

Aizawa's POV

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep up with them, I kept getting stopped by an attacking villain only to manage to get away just as they disappeared through a doorway that I have never noticed before. By the time I reached it they were already fighting All-For-One and there were a bunch of Nomus in the room along with other villains but neither of them even tried to attack the two heroes. Fire, water, ice were being thrown everywhere while they fought, spinning through the air as if supported by nothing at all but I knew it was most likely Deku's quirk. It took a few minutes but then the villains noticed me and started attacking, thankfully our team had finally arrived, along with All Might himself, and we fought them off together.

The Nomus standing by absently, doing nothing amongst the chaos, hopefully that means they will only listen to All-For-One and he is simply too busy to be giving commands at the moment.

What felt like hours passed by as more heroes joined the fight but at this point there just wasn't enough space in the room to fight, not with the wide space between AFO and my girls that is. Before long I couldn't do anything except watch, sending the other pros to either drag out the arrested villains or even their corpse's. I could see the blood trailing from their wounds; from Deku's nose and the corner of Dynamight's mouth. They were badly hurt and I couldn't do anything as they fought. Not really, I used my quirk whenever I could on AFO but he always managed to get behind something breaking my line of sight.

Am I actually helping them? Or am I making things worse? Should I keep trying?

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by a scream, Dynamight was hit with some kind of light sword like attack and he is openly bleeding on the ground. Deku was guarding him until All Might was able to actually return and he covered for them while Deku turned his back on AFO in order to check on Dynamight. I don't know when I started running towards them but I did.

"What do you need me to do?" I try not to look at Dynamight as I said the words but I couldn't help what I saw already, it's bad. Blood is everywhere and I think I saw actual internal organs while he lay there, panting, cursing but awake.

"Space, there are too many people here. Dad will be able to finish off All-For-One without any problems but we need space. I need more room to operate on Kacchan or…" He didn't finish and instead Dynamight started screaming in pain as he was lifted into the air by nothing and he stayed there.

"Kacchan!" Deku starts giving instructions and even while he is bleeding out he is forced to use the water side of his quirk to clean up and actually make the tools Deku needed to operate out of ice, there isn't time to get their actual tools.

I turned around and started shouting directions and it wasn't long before our team was guarding the doorway and the only five people in the room were All Might, AFO, Deku, Dynamight and me. Of course the Nomus were still there but I had overheard All-For-One screaming about how they weren't finished yet when he was still fighting my girls. So they were pretty much statues at the moment.

I watched as Deku worked, cutting into Dynamight to remove burnt and already scarred tissue only to follow it up with his quirk to heal him. At first Dynamight tried to stay silent, clamping his mouth shut but as time went on he kept getting weaker and weaker until he couldn't hold it in anymore. His screams filled the room and the only thing I was actually able to do was wipe the sweat from Deku's forehead and looked up and use my quirk on All-For-One who was still struggling to fight All Might.

What felt like hours passed by but it had to have been only minutes, maybe twenty, when Dynamight's breathing slowed down and relaxed again. He opened his far too sleepy eyes and looked at Deku who was still working on his wound, he lifted his hand and caressed Deku's face. He stayed silent for a while but when he looked up at All Might and All-For-One he frowned, he struggled to open his last water bottle so I did it for him and he pulled out enough water to make large rounded serrated blades just to freeze them and hand them to a confused Deku.

I watched as understanding dawned on Deku's face and they both looked up to see their hero fighting. All Might had All-For-One pinned to the wall and he was trying to reach the erasure cuffs on his waist when I heard a whirring noise only for the blade of ice to cut through AFO's neck before toppling over and rolling on the ground, coating All Might in blood.

I looked back at Deku and Dynamight only to see them both on the ground laying in a small puddle of Dynamight's blood. They used the last of their energy to kill their last villain.

I tried so hard to get them to open their eyes again but nothing, in my panic I almost forgot to check for a pulse but when I did I found they both had a slow pulse and their breathing was far too light I could barely see or feel it. I screamed for someone, anyone, to get Recovery Girl or anyone else with a healing quirk.

Flashing lights, sirens blaring, I followed the ambulance to the hospital arriving in time to follow them inside with All Might who had to ride with me. There wasn't enough room in the ambulances for him to go with them, not even if he could transform into his small boney form still. I didn't even know that he couldn't do that anymore, its hero form all the time now, since my girls healed him.

Hours passed while they were in surgery, Dynamight I could understand he was cut open and had his insides exposed before Deku was able to operate on him but it was Deku who was in worse shape. Recovery Girl had to strong arm most of the hospital staff with her authority in order to get into the operating room and then to change what they were doing. Dynamight was mostly just weak and needed an IV and plenty of rest but she has to prevent him from being taken out of the room so that Deku's quirk wouldn't go off anymore.

They tried to take him only for Deku's green energy to surge all around him and then fill the room, a lot of equipment exploded or was fried in the process. But in the end they still had security drag us back out and we had to wait. Hizashi and Mrs. Yagi came but the two of them just stood there waiting, All Might in an almost zoned out trance completely void of all emotions, his skin was sticky pale and his eyes were already bloodshot while Mrs. Yagi was silently crying little rivers. They sat there holding each other, waiting, praying.

Me? I don't really know. I feel like I'm not even here or really anywhere at all. Hizashi pulled me away and got me to sit down, he even brought me my favorite coffee but it wasn't until hours after we got there that the babysitter arrived with Eri and Koda that I felt alive again.

"Sorry, I have to go," I barely heard the woman telling Hizashi. Eri and Koda ran and jumped into my lap and the fact that they have been crying, very recently, was not lost on me.

"What happened?" I asked, wiping at their eyes trying to focus. Koda looked down, refusing to look me in the eye and Eri just sniffled and wiped at her face trying to hide before she gave up and buried her face in my chest, Koda joining her as they both broke down crying.

"Dadizawa? Will Mr. Deku and Mr. Dynamight be okay?" Eri's small voice found my ears and my heart broke, it was only now that I felt tears starting to trickle down my face. I pulled them both into a hug and held them tight.

"I don't know," my voice broke and Hizashi, having seen the sitter out, joined us. "I really don't know. I want them too," I kissed their heads as we kept waiting. How long has it been? Four hours? Five? Ten? I looked around, looking for a clock but I couldn't see one and finally I pulled out my phone in order to look, ignoring all the missed calls and messages currently on it. 2:56 pm. It's been roughly nine hours since the mission ended. Since All Might and I got out of my car and rushed inside.

I turned enough to see the broken man sitting with his wife as they prayed for good news. I looked up at the operating sign to see it was still on and after kissing my kids heads again, left them with Hizashi who is just as torn up as the rest of us. He went through so much last time, did he ever really get the chance to mourn them? I think he mostly just focused on me and I couldn't function at all. What a poor excuse of a husband I am. I stood there for a moment and maybe it was out of fear of what the answer would be but I just rested my arms around his shoulders, hiding him to be. He jumped a little not expecting the contact but he quickly relaxed again holding Eri and Koda tight. We cried.

The tears were a welcome release, the hot burning sensation that contained my fears leaving me behind as I hoped for good news. I let my husband go and once I could gather what courage I had left I walked over to the door and knocked, I swear the room went silent as an icy draft blew through me. We all waited holding our breaths until the door finally opened.

Recovery Girl stood there, tired. Dear All Might she looks so tired. I waited and when she looked up I had no doubt that she saw the state that we were all in. She gave a small smile before saying loud enough for everyone to hear.

"They are out of danger, they will need a lot of rest and they are currently cleaning them up now but they will be fine." Her words calmed us all down. I almost jumped at the sigh of relief that was right next to my ear, when I turned I saw All Might and Inko standing there holding each other, broken but healing. I turned to my family and saw so many more tears as the tension was finally released and Hizashi was bawling while Eri and Koda hugged him. I went back to them, Recovery Girl gave some more information but I couldn't focus on anything else.

My girls are still alive.

Memories of what Deku had asked before the big fight replayed in my mind. 'Do we have to be heroes?' I swallowed my spit trying to ignore the lump in my throat as I do. I can live with them walking away from being heroes but I don't know how I would respond to them disappearing for a while. I don't think I could handle it, at least not right now. I hug my family close, no. No if that is what they need to heal who am I to stand in their way?

Just please, wake up soon.