
23 The End

A/N 2 full years of work is finally finished. I never knew that it would take this long but I don't regret a single second of it. I hope you all enjoyed the story at least half as much as I did writing it. So to all my heros stay strong and remember; Plus Ultra! 🌺

Deku was in a coma for three weeks, to be fair I had my own issues for the first two weeks but when I almost flatlined from being away from him for so long they finally got their shit together and let me into his room. When Recovery Girl arrived I could hear her from inside the room as she laid into them, ignoring our medical charts. Apparently the fuckers thought it was some kind of twisted joke. Well, I guess the joke is on them. I heard Recovery Girl order their retraining and it was, put simply, brutal.

This last week I was able to sit up and stay with him though, I could hold his hand, kiss him and feel his energy hum as it passed through me, settling my own chaos as it did. Kissing his hand was all I could bring myself to do while he was out, and cuddling him in my arms, I missed him so much.

Deku. When I first came in here he looked like death, his skin was so pale you could see many of his larger veins, and his face had sunken in from the lack of food. Fuckers didn't take into account his quirk so his body burned through what little it had far faster than they thought it would. He almost died before I did and they still wouldn't fucking listen, Recovery Girl was so pissed I'm surprised they get to keep their medical licenses but then again they might quit being doctors just from the medical negligence fines they have to pay.

She has been here everyday since.

Even now that Deku has woken up I am still considered to be in critical condition, the only reason I'm able to move around is because of Deku, Recovery Girl had only just realized it this morning when she came to check on Deku. She gave me a check up too. I don't think the doctors here are going to survive.

Deku is feeding me a constant stream of his quirk, not letting me go. I don't know when I crawled up on the bed next to him but being able to lay in his arms after so long away from him was heaven. The past week has been hell without his arms around me.

Having said all that there was one more thing to consider with all of this. Deku's three week coma also means it's been three weeks since we have had sex. Sure the hand holding is staving off our complete collapse but we are still going down hill. As much as we don't care about what others think, the idea of us on security cameras was more than just unappealing.

I can't take it anymore and Recovery Girl thankfully was coming in to take our vitals again. "We have a problem," I see her freeze in her tracks after finishing our blood pressure. "We are both dangerously low."

"Why?" She asked simply and I pointed at the camera behind her and when she saw the blinking red light indicating that it was not only on but recording she started turning red.

"I'll be right back, so wait until then." She didn't wait for my response before leaving and it wasn't long after she left that the red light turned off and the camera turned to face the wall. It took a while for her to get back but once she did she quickly finished checking us over. The wires and tubes were then removed and the bed was finally clear, leaving us free.

"Your food will be cold but no one will be coming in for the next five hours. Don't overdo it, if you're tired then sleep. I'll knock on the door before actually entering but I'll bring your dinner in then." She instructed us and I couldn't help breathing out a sigh of relief. We can leave it to her when we have problems here.

The moment she left us again we were able to start letting out our frustrations and five hours is really too little. When she came back we quickly ate our food and she applied the same type of sensors that we had used months ago when we first found out about our condition.

"This way no one will need to come in until morning," is she an angel? I mean really? She left again and we were able to spend the night together uninterrupted. Of course by the time morning came we were exhausted but I don't feel like I'm dying anymore. Odd, it usually takes days if not a week for us to get our levels back up. Even with the tricks we've learned over the past half year.

I shrug it off though, I'm sure as hell not going to complain about not feeling like shit. Having said that, we were still confined to our room for the next three weeks, three weeks seems to be the golden number or something. Anyway Deku and I were finally released but we were banned from using our quirks other than to treat each other. We went back to school with Dadizwa driving us only to walk in and collapse on the couch.

We didn't have to say a word because our friends took care of us. Icyhot actually brought out spicy tomato soup making my mouth water, Kirishima and Kaminari brought us cocoa and it turned out they had been experimenting with adding peppers to find a smooth flavor combination. Jalapenos, they used jalapenos in the cocoa and it tasted amazing. Apparently the frog, Tsu, knows how to pick locks because she broke into our room and brought out blankets and pillows for us with Round Face's help. They put in The Rise of All Might and flipped the lights off.

I don't really know how to react, so I just took it. With the lights off, warm tomato soup in my stomach and spicy cocoa in my hands, wrapped in the hero merch of our hero and curled up with my lover, I fell asleep. Home.

We are home, we are safe and we are not alone.


I woke up to Icyhot and Kiri shaking us only to find out that it was time to go to bed, they helped us pack our things to the room, our dirty dishes magically disappeared while we were sleeping.

"We'll be right next door if you need anything, anything at all." Kiri told us, I could hear the pride in his voice. All the news stations and articles had our names plastered to the headlines and our undercover mission was finally over. It's the reason they put in the movie and why they took our phones away while we were sleeping. I didn't even bother with getting my phone back. I just nodded, smiled and went inside with my husband who locked the door behind us.

Our hell was finally over and all that was left was my little piece of heaven. Deku.

I pulled my shirt off just in time to find Deku already unbuttoning his pants, I froze to watch him shimmy them down, his boxers caught by the jean material slid down with them. Leaving my eyes free to feast his god-like body. He smirked at me, snapping me out of my trance enough to remove the rest of my own clothes. He pulled the covers back on the bed and climbed in waiting for me to join him. He pulled the covers up over us and I snuggled into his warm open arms. We fell asleep.


I woke up to see Deku still fast asleep. The man was truly beautiful, the way his veridian hair fell and the curls even bounced with the slightest movement, his sun kissed skin that he calls freckles smooth to the touch, his strong arms holding me close even in his sleep.

My heaven.

I kissed his chest before snuggling back into his warm arms. My lips against his neck as I settled in, Deku must be crazy tired. He was in a coma for crying out loud but if I can just be in his arms like this, how can I complain? I pushed the hunger for his attention down, ignoring it so I could let him sleep. He shifted, tightening his hold on me, pulling me closer until I was flush against him. His morning wood basically screaming at me to turn around. Not that mine was being all that silent as far as impulses go.

I let a hand slide over his tight, firm muscles, enjoying the way my heart skipped a beat in response. This beautiful man is my husband and we are finally free, truly free. No more running, no more hiding, no more pain. I gently kissed his neck only to hear his deep sleepy chuckles before he pulled far enough away to see my face.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, his voice deep and raspy from sleeping. He just laid there still holding me, slowly blinking as his loving smile filled me with his affection. I love this man.

"That we are finally free, how much I love you and how beautiful you are," I listed off everything before I couldn't help myself and reached up to play with a curl, twirling it around my fingers. "About how horny I am but how sleepy you are, how I love the feel of your arms around me, about how lucky I am to have you in my life." My voice was a soft whisper as I played with his hair, the sunlight from the window shining brightly on his dark curls. I move my gaze to his eyes to see the deep, forest green, malachite eyes sparkling back at me. Their depths only seemed to swirl, inviting me in the longer that I looked into them.

"Thinking like that could get you trapped," he raised an eyebrow before playfully smiling and adding, "not that I would let you go anyway." His teasing was light hearted but I could still tell that he meant every word of it. He doesn't plan to let me go, why did I ever think he was going to leave me?

I reach up and cup his face while smiling, I pull him in, "Good." I kissed him. Sweet, soft lips, gentle caresses, and a hunger for what I knew was coming next. I broke away only enough to whisper, "I love you," before I gave up thinking altogether.

Our sweet touches grew hungrier and more desperate, pulling at each other, my nails scratched up his back releasing that animalistic moan of his before he flipped me onto my back and I wrapped my legs around him. He pushed in, lube already coating him, probably while I was distracted. I clawed at his back trying to pull us closer somehow only for him to resist my temptation anyway.

I give up on trying to pull him deeper and instead I move my hands to his head and reach up to kiss him. He refused to speed up his slow movements and instead he pushed harder with each thrust, my body taking him all in.

"I am never giving you up," he panted in my ear, I was starting to arch my back, the pressure building up as we loved each other.

"Like hell I'm going to give you up either," I hissed but my nails dug in at just the right moment and he started shaking but he couldn't hold it in, cumming inside of me my own orgasm triggered in the process. Fuck so long as I have him I can do anything.

We lay there in each other's arms for a long time, we kissed and cuddled each other and for once we weren't being rushed. We can finally just live life the way that we want to and for some forsaken reason that took us to the shower and once we were dressed we went downstairs and cuddled on the couch. Our team scattered around us as we ended up talking and laughing about how easy finals had been and how we expect class B to react when everything is said and done.

We are free.

Then a commercial came on and a certain song started playing, making us laugh. I stood up and offered my hand to my lover smiling as I did.

"I think I know exactly where the love is," I whispered, making him smile even bigger. The Black Eyed Peas playing in the background as all of our friends just groaned a little but smiled anyway. We danced to "Where is the Love" and I don't think that song will ever be the same for any of us after this past year.

Not ever again.