

"Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the Ocean?"

_PearlX · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

2 - It began...

… with darkness. Dark angry clouds, sweating profusely, lashed out crooked strokes of lightening while the wind was furious, and the waters enraged. The people of the earth trembled in horror. There have been worse days of mother nature's anger, but that day marked the height of earth's destruction; the beginning of the end.


The howl of the wet breeze filled every nook and cranny of the earth, but those who lived by the sea were the most unlucky. The spirits of the wind, and life of the water raised slowly to the sky, and seven king tsunamis from the five seas crashed on the nine lands of the Earth, burying forever a cursed people, yet leaving an outcast hidden at the third round of flooding by the tsunamis.


At the shores of a continent, the reeves glowed like that of the Maldives, located somewhere around the Indian ocean, the third and last tsunami, the greatest never recorded in time, rose in frightening pride, carrying in its belly, an egg of blue light that could be seen only at a height of a very long distance.


In power and grace, it descended like a lion wrecking the remains in its path and beyond, sweeping away every tree and shelter, and every life that couldn't survive.


A big bubble of blue light remained on the floor of the flood, near the forbidden part of the ocean.


After a time of generations, helicopters hovered over the shores, boats sailed on its waters, submarines and divers swimming in its belly where the darkness loomed in calmness of the waters that still glimmered.


At dawn, they were gone, and the glimmer of the reeves was no more.


- -

It was night, and the sound only the sound of whispering breath trembled slowly in anxiety.

In… Out… In… Out…


In. Out. In. Out.


In, out, in, out, in…




M gasped out in shock, shooting her open in horror. Soaked like a fish out of water, she got off her bed and spreading her curtains apart, rushing to her balcony.


Crashing her palms onto the railing, her breathe was unstable. She panted, looking with sharp menacing gaze at the ocean far ahead the city, as a salty river emerged from her sweat glands, flowing until it leaked intermittently from the hill of her elegantly shaped chin.


Her Luxor necklace glowed yellow instead of blue. She didn't need to look at it to know something was coming. Something mankind had seen before but never lived to tell the tale.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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