
Chapter 44- Lancelot

"You missed your chance to enter heaven, Private Kururugi." With both hands on his waist, Lloyd looks at Jack with a smile on his face.

"Um..." Jack hardly get up enduring his fake injured abdomen, Lloyd and Cecile didn't find anything strange due to Jack acting skill!

"Where am I." He asked in wonder.

Deep in thought, Lloyd said. "Hm? Oh, we're still in the Shinjuku Ghetto."

Lloyd continued."We're near Prince Clovis, so this can be considered the safest place to be."

Cecile came forward handed a broken pocket watch. "Suzaku, this protected you."

Looking at the pocket watch, Jack sweated as he didn't expect the medic to take this thing on his suit.

Although knowing that this thing saved Suzaku, Jack finds it strange at first as the bullet pierces the pocket watch making a hole in the middle.

He didn't expect that a slight careless action from him can make the plot change that it even killed Suzaku, but thinking about the disadvantage and advantage the current situation seems to be favorable to him. Furthermore, Jack can now test the power of his Geass and make influence efficiently. Having the identity of Suzaku, even if his current status is an Eleven(Japanese) with the help of Lloyd climbing the hierarchy of Britannia will not be a problem anymore.

"It stopped the bullet momentum slightly that went through your protective vest protecting your life;" Lloyd explained.

'Nope, Suzaku truly died! I only disguised as him!' Jack shouted on his mind.

Lloyd looks at his protective vest before, so he concluded it saved Suzaku(Jack), but in reality, the bullet pierces through the soft part of the watch that made it easily hit his flesh!

"Is it something important?" Looking at Jack's face, Cecile asked in a gentle tone.

"Y-Yes." Regaining his cool, Jack acted flustered as he took the pocket watch like holding a family treasure.

"It seems like there's this belief among Elevens that God resides with every item."

Jack look at Llyod and Cecile. "What the current situation?"

"The poison gas appears to have spread out, looks like it has caused a lot of damage among the Elevens, and seems like the culprit has not been caught yet;" Lloyd said.

"I see, not yet..." Jack said with a sad expression

'The culprit is dead though.'

"Private Kururugi, do you have any experience in piloting Knightmare Frame?" Lloyd said with a smile.

"Eh!?" Surprised, Jack looks at them with an incredible look, but inside, excitement building up inside his heart making him nearly jump on his bed.

Suppressing his excitement, Jack acted like Suzaku and said. "No way, a person born an Eleven can't become a knight."

"And if you could?" Llyod said with a bright smile.

"Congratulations;" Llyod said in a happy tone.

"The only Knightmare of its kind in this world awaits you."

"Riding it will change you and your world. Whether you want it or not." Lloyd said as he looks at Jack.

Looking at his smiling face, Jack couldn't help but think. 'I only want to ride it for fun though.'

Climbing to the cockpit of Lancelot, Jack wants to shout but refrain as the communication device is still active. After waiting for almost half an hour, Llyod voice resounded to his ears. "Well, I think that its time to make use of the mobile weapon from the special envoy."

In a private mobile where Clovis stayed, a man with golden hair stands on his throne as he said. "Now is not the time for that!"

"Your Highness, Lazarus squadron signals have disappeared!" an obese man reported.

Clovis made an angry expression as he shouted. "Deploy the Quincy Squadron!"

"But your Highness, if we do that, our enclosing attack will..." The obese man called Barley said in worry.

Getting trap by Lelouch, Clovis was calm as he was thinking how to counter his enemies strategy. "Its that part of the enemy squadron is station here!"

Clovis pointed at the specific area and ordered his knight to surround it. "All right, Lerus after them too!" Clovis said excitedly, as he thought that trap is successful.

"Enclose them! Concentrate your firepower!"

"The main terrorist force is in the middle." A man reported.

"Crush them;" Clovis said with a smile on his face.

After the knight appeared in the area, they didn't notice any terrorist, so Clovis looking at GPS monitor shouted with a startled expression. "What!"

"The enemy isn't there?!" Clovis shouted with anger.

Then the ground where his knights surround the area collapsed as they fell underground meeting their end. Clovis retreated with pale expression. "Who is it?"

'Who am I fighting against?' Clovis asked himself as his face sweated.

'Don't tell me this person is better than Todo!'

Making his decision. "Lloyd!"

"Oh? Yes?" Lloyd answered absentmindedly.

Looking at Lloyd carefree attitude. "Could we win if we used your toy?"

"Your Highness, please call it Lancelot."

Jack only knew about the basic of Knightmare as the knowledge came from the soldier by reading their memory and the manual Cecile gave to him, so he was quite nervous and thought. 'I hope I will not do epic failure!?'

"Mobile Weapon Z-01 Lancelot is being activated." While Jack sweated from nervousness, the system inside the cockpit activated the sound of machine resounded through his ears making his hands trembled.

"Are you familiar with the manual?" Cecile asked.

Unlike the original story, Jack already entered the cockpit due to his excitement he forgot that Suzaku rides Lancelot after its activation, so the sound of the machine woke him up.

"Pretty much."

"As expected of you."

"You got a top score on stimulator too."

"Um, about what you were telling me earlier..."

"Eh?" Cecile thought about it then remembered that she lectured about his injury. In the original story, Cecile is worried about Suzaku about his injury because Lancelot is a new model, so it doesn't have an ejector.

Worried that Suzaku will have a problem when piloting Lancelot, but Suzaku insists making Cecile made wry smile and only said her worry.

"I don't want you to overwork yourself it's a new system, so there's no ejection capability implemented yet."

"I understand, Miss Cecile."

"Well, then Suzaku, its time for the first activation." Forcing his self to calm down, Jack took a deep breath.

[First activation, beginning from Phase twenty.]

[Energy Filler, installing.]

[Confirmed it's stability, Energy Filler is low.]

[Estimating it will take thirty seconds before the voltage reaches the critical points.]

[Devicer Setup.]

[Confirmed entry of Devicer Z-01.]

[Identification Record has been entered.]

[Man Machine interface link-up confirmed.]

[Yggdrasil Drive status confirmed.]

[Rejection response is minimal.]

[Device stress response is minimal.]

[Everything is within tolerance levels.]

"Up until now, everything has gone according to the data..." Llyod said as he looks at Lancelot with his usual smile.

[Status. All green.]

[Status acknowledges.]

[Second decoupling has finished.]

Jack look at the front as he took a deep breath. "Lancelot, M.E boost."

[Lancelot, Launch]

Chapter for today.

The next chapter will be tomorrow.

TrueDaocreators' thoughts