

Dynamight's POV

Fuck that took forever, I swear it took us three days of endless torture to get Kurogiri to tell us everything and just to be safe we put a tracker in him, right where his brace would be so that no one would notice. Deku and I dragged our sorry asses into class and we didn't bother to go to our seats. We just couldn't. We did however stow away in Dadizawa's sleeping bag.

We completely ignored everyone including Vlad King who was starting another fight with Dadizawa. It wasn't until Deku was safe in my arms and the sleeping bag zipped up that his dumbass decided to try and start a fight with us. We were pinned in the old sleeping bag, but my arms were still around Deku so I wasn't too upset about the whole thing. Deku and I just glared at the man waiting for him to put us down.

"You're both still in school you have to actually attend classes! Don't just sleep through them!" He bellowed in our faces as if he couldn't already wilt flowers with his breath alone.

I'm pissed, "I'm going to give you until the count of three to put us back or we will give you a taste of what kind of missio-"

"That's enough of that!" Dadizawa cut me off and I just looked at him exhausted. "Go to sleep. I'll take care of him," he motioned towards our current captor and I groaned, nodding, I'm too tired to deal with his shit anyway. Even being held up in the air I just ignored the creep and instead snuggled into Deku, who somehow was already sound asleep even though we were being manhandled. Now that I think about it this didn't feel so bad?

Shit. I'm sick aren't I?

"This goes against everything UA stands for! We are supposed to be Plus Ultra! Not making excuses for why we can't," Vlad King was about to have a tantrum but I couldn't bring myself to care. I just nuzzled into Deku not really caring what was going on but at the same time knowing it was important. I just can't do anything about it.

I feel sick to my stomach. Dear All Might this isn't good. "Kiri make the damn soup we're not going to make it this time," I grunted while trying not to hurl. "Oi Icyhot! Deku is freezing and I'm getting cooked..." I was panting and it was taking everything I had to talk. Which of course meant that I barfed all over Vlad King, it's his own fault for picking us up and shaking us around like this anyway.

"What? We don't have time for... Shit! Kirishima! Todoroki! You know what to do! Uraraka! Iida! Help get these two back to the dorms quickly, we don't need another One and Two tantrum." I could hear Dadizawa directing the class and everyone jumped up to do as they were told. I could see our classmates running around in their organized chaos.

"Dadizawa, it's too late. Tell 'god' we really tried..." I was trying so hard to keep myself together. Just Fuck! We don't have time for this shit!

"Iida change of plans, go get Recovery Girl and bring her back here. Their levels have been too low for too long." As if on cue Deku's quirk started going off zapping me and Vlad King because for some fucking reason the moron still hasn't put us down yet. I pulled Deku's shirt up, untucking it from his pants so that I could reach more of his skin. Now the fucker decided to drop us. I rolled my eyes but I already had enough water nearby to catch us and put us down safely.

At this point I'm trying to force my nitroglycerin into his system but it's not working very well. We need time together, maybe we can still fix this? "Bed," I grumble and Dadizawa and Todoroki seemed to understand.

"Hold on Deku and Dynamight! I'll get you there!" Todoroki had already opened the window and was making what I can only describe as a slide made of ice. I feel like I'm melting just trying to breathe.

"Wait!" I look over at the door to see Recovery Girl standing there holding a couple syringes and if I could actually move I think I might have tried to explode her dumbass. "Don't look at me like that! We both know that I won't be able to treat you without it!" She sticks the needles in, taking blood from both Deku and I before Icyhot picks us up and jumps out the window. Yet somehow I still just don't fucking care.


Time means nothing while we are sick, one moment Icyhot is carrying us the next we are in our bed topless. Icyhot is lucky that I know how he feels about Kiri or I just might have killed him for touching my lover. I quickly get up and brush my teeth before coming back to bed.

Dear All Might, that feels better.

I snuggled into my lover, happy to be holding him in my arms. I released as much of my quirk as I could trying to lightly rub it into his skin. I hear his breathing hitch and I take a deep breath relaxing. Good he is still responding to the chemicals. I kiss on him trying to encourage him to open up and take more.

"More," he whined in a tiny, weak voice. Who am I to argue with him? I stripped our pants off and slowly worked him up.

"Deku do you want me to top?" I ask him kissing his neck as I did. "What do you want?" I asked him when I didn't get a response the first time.

He opened his eyes and pulled me in for one of those time freezing kisses. Well that's it. It's over, I lost myself to his loving touches.



"Bro, are you feeling better?" Kirishima's frantic voice came through the door. Fuck what time is it? I cradle my aching head of course his response to us being sick is to pound on the fucking door. I turn over groaning only to have my groans stolen by Deku. His sweet lips on mine as he held me close.

We have been here for at least a day maybe more I mean fuck how did we let our levels get so low? And how didn't we notice? When he pulled away I just held him close ignoring the fact that my best friend was still pounding on the door.

"Okay Bro I'm coming in!" I roll my eyes at his stupidity. He can do whatever the fuck he wants I'm enjoying the snuggles at the moment.

"Bro! Would some warning really kill you? I would have left you alone," Kiri's voice was behind me but I just laid there curled up in Deku's arms.

"It's okay Kiri, we're just cuddling," Deku started giggling when I started littering his neck with sweet kisses. I don't want to be just cuddling but I also know that we have a job to do.

"How long have we been out?" I grumble holding Deku close and I can't help noticing his boner, oh yes. I can make this work.

"About 4 hours," Kiri answered, sounding relieved. Fuck really? Only 4 hours? Maybe we aren't as bad off as I thought? I rub my palm against my lover waiting for him to kick Kirishima out of our room.

Deku stretched into me as I teased him, making me smile. I kissed Deku's neck waiting for him to kick Kiri out. For once it will be him and not me! I give Deku a light bite on his neck and he releases a sharp gasp, music to my ears.

"So soup is a no then?" Kirishima asked and my stomach growled. Fuck you stomach I'll fill you with something all right. Something hot and salty.

"I'm starving!" Deku cheered and I groaned just collapsing on top of him.

"Fuck Deku, I still need you!" I growled more than a little pissed.

"Kiri, can you leave the soup at the door unless you brought it with you already?" He sounded hopeful and I just rolled off of him.

"Fuck it! I'm not horny now," I cover my eyes with my elbow sulking.

"Bro don't even lie, I can see your hard on through the covers." I remove my arm and glare at him only to see him bringing two bowls over with the heavenly smell of spices coming from it. Just how can both Kiri and IcyHot make the soup after only watching Deku once? It's been years and I still fuck it up. He sets it down and leaves the room again, closing the door securely behind him.

"Blow job? Then food and then more?" I perked up hearing his words before sliding under the covers again.


It was only 2 in the afternoon when we walked back into class that same day. So yeah we are going to need to spend some extra time together everyday for a little while at least. We can't be doing that on the mission.

"You came back?" Dadizawa asked surprised and we nodded sleepily, we calmly walked to my seat and Deku sat in my lap, his legs around my hips and his arms around my torso. We can't miss class, at least not if we can help it. And Heroics would be coming up soon. Class B has been making trouble for our class again and at this point I have to wonder if they actually want to be heroes or villains.

Deku snuggled into my neck enjoying the comfort before then falling asleep in my arms again. As much as he wants to be a hero he has been nothing if not exhausted trying to get familiar with his quirks again. Every spare moment he is training as if his life depends on it. I can't say I'm any different, I mean water is hard to control on a good day.

"Heroics is coming up soon. The bastards want to play right? Deku and I need to practice with our little used sides," I grumble and Dadizawa lights up.

"Of course! Vlad was just trying to figure out how to make it up to you about this morning. I'll be right back," The smile on Dadizawa's face was concerning all on its own, but I let it go. He can enjoy the show while we pummel the fuckers.


"You fuckers are mine," I glared at half of class B. Dadizawa had split them in half for us and we were going to fight them one on one this time. We needed to draw the fight out a little bit and experiment on what can and won't work. Dadizawa said I was only allowed a liter of water to help in limiting myself.

"Dynamight, remember no explosions this time. Only water and if you do use an explosion then they take the win." I grumble a little, taking the water bottle with me onto the stage and opening the cap.

"No quirks? Is he really that sick?" Vlad King asked before seeming to remember the fact that I literally threw up on him this morning. I rolled my eyes, fucking dumbass.

"I didn't say no quirks, I said no explosions. Your students are fine to use whatever they want. This is so Dynamight can practice," Dadizawa sounded just as irritated as I felt.

"Oi the fight hasn't started yet, can I still set a couple off?" I groaned and saw him nod before letting off a few dozen explosions letting my body relax again.

"Go Kacchan! I know you can do it!" Deku cheered for me and I relaxed even more. This will be fun, my first opponent is the steel bastard that broke Kirishima's heart all those months ago.

"Finally some fucking karma!" I smirked at him and I could see him shudder. There is no way for him to actually read my mind or anything because if he could he would be running away screaming. I keep thinking about what we did to Endeavor. Dadizawa said no explosions, he said nothing about my nitroglycerin though...