle to myself before cleaning up from their movie night. When everything was clean again I returned to find Hizashi actually laying down on the couch whimpering in his sleep.

"Shota I want to ride the ferris wheel," I smile and use my capture scarf, belt only folded in half to prevent anyone from noticing, and carry him to our room. Vacuuming can wait until everyone is awake. At least everyone but me.

I changed my clothes, thankful that both my husband and kids were already in pajamas when I came in and snuggled into his arms. Even in his sleep he wrapped his arms around me making all the stresses of the day disappear.


I woke up to sweet and gentle kisses on my face and relaxed knowing exactly who it was. I could hear his giggles as he tried to wake me quietly. "Shota?" He asked after all I did was smile at his affection and let him continue.

"Shota? The little listeners are still fast asleep," he whispered against my neck, making me shiver. It has honestly been too long since we last made love. I hummed smiling before opening my eyes and pulling him in for a kiss. Yes, far too long.

It's a damn good thing our room is sound proof now.