

Deku's POV

White, everything around me as far as I could see was just white. Some places were darker, others lighter but it was not gray nor black, simply white.

"I see you came quite a bit earlier than expected," I spun around to see where the voice was coming from but still saw only white.

"Sorry dear, it's not your time yet so you can't see us." The lady's soft voice sang in my ear again but no matter where I looked, nothing. I heard her giggles as they rang around me, it was truly beautiful, a voice that carried a sweet melody regardless of what she said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, calming my nerves.

"There you must feel much better now," the giggles seemed to float around me and yet even when I stretched my hand out there was nothing there. "Don't worry, I'm only here to keep you company until it's time for you to go back. I won't hurt you," her playful giggles never seemed to end, would the world end it if they did?

"Ooh, you are close, closer than anyone else in the last several hundred years. Part of me wishes you could stay but then so many would die if you did. I can't have that now can I?" How do her words make so much sense and yet none at all at the same time?

"Tell me Izuku, what is the one thing you have always wished for? Don't be shy, you can tell me," I took a step back, startled by her question. My wish? I have only ever wished for Kacchan, for him to be close, to be safe, to succeed. What else could I ever want?

"Selfless one you are, but I already knew that." I feel so tired, like at any moment I'm going to fall asleep on my feet.

"That happens, don't panic. It just means that you are about to return to where you belong, don't worry I'm not sending you back empty handed. Figuratively, sorry I can't literally send anything with you but still," again I'm looking around but I feel warmth flooding through me and the relief is so much I could pass out just from it alone.

"I'm healing your soul, don't worry your precious 'Kacchan' will be healed too, it will just take a tiny bit longer…" Her voice softened, getting quieter and quieter until it was barely drifting in the air. I closed my eyes, the warmth flooding me was soothing, I relaxed back letting my mind soak in the peace around me.


A jolt shocked me, shaking me mercilessly, leaving me gasping for air. What just happened? Why does everything hurt so much? Why is it so cold? Where is Kacchan?

I finally open my eyes only to see that I'm in a hospital room, I have several wires and tubes attached and there are monitors everywhere. I tried to call out for someone but I gagged instead. A feeding tube? Why do I have one of those? Don't they only use them when the person is stuck in bed for long periods of time? Someone who can't feed themselves?

I feel something heavy on my shoulder and look down only to find my husband cuddled close. Maybe the reason there were so many wires and tubes was because they left this side empty? Regardless I relax, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Hmm, I feel weak, and so tired. Didn't I just wake up? Why do I feel like I've run a marathon?

"Damn it Deku, why did you have to scare the shit out of me like that?" Kacchan grumbled before a yawn interrupted him. It looks like I woke him up but I'm not sure. The feeding tube in my mouth prevented me from being able to say anything at all but I squeezed my fingers to find his in mine now. He carefully climbed into the bed with me and cuddled as close as he could considering all the equipment surrounding us. He started telling me what all happened after he woke up.

"I don't know what happened after I made the ice blade for you. Were you able to kill the fucker?" He smirked while I blinked twice for him and he smiled. "Good, All Might can't kill. It was best for us to do it." He let out a sigh of relief before he started running his fingers through my hair.

"You ended up flat lining three times that I know of. The doctors said it would be a miracle if you ever woke up again and with our need to feed on each other's quirks… They were not optimistic. They have been letting me into the room only because I would have died if they didn't. Then they threw a fuss over that as well. Anytime I left the room I had to be sterilized when I came back in." I looked around as best as I could and sure enough the room was covered in plastic and I saw multiple air purifiers.

Just how did I get into such bad shape? I mean I know we were fighting AFO and I know he managed to hit me with more than one quirk but I don't know what all he had at the time or what all they did to me.

"Don't worry, all the quirks wore off already, the doctors said it was the reason you flatlined last time. Because of course it has nothing to do with the nurse who tripped on your tubes and wires, no that was just a 'coincidence'. Dumbasses! All of them!" I relaxed at his words knowing he was guessing what I wanted to say or ask by what little facial expressions he could see, which wasn't much.

I pointed at my throat and he nodded before leaving the room, it didn't take long until a doctor and a couple nurses came back with him and I can see why Kacchan was irritated about getting sanitized every time he came back in. It looked like he was practically dripping wet now. Was all that really necessary?

The doctors made a huge deal over the fact that I was actually awake and when they wouldn't say what I wanted to hear I rolled my eyes, letting Kacchan chew them out for me. Finally they took the feeding tube out of my mouth and my throat feels so raw and torn up I really don't know if I can talk right away. It REALLY burns! Thank All Might they didn't have to actually cut me open and it was just a tube down my throat. But still there was still stomach acid at the end of the tube and the smell of it just made me nauseous.

"Stay quiet for a while, your throat will be highly irritated for a while but it will be fine," the doctor smiled as if he did some great service and I frowned at him. Listening to Kacchan go off on him; asking him what he was so fucking smug about with a host of other things.

It wasn't until after they finally left that I was able to relax again and this time with Kacchan in my arms. Dear All Might, I have missed him so much. It doesn't make any sense I only just woke up so how could I miss him? But the truth is the truth and I have deeply missed him.