

Aizawa's POV

Sometimes it is just hard to follow their train of thought and then others, like now, I find myself wondering which one of us are actually the adult? I know it's probably been far too long since I've seen Hound Dog but that sounded exactly like a healthy coping mechanism, one that he was constantly preaching about back when they were still dead. Where we still believed that they were dead, when I thought the greatest heroes I could have trained were lost forever more.

These two are like stars, stars guiding us with their light even though they are surrounded by darkness, a darkness that they are constantly fighting to break free of. It's times like these I just want to hug them and tell them not to worry anymore, they are not just some far off star anymore. Not to us, it's probably unhealthy but they are much more like the sun. Maybe it's because of the fact that we have already experienced what it was like to lose them? Losing a far off star would never have affected us all like that.

Now that they have finally acknowledged the League's name for us all, we finally grouped and made our announcement. The Numbers are officially breaking off from the League, those that were on guard duty left the moment we sent out the notification. It was actually Tsu and Uraraka and they managed to take out a number of the League's lackeys on their way out. Leaving a message about the League breaking ties with us by attacking our base. They did really well if I'm honest.

It didn't take long for us to connect the tunnel leading to One and Two's bedroom to the tunnel from our real base. Another reason for so many fake or throw away bases. Two boys accomplished all of this, two boys suffered so much in order to become real heroes…

I shake the thought from my head as we dispose of more and more bodies, One and Two actually seem surprised by how FEW villains have been attacking compared to their estimates. Considering all the bodies that are being carried out I really don't have an answer for that. To be fair the vast majority of the villains that attacked were Stain followers and it wasn't until the heroes Deku and Dynamight appeared during an interview having no memory on where they were or what happened to them but they were finally healed of very old complicated injuries that they stopped.

When they did stop the real attacks started, once Spinner even came back demanding that we release Three back to him only for to be crushed when Three announced how outraged she was about the League attacking the Numbers.

"I am Three, I have no other villain name and you really think I am being held against my will?" He spit on the ground and even the weak acid caught several villain's attention. Apparently they all thought Three was quirkless, or something else altogether, he did spend all of his time hanging off of Spinner so to see her so mad at not just Spinner but the League as a whole, I heard more than one ask if Spinner cheated on her.

Honestly keeping track of Three's gender is so difficult. In reality? He is a boy, Undercover? He is a trap? Which somehow translates to he is a boy but he is dressed as a girl, looking for a male lover? It would be easier if he claimed to be trans, I would understand that.

I'm too old for this.

Days turned into weeks and it wasn't long before 'god' picked a night. It was finally time to invade The Leagues headquarters, a night that All-For-One was there with Time Bomb. Our team worked fluidly, keeping our team rested and healed and at the last possible second our covers were discarded. Not until after Nezu arrived with several teams of heroes, who had already been briefed on the situation, to our base. As far as the League was concerned the heroes were attacking us, looking for the villains that had attacked the pro hero Endeavor.

The Heroes faked fighting the Numbers enough to keep them in the dark but they were able to take out more than a small number of villains. This will be a pincer attack, the heroes would attack the League of Villains headquarters directly while my class and select others would take the tunnel. The tunnel that we have kept monitored and their bedroom that we have kept a guard at as well. Surprisingly the villains haven't bothered to inspect it at all since the day Three led Spinner into the 'secret room'

I finally understand why they did that, a false sense of security. The League, through Spinner, already believe they know the secrets of One and Two's room. Deku and Dynamight were currently giving lectures over the League's weak spots as well as their strong suits, Nezu standing next to them actively showing the pros with us the credibility of the plan. Just a few more hours before the mission.

Ready or not, this mission that took years in the making was finally coming to a close. Will my girls finally be able to come into the light after this? Will they finally be able to walk away from the only life they have ever known? Will they even want to be heroes afterwards? More importantly should they? The years of trauma, abuse, neglect, assault, wouldn't they want to get as far away as possible after this?

What would Hound Dog say? Is there even a right answer? Even now looking at them from the back of the room, no one would dare say that they were being childish or egotistical. They are in charge of the mission because they have the most experience, the most knowledge, and they are the most likely to survive in the end.

My students were still donning their covers fighting outside the throw away base as needed, with a handful of pros acting as if the Numbers were just villains by another name. The more they take out now the less we have to take out later. Spinner however didn't get to walk away after his third attempt, the attempt that he actually tried to kill Three. I guess he knows more than he should have, at least as far as the League was concerned. Four and Five broke his neck and threw his remains back at the ones that had followed him here.

What is that? Half? Half of the core members of the League of Villains now dead by my class's hands? Who killed Twice? I should know yet somehow I just don't. Toga was killed by Deku and Dynamight and now Spinner by Shoto and Red Riot. Not to mention Dynamight's mother.

This mission can't end without the heads of Dynamight and Deku's birth fathers; Time Bomb and All-For-One. Who would have ever thought that the world's biggest fight would start like this.

Who would have thought that two of the worlds worst villains could father two of the greatest heroes?

"Dad, are you ready?" I look over to where I hear Deku calling out to All Might, a smile on his face as his blond hero smiles back at him before they start talking at a much lower volume. Right, their father is here with us now. Those two bastards don't deserve the title.