

Dynamight's POV

My head hurts so much. I woke up thanks to Deku's quirk going off and dear All Might that hurt so fucking much I thought I was going to die. Of course I know better but that doesn't stop the shock each and every time. Can't say I have ever woken up in a giant water drop before though, this is new. It only took a moment for me to realize it was my quirk, point for self preservation. That's for damn sure.

I saw Sandman, Four and Five standing around and kept watching. Damn it, One is better with this kind of thing, time to step up, I try not to roll my eyes at the warnings of the headache I can already feel coming on.

I stick my head out, "What time is it? Did you get the instructions from One yet?" I demanded and they jumped, they were keeping watch but they weren't really watching us so much as our surroundings. Please tell me we were not doing shit in our sleep. Please just no, I can only pray it was sexual because that would be SO much less embarressing than our history. The screaming, crying, begging for them to just let us die. I felt a shiver run through me as my skin felt like it was crawling. Yeah, sex would be so much better.

"Just a couple minutes ago, how do you want to play this?" Sandman answered quickly, ignoring his own shock, if he wants to pretend I'm sure as fuck am not going to bring it up.

"One is out for the count and we can't bank on him coming too before then so, get a cup of sugar and dump it into the water, I'll take care of that at least. Tell them One and Two are recouping and you're supposed to notify them when we are both awake. We'll make it work," I instructed and I saw Four and Five run out, most likely to get the sugar.

"Why do we need the League to know about One and Two's 'healing' abilities?" Sandman asked, confused but nodding in agreement nonetheless.

"All-For-One is demanding to see us, so we need to make our stance perfectly clear and what better way than to announce that we were the ones that healed not only All Might but also his successor? It will put the League firmly on us and the already scared shitless villains will vanish, reducing the enemy's allies and forces in one step." I grinned at him before it dropped from my face. "Get Three, after this the Numbers will be targeted, make sure everyone is always with their partner and keep Three with you. He won't be safe with Spinner. Not after this."

My words settled and when he nodded I relaxed back into the water. When Four and Five returned they dumped the sugar in and I used my quirk to quickly remove our disguises, peeling the scales off my neck and hiding it away. It wasn't until Deku's rich, dark, green hair was clearly visible that I checked my own and saw my once red hair now pale ash blond again.

It was exhausting and I let myself doze off. I figure since I woke up in the water bubble then it would stay even if I fall asleep again, but then again that's probably wishful thinking.


It felt like only moments later that I felt Deku waking up and panicking in my arms. It wasn't until he pointed out our eyes that I remembered the contacts and I removed them as well. I'm still completely drained but to keep us safe this is nothing. I was mostly in a daze throughout the conversation going on letting Deku and Sandman handle everything while I tried to rest.

The light doze didn't last long but Deku's green energy surging through me helped a lot. Spinner left in a hurry or at least he tried. I shot out a small stream and managed to hit him, making him hit his head on the concrete wall behind him. I released Deku and I from the water leaving our now mostly dry selves standing with the water drifting nearby, I looked around and saw what looked like several ten gallon jugs. A few were empty and when I directed the water they neatly filled them before Sandman closed the lids on them.

Four and Five carried Spinner out to set us up for the next part of the plan. I lean against Deku while he is giving them instructions and I see the bedding floating in the air towards us. As rested as I feel, I still feel exhausted. My levels were nice and healthy but we need to sleep, restful sleep. Our quirks draind us, I mean I don't think we are supposed to be able to use them while we are sleeping anyway, so who the fuck actually knows?

"Just follow the instructions we sent and that 'god' sends. We are going to catch up on some actual sleep, there should be a handful left behind to keep watch, now that Spinner 'knows' where our base is." I hear Deku instructing them, his voice getting quieter the longer he talks until he finally yawns. I pulled him towards the makeshift bed and when he was safely in my arms I saw that Sandman opened one of the jugs of water before going upstairs leaving Deku and I behind, hostages. Who knew that we would become our own hostages?


We woke up to fighting upstairs and I quickly pulled water from the open jug and then a few more that Deku opened surrounding ourselves this time in what looked like a thick net while we stood our backs together while we waited for what seemed like forever.

The door opened and Four, Five, Sixteen and… Fuck I forgot her number, Ponytail, fighting as someone who was actively forcing themselves in. It wasn't Spinner but I could see several League members who all looked pissed as hell. I can't help the smirk as adrenaline flooded my system. Time to fuck some people up.

I set off a small explosion getting most of their attention and the team was able to take them out. There was still one left by the time they got down the stairs and I found out that these fuckers were not actually attacking but Staine supporters. They are here to make sure that Deku, their chosen one, was safe…

How am I supposed to feel about this? I mean really? This is insanity isn't it? I looked at Deku who literally has a What the actual Fuck written all over his face before he face palms, I can't help laughing at that.

"Fuck Deku, even villains know that you get hurt all the fucking time," I couldn't stop laughing. It started slow but I was almost hysterical at this point.

"Kacchan!" Deku whined and I couldn't stop, I managed to keep our barrier in place but it was shaky at best.

"Thank fucking God I really needed that," I gasped as I wiped a tear away, my chuckles still lacing my words. I could see Deku's relieved smile before I finally straightened up and stretched a little. "Guess it's time to get to work," I sighed, looking at Deku.

"Our last stand, the final battle," Deku agreed but I couldn't help grinning before correcting him.

"No, it's time to end those nightmares of ours and prevent others from ever having to see them," I put away the water I had been using.

"So at what point did you two switch places?" Deku and I both looked up confused to see Sandman rubbing at the bridge of his nose until he noticed that we were waiting for him to explain. "It used to be Midoriya who made everything sound like a noble mission and now he is talking about last stands? Did I really just not know you two all this time or have you actually grown this much?"

Deku started giggling a little and I couldn't help relaxing at the sound but I ended up being the one to answer him, "No, just sometimes the easiest way for us to cope is to look through each other's eyes." Corny as it sounds it's the truth. At my darkest moments everything is always easier if I try to see the side that Deku would spin, that silver lining.

But now it's time for war and we have so much to do.