

A/N So this gets kind of personal and it gives hints to what is coming but it's also the kind of sad romance that made me cry writing it. I don't know but this was painful in the sweet but sad way. I know I am not making sense but you will see. 🌈

Dynamight's POV

I let out a small yawn but otherwise just looked out the window. One of us needs to be awake, we never know who or why the villains will attack and because today is such an important day we have to be extra careful. Deku has been staying up more than not lately and as tired as I am, I am 100% sure that he is way more exhausted.

As if to prove my thoughts correct he was lightly snoring against my shoulder before everyone was even on the bus, making me smile down at him.

I combed my fingers through his hair, watching as he adjusted to get more comfortable and then I heard a sound that made my soul beam with pride. He had started purring, it wasn't loud but the bus was surprisingly quiet and the way his purrs grew louder and quieter as he breathed in and out was just adorable. We have used such animalistic sounds so much just to survive that they are just a part of us now. Natural. That didn't stop me from thinking he was the most beautiful soul in the world though.

No, I need to stop. I need to concentrate on what is going on around us but when I looked up I could only see our friends smirking at us or trying to hide their faces as they tried to peek at us, making me roll my eyes at them. I held up a hand and let my quirk sizzle, careful not to let an actual explosion loose so I wouldn't wake up my lover.

Fuck! I feel all sappy and cuddly, we did NOT get enough time together, not nearly enough. I saw Aizawa Sensei looking at me in the rearview mirror and saw him nod with a small smile on his face.

Right, we are home. Surrounded by people who love and want to protect us. I can relax, hell I can take a nap with Deku. I let out another yawn and before I could close my eyes I could see Phoenix studying our classmates as if he were trying to figure out a difficult puzzle. As much as I wanted to fuck with him I can't let him think there is an opening to hurt anyone around us.

"Four, Five?" I growled and see Icyhot and Kiri lookup straightening their backs as they do. "Tell Sandman I'm taking a nap too. Our levels are still far too low." I let my focus slide over to Phoenix and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Got it Two," Kiri jumped up and Icyhot, as well as the rest of the team changed positions as they all let their focus fall to Phoenix, the former villain.

"Phoenix, Hawks does not have clearance to know and if he somehow finds out I will put you back on the table. And I won't erase your memory before we kill you." I let my glare rest on him waiting for him to finally nod in agreement and I relaxed.

"Icyhot don't let your brother piss himself?" I said it like a question but everyone knew I was joking and Icyhot was grinning like an idiot. Kiri came bouncing back and hopped into Icyhot's lap before giving him a kiss and allowing himself to show his affection, like everyone didn't know already? I rolled my eyes and even while still smirking I closed my eyes and snuggled into Deku, feeling his grip tighten only briefly before relaxing again. My purrs mixed with his, letting him know we are safe.


I REALLY wanted to fuck with him so fucking bad. Let's be honest here, I'm an asshole, all reasons aside I am a prick. A royal pain in the ass, even with the hag and old man literally torturing me on a daily basis I fought back. I fought back hard.

And all because I wanted a fucking nap I gave up the chance to really screw with Phoenix's head. I want to SCREAM! I tried to shake the thought from my head as we walked into the interview room and took our places at the side of the stage.

Today is Dad's big day. Fuck I have a real dad now. NO! I can not get sappy, I will not get sappy I will fucking destroy anyone who ruins the return of All Might and I will make them thank me for it at the gates of Hell.

"Deep breaths, Kacchan, remember Dad wants us to not only support him but smile." I nodded at Deku's words while I tried to do exactly that. We are early, the press hasn't even been allowed in the room yet. Today class 3A is working security for the event, under the guise of interning of course.

"Since no one is allowed in yet does that mean I can kiss you?" I tried to tease him but I could feel myself going pale. I hate crowds, they make me nervous. Deku and I learned very early that crowds were a villain's greatest asset, crowds create confusion, for both civilians and heroes and it's easy to lose sight of who you should be chasing during the chaos. End result is that I don't like crowds at all.

"Well I know my levels are still low. Maybe we should try to dose each other a little?" Deku nodded in agreement and I just smiled. Yeah, low is an understatement. Fucking Dabi took forever on our table and then we had to make arrangements with the so called heroes that should be behind bars themselves. I really wish I could put a few on the table but "god" and One thought it would be better to keep the Drug Lover's out of it. We don't want to become another Staine after all.

"Just fucking kiss me, I feel like I'm about to keel over." I groaned, I'm ready to beg at this point. I just need Deku so fucking much it hurts and honestly even if we had stayed locked away until this moment I kind of doubt I would be in any better shape. Truth is that we are exhausted. Yeah our levels are low but we both noticed a while ago that if we are already exhausted, bone tired not just a little sleepy I mean haven't slept in the fucking week tired, then it was like our bodies were rejecting each other. Then at the same time we still had to dose each other or it would just get worse.

We already came to the conclusion that we need a third person with us whenever we strap someone to the table. They don't need to do much just enough to keep the process going while we recharge because this shit right here? It's bullshit. We just haven't been able to figure out how to go about it. Sure a third person would be enough but we can't rely on the same person all the time, second they should have a partner as well just to relieve some of the stress on themselves and then there is the fact that really our whole team should be able to do this.

But... These kinds of interrogations? The kind like Dabi's or the gas fucker or even, one day, my old man's? Those are not the kind of interrogations any of them should ever have to see. The kind like Zay's. The kind that breaks our very soul just as much as their minds. The kind that we have literally gone dark for weeks at a time after because it was so bad. Lucy's? Her's wasn't nearly so bad.

Stop, I need to stop. Why am I going down this rabbit hole? It's only making things worse. Shit am I getting sick? Is it possible that we are that low? So low that we are in danger?

I see Deku smile sadly up at me before he gently caressed my face and I felt the faint charge of his quirk before he pulled me in and kissed me.

It was exactly what I needed, the slow, gentle pressure of his lips against mine saying more than words ever could. We are safe. Safer than we have ever been, even with my old man actively hunting us down, we are safe. I parted my lips a little bit and slid my tongue along his lower lip and I felt him grin into the kiss before he opened up for me. his other hand in mine, his quirk gently charging through him as I let mine seep into him. Safe.

We pulled away just enough for me to lean my head against his and I just relaxed as we steadied ourselves again. It didn't escape my notice that there were several pissy people in suits that had started marching towards us only to be stopped by our team and turned away.

"I love you," I whispered before looking up into his malachite green eyes that were just breathtaking to see. I could get lost in the deep sea of love and emotions they held any time they were focused on me.

"More than pain could ever erase, or fear could hide away, I love you." He finished for me and I gave him a light kiss before finally pulling away and taking a deep breath.

It's time, I looked up to see Kiri and gave a brief nod and he gave the signal to start letting the fucking press in.

Time to get this fucking show on the road.