
Chapter 1

Finding a job after graduating is always difficult, with no experience, no guidance, and probably no one who is willing to give you a decent job.. It's the hard truth that Yoona was facing right now.

After months of struggling, she was finally accepted into an entertainment company, one of those who debuted idol groups, even if it was a small one it was pretty decent.. even if it wasn't decent, she wasn't properly in the position to decline a job offer. Yoona just graduated in business and management, even had a few titles that made her specialize in marketing for entertainment, but her curriculum lacked working experiences. Luckily enough, she was from a wealthy family, her parents made her never worry about material things or money. During her college years, she had never had to worry about a thing, she never had to work to maintain herself or pay her study, she always had her parents covering her back. But now everything has changed from one day to another...

Yoona let a deep breath out as all of those thoughts and memories started to mess up her mind, she needed to be focused on her work. The company had in program to debut a new girl group and Yoona was lucky enough to be on the team that worked for this debut. She had to list all of the possible candidates to debut and adjust a profile for each one with all of their basic info and their strengths and weaknesses.

"What do you mean by that?" A loud voice echoed in the air, everyone was quick to raise their heads in curiosity. It came from the director office. A door opened slamming against the wall with the figure of the director exit through it and angrily pointing out of his office.

"Out! OUT! How you dare to raise your voice to me? you little indisciplinated girl... your parents haven't taught you some respect?"

everyone tried to do their best to stay focused on their work, typing on the computers, but inevitably they all were curious to know what was going on.

A small figure of a girl appeared, she was moving quickly and had an angry expression on her face, she was pretty even if angered, black long hair and sporty clothes, she was a trainee, as the ID hanging at her neck was showing, 'Kang Jiwoo' thought Yoona, she was compiling her profile right a few moments ago.

"Your company will fail without me!.. It' been seven years! seven! and still I have to be treated like this! I-... ah!.." She was screaming in frustration, but she was so pretty, probably her angry face was just like the ones that you can see on the TV screen, like one of those pretty drama actresses that no matter what they are doing they always look good and on point. And Jiwoo was just like them. But in her voice you could recognize frustration, anger, hatred, probably she would have set that damn company on fire in that moment if she could.

She followed the direction pointed by the director and walked away from his studio and from the office room where Yoona and the others were working on the computers. A few seconds in silence passed before the Director could speak again, still raising his voice angrily, "So? The show has ended, go back to your work! quickly!"

And so it was, everyone quickly lowered their head returning to focus on their computers. It was weird working on companies like that, because on the screen everything was perfect; the idols were all smiling, the company was put always under a good light, showing how nice and kind it is toward their employers, how pretty the structure is and how good is the music they produce, but the sufferings and the struggles of those poor trainers were never shown.

Yoona sipped her last drop of coffee from the cup, before returning to type again on her computer, it wasn't a fair world but at least she was glad to not be among those trainers, even if her job was equally tiring.