

Deku's POV

"Aaaahh!" His voice rang out before we lay there panting for air. I'm so tired but Kacchan's body calls out for me, Kacchan calls out for me. His voice is so rough and I swear that the bass vibrates through me sending a shockwave of desire to course through me. I pulled out and collapsed beside him, today we have to go out. To actually leave our little hidey hole and deal with the outside world, we will be fine of course just a little tired.

"I love you, Deku," I hear him sigh next to my ear and I can't help giggling a little before reaching up and giving him sweet kisses. Sex is amazing there is no one on this planet who could tell me otherwise but afterward? When we are laying in each other's arms, holding each other, whispering to each other, this gentle loving that has no real end, this is what I love the most.

"I love you too, Kacchan. More than anything else in the world." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, loving the smile it creates before snuggling back into his side. We have an alarm set for a few hours from now to make sure that we don't oversleep. Today is important after all, today is the day that my dad becomes a hero again.


"Come on, sleepy head, we need a shower and I need a little attention." I smile at the words Kacchan used to wake me up. I looked at the clock on the wall and grinned when I saw that he was getting us up early. I quickly followed him into the shower.

It wasn't long before he was kissing on the side of my neck, his hands on my hips, hot water raining down on us seeing my nerve endings on fire. I grin at the unexpected change, I like it when he gets like this.

"If you top I probably won't be able to walk until tonight," he whispers in my ear, making a shiver course through my veins. "But if I top..." He left the thought unfinished, making me grin at him.

"Don't let me stop you," I kiss under his jaw and down his neck before turning away again. I could feel him pushing inside slowly, drawing the gasp out of me, long and slow. It's amazing that no matter how much we switch back and forth it still hits us so hard. It's almost like starting over again, the way we slowly love each other until the rest of the world disappears. Our moans gently echoing around us until we sped things up again, the hunger our need dragged out of us far outweighing the gentle touches of just moments ago.

I don't even know when the water got cold, but after we climaxed we just stood there in the freezing water catching our breath, the icy sting of the water the only thing reminding me of where we were. It took a while but when we did finally snap out of it we quickly cleaned off and got out of the cold water.

When we were finally ready, we left our room, our suits on and our hair still damp. Kami almost ran into us in his rush and the sigh of relief even made me roll my eyes before he dragged us both to the elevator and then to the common area where he was already set up to do everyone's hair. Looks like we are last again, not that I'm surprised.

The next couple hours were a blur and when Phoenix came in with Aizawa Sensei we all just smiled like he had been a part of the class the whole time. It wasn't hard to see that his favorite student was obviously his youngest brother but he also didn't know that One and Two's team was currently surrounding him.

He thinks that One and Two were high up the Hero Association's ladder and if he was afraid of us before, and he most definitely was, he is damn near terrified now. Cause not only do we have an almost free reign of the League of Villains but we seem to be able to make demands and have them met with little to no consequence to ourselves. When he finds out that we are all a bunch of highschool students and a few teachers he just might wet himself.

But I keep my thoughts to myself as I greet the "Sidekick" in training. His lover however? Well, we will just have to see how much we can actually get out of him before we decide how to proceed with him. He will NOT be finding out about our identities at least not until the mission is complete, with Time Bomb and All-For-One disposed of. That is all there is to it.

"I'm so excited! I'm sure Dad is buzzing with nerves and Mom is pacing around making things fly in the kitchen by accident!" I laughed and so did a bunch of my classmates.

It was Kacchan who grinned and pulled me in for a sweet kiss after Kami finally let me go before he added, "I'm sure Mom is trying very hard not to make things fly around and Dad is probably trying to calm her down as we speak."

I giggled, pretending not to see Phoenix get closer, his curiosity was getting the best of him. He only knows that we are married, he doesn't however seem to realize who my Mom and Dad are, but I think that's because Todoroki and Kiri have had most of his attention this week.

"Sorry, I don't think we were introduced yet. You were on a mission? I am Phoenix Aizawa's new assistant and sidekick," he held out his hand and I grinned back at him.

Yagi, Izuku but feel free to call me Deku," I introduced myself and he nodded as if he didn't already know me, at least he was playing his role well.

"Yagi, Katsuki my hero name is Dynamight and get too close to my husband and I will send you to the gates of hell." Kacchan held up a hand and set off an explosion making me sigh.

"Kacchan, nobody wants to take me away from you. Besides, I only just got you, they would have to survive before they could take me a single step," I giggled, leaning into him as I talked. "And don't worry, after the ceremony today, I plan to drag you back to bed," I whispered as if I were trying to keep it a secret but Aizawa Sensei rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of," he interrupted rudely before looking us both over carefully. "How are your levels? Should we get Recovery Girl? She should probably take some blood samples anyway." He already had his phone out but then we heard a phone ringing by the door only to see Recovery Girl herself standing there.

"As if I didn't already think of that?" She sighed, setting up the needles and tubes that she needed before we held out our arms for her to get what she needed. She asked a bunch of questions, everything from when the last time we had sex, to how we were feeling now. She and everyone really is worried about how our levels dropped out of seemingly nowhere last time and we could all see Phoenix's face starting to grow red from what he was hearing.

"Oh, right. Guess no one told you, turns out our quirks are highly addictive and dangerous once they are mixed." I laughed as I could see the dots connecting in his head. We wanted him to figure it out organically, but we also didn't really want to tell him straight out that we are One and Two. That's not going to stop Kacchan and the class from messing with his head though.

Nope, not at all.

"Yeah, ever since we came back from the dead we have to be checked over; visually, medically, and psychologically. Sometimes I think that we actually tried to commit suicide or something," Kacchan grumbled while Recovery Girl rolled her eyes at him. He started cursing when she took the needle out and he bandaged his own arm while she collected her things again.

"Bro, we buried ashes thinking it was all that was left of you. The memorial is still standing," Kiri's voice got thick while he wiped at his eyes, getting Aoyama to lecture him before he fixed his makeup.

I was going to elbow Kacchan but he had already walked away and pulled our red headed friend in for a hug, making it harder for Kiri not to cry.

"We never wanted to hurt you. Any of you," I let out a sigh before wiping away a tear before it could fall. Our squads came over pulling us in for hugs, getting curses from Kacchan as they did but when Todoroki first hugged me, I just relaxed as my friends surrounded me. Holding me close.

"OKAY THAT'S IT! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME NOW!" Kacchan was screaming and we all started laughing and Aoyama just sighed and went around fixing all of our makeup before Aizawa ushered us all onto the bus, ignoring Phoenix while he seemed to be lost in thought. That is until Aizawa Sensei dragged him into the bus and it was time for us to leave, Kacchan sitting right next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder after he wrapped an arm around me. Maybe a small nap before we get there?

Maybe? That's not too much to ask right?