

Deku's POV 

I'm at the entrance to the tunnel that led to Two and mine's old room. Only a few of our team, excluding myself, were all in their villain covers with me while we waited for the signal. Unfortunately Kacchan is with the Hero team dressed as Dynamight for the three way attack. The other half of our team along with a good dozen or so heroes were at the throw away base that the villains thought Two and I were at. 

Three was actually removed by both Eraserhead and Nezu, after all he is underage and a civilian so just like Apollo and Artemis they were all somewhere safe and out of the way. His history and family however pretty well prevented him from being a hero in the future but he doesn't actually want to be one either so it really isn't a loss for him. 

But Kacchan being away from me? I feel so vulnerable and alone even as I'm surrounded by our team, people we have trusted our lives to, it's just not the same without Kacchan. 

I feel broken. I feel alone.

I heard the signal and quickly led the way, making sure to be quiet as well and the silence of the dimly lit tunnel wasn't lost on me. Reminding me of all the times Kacchan and I were locked away when we were little. All the times we went days without food for no other reason than they didn't feel like cooking. At least they didn't feel like cooking for us. 

I try to shake the images of our past out of my head but the longer we are underground the harder it is not to see it playing through my mind again and again. I could sense how my team started getting further and further away from me, letting me have my space. I do appreciate the thought, truly I do, it's just that right now it's hard to hold onto reality. This is why Kacchan and I are always together, always. 

I reached the blanket tapestry and found my old room empty just as expected and the slightly fresher air helped as I waved for everyone to follow. 

Invisible Girl close by my side now that it was time to start sneaking out, so long as we can get out of the room without anyone else in the hall we should be good. Three did his job very well before the mission, snagging the master key so that we could make enough copies that we could do our next job; we are to enter each room systematically taking out any and all villains as we do. Invisible Girl stood next to me, her hand on my shoulder so I wouldn't forget she was there. 

The second ticked by turning into minutes, in reality I'm sure it was only five minutes at max but the ticking of the clock was not helping my nerves, not while Kacchan was so very far away from me. 

We slipped into each room only looking for villains, we found several. Most were sleeping others were having sex (although not nearly as many as I expected) some were taking showers. Regardless, their blood sprayed, I slit the throats of those sleeping with hardly a thought. Those that were distracted I used what was basically a blow dart that first acted like a stimulant only to stop their heart moments after, then the ones in the showers… Well the blood will eventually finish flowing down the drain. No one I came across was left breathing. My team waited by the door keeping watch, why should they be forced to do more bloody work than actually needed? They are still pretty much innocent, only torturing villains and having yet to kill any. Kacchan or I were always there to prevent just that from happening. 


I could feel my blood thicken at the thought of losing him, the way everything just seemed to run cold as the chill took over my body but I can't stop. If I do, he might actually get hurt. And I can't have that, not ever. 

Memories of his broken and bloody body filled my mind. How many times did I hide him at my house just so he would have time to heal before going home again? We managed to dance around their cruelty by hiding behind my mom, she knew nothing of what happened to us and yet she saved us more times than I could ever count. The thought of her finding out and joining them however… 

Well that was our biggest nightmare. 

How were we supposed to know that not all parents were like them? How were we supposed to survive if mom turned out to be the same? 

Stop! Stop thinking about these useless things! Stop it damn it! I scolded myself trying to shake the thoughts out of my head, literally, as I do. I was standing in front of the last door in the basement, now. It's almost time for us to give the all clear, once we do Kacchan's team will attack and the alarms will follow shortly after. But why am I hesitating? There shouldn't be anyone in this room anyway right? So why am I hesitating? What could possibly be behind this for that would make my blood run so cold?

I opened the door to see Uncle on the bed reading a book, propped up on the wall like this was completely normal behavior. I shot a dart at him but he caught it before looking up to see me. The smile on his face could have cracked a mirror as he sat up keeping eye contact. I was frozen in place, he stood up and started laughing. 

"Little Izuku, what are you doing here, naughty little boy. It's about time we had a little talk now isn't it?" He finally tore his eyes off of me and looked at the dart in his hands before holding it up for me to see. "But, I have to say I'm disappointed. You know good and well that these don't hurt, they simply give them a burst of adrenaline before their heart stops. Besides you know my quirk better than most, this won't do anything at all to me." 

I stayed where I was, motioning for the rest of the team to stay back. Now I know why my blood felt like it froze. I'm starting to panic. 

"What? No, hello Uncle? No, how have you been? Tisk tisk, poor Inko must have her hands full with you for you to act like this," he shrugged as if he expected exactly this. Like my manners are literally the only thing wrong with this whole situation. 

Finally the others with me were able to sneak into the room next door andI just couldn't take it anymore, so before their door even shut I couldn't stop myself anymore.

I ran. I hit the emergency buzzer on my belt to let the hero team above know that things were NOT going as planned but otherwise my mind was whirling. He isn't supposed to be here. He is supposed to be above with All-For-One in their special room that was dark at all times. No radio signals, no electronic signatures, no anything just a black spot on the map of the whole area. 

I could feel my heart racing but no matter how deep or fast the breaths I took in were, it just wasn't enough. I tripped and when I looked down at my feet I saw the all too familiar whip tangled around my legs. 

"Now, now Izuku, anyone would think that I abused you the way you're running away," he clicked his tongue as I struggled to get free again, his pace the same leisurely walk it has always been. For as long as I could remember. 

His laugh sounded carefree, the melody in it gave nothing away. None of the plans he would keep to the side for anytime we resisted his orders. He loved his whip but he never whipped us, no he much preferred to use it to grab us and drag us off to wherever it was we would be "training" for the day. 

I could vaguely hear the whimpers, cries of pain over the sound of the blood pounding in my ears, it was deafening. I can't give in, I have to get away! I have to. 

"Oh Izuku~," he called out singing happily even as I finally got free of the whip and stumbled away, turning around the corner and ducking down just as the whip cracked concrete right next to where my head was only moments ago. 

"Come now Izuku, is this anyway to behav-" I heard a strangled sound that very much sounded like someone was being choked out but I can't move anymore. I'm crouched down on the ground covering my head with my arms, desperately to hide myself. I took a wrong turn, in my panic I was turned around and Now I'm at a dead end. There isn't even a room here for me to hide inside of, it's the end. 

"Icyhot! Get your fucking ass over here! Freeze him, there will be pop like explosions but ignore them. Do NOT let the bastard get away." I could hear Kacchan barking orders like it was any other day and sure enough his words were followed by little sparks and pops. 

"Deku? I swear he can't hurt anyone but-" there was a pause, 2 small explosions and some muffled screaming followed by some quiet whispering. "There now he can't hurt anyone ever again. Deku come out, please." 

He sounded so much like Kacchan but how? He should be up above clearing a path and fighting right now. 

"If you're really Kacchan come here and prove it," I whispered but the silence of the basement made it easy to hear almost anything. 

"Alright, just keep your quirk under control. It looks like you're about to explode from here," His words confused me but I looked down to see that green energy was surrounding me from everywhere and it was sporadic at best.