
Under my shadows

Pls love me for me Seb.

Okafor_Chinyere_3096 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter one Mr. Quinn

<p>At midnight the car was at its high,the road was so lonely and cloudy .The car moved with a high speed it seems to have lost its brake it couldn't stop then.....<br/>Boom!!!!...it goes it was an accident.<br/>She gaps as she stood frozen on her spot,she rushed towards the broken car and then she calls out -<br/>"sir?- sir? are you there?"hello there -"are you still there -"? she asked panicked as she rush to the drivers sit.<br/>The young man was sitting there with a closed eyes as blood covers his forehead,she made an attempt to step back when the young man reluctantly held her hand and his brow tugs up in pain .She paused and looks at him then she looks down towards the fuel pack and it was leaking and she was sure in no time from now the car will definitely explode .Her eyes went back to him and then...<br/>Boom!!!!!! ..... <br/>The car exploded .<br/><br/>The light opens in the Quinn's mansion.<br/>In the upper room inside the mansion,a man steps out of the bath with a towel round his slim waist . He walks to the dressing room and put on his pants and stood in front of a lady and after the lady finish dressing his tie perfectly he turns to the mirror and then walks towards the hall as the lady follows him suit .<br/>As he made his way out everyone bows at his presence and strops away in great fear . As he steps inside the dinning hall, he walk pass his family who was already seated in the dinning room.<br/>"son -" Mrs. Quinn his assumed mother a woman at her early fifties call out with no much expectation . She knew not to expect much from this his step son, she will be a fool if she say she didn't no how much he despise her.<br/>He paused.<br/>The Conner of his lips tugs upward in disbelieve.<br/>" you don't have to try so hard you know that right?" Sebastian told her with a taunting tune.<br/>"Sebastian -" Mr. chairman calls out his name with anger .<br/>"She is still your mother"The chairman added.<br/>"mother -?"Sebastian repeated with disbelieve.<br/>"you seems to have forgotten so fast father, she isn't my mother but your "wife ". Am I wrong in anyway?"Sebastian asked his father now staring directly into his eyes.<br/>"And I think I made it clear right from the beginning" Sebastian added and walks away.<br/>"Did you see that ? " Mr. chairman said pointing at Sebastian who was making his way out.<br/>"Did you see that - that arrogant bastard" he curse as his leg weakens causing him to rest on his chair.<br/>"Darling am okay, let him be am sure he will come around someday" Mrs. Quinn said to her husband with a smile which didn't reach her eyes.<br/> The lady with Sebastian gave a quick bow to the chairman on behalf of Sebastian.<br/>" I shall get going she apologized and went after Sebastian who was already out of sight.<br/>As he made his way into the " De J cooperation" everyone strops away in fear, his presences was already daring enough.<br/>Everyone who came across him bows to him as they rush off as if something was chasing after them. <br/>Sebastian suddenly stopped.<br/>"Mr. mark -" Sebastian suddenly called as he walked pass him.<br/>Mr. mark froze on the spot upon hearing the boss call out his name.<br/>" Like who wouldn't ?" Mr. mark thought he knew he one in big problem.<br/>"Come to my office" Sebastian said to him.<br/>" yes - yes sir " Mr. mark answered with a cracked voice as fear was written all over his face.<br/>"Good". Sebastian just said and continued on his heels as his secretary follows after him as always.<br/>Seeing that he was gone everyone sighs out in relieve and rush to the old man called Mr. mark.<br/>"What did he say?" The lady called Linda was the first to ask,followed by Jonathan then Miriam they where his co workers .<br/>"Look what we got here" A man said from behind and that person was no other than the annoying" Van ".<br/>"Gosh -" <br/>"What did our dear Mr. mark do this time around?"Van said in a taunting manner with a little hit of mischief playing at the conner of his lips.<br/>Everyone sighs at his words and sobbed it by walking away to get to work.<br/>"what -? what did I say wrong -? why do you guys snob me?" Van complains as no one was paying attention to him.<br/>"I will get going sir. mark " Linda said and started walking to her post when van came and stood on her way.<br/>"Get out of my way " Linda said to him as calmly as she could.<br/>"why - why - ? why should should I step away? Van asked her putting on a cute face.<br/>"Gosh what's with this one_?"Linda's mind screams.<br/>"This guy is the most annoying thing she have ever seen since her existence in this world,but too fortunately everyone knew not to pay attention to him. He is a happy type and loves creating attention and he his the teams lighter and that is his vibes, but at the same time he is a disturbance even not to other but her.<br/>She sighs out at him.<br/>" I said get out " Linda yells at him with a cold face and push him aside causing him to fall to the side. Then she walks away .<br/>" Gosh _ that was too cold" Van commented as he embrace his self and struggling to keep his balance .<br/>" This lady is really cold hearted _ but god that was something that makes it funnier to tease her and he is so loving it. Linda has been his friend since their high school days and college and now are working together in the same office.<br/>He shook his head as he watch's her walk to her post.<br/>Sebastian walks into his office and sat on his chair as he look at the piled up files on his desk .<br/>" Miss. Mira" Sebastian called his secretary .<br/>"Yes sir_" Mira answered rushing towards him.<br/>" The days schedule" Sebastian demanded .<br/>" Yes_ okay sir" Mira replied.<br/>" The attending of the conference meeting by 9:00am, the project viewing by 12:00pm and The scheduled lunch with Mr. Wang then we are done". Miss. Mira ended her report.<br/>"Then what is it by the time now?" Sebastian asked.<br/>" it's 8:45am sir" Mira answered almost immediately. "So I think we should leave now we only have 15minutes remaining for the conference to begin" . Mira said <br/>"Okay_ let's go" Sebastian announced.<br/>"is Mr. mark still outside" Sebastian asked<br/>" Yes sir _" Mira replied.<br/>Sebastian walks out of the office as Mira follows him suit.<br/>" sir _" Mr. mark called out as soon as he sighted Sebastian.<br/>Mr. mark walks to him.<br/>" You called _" Mr. mark tried to explain.<br/>" You are fired " Sebastian Thunders with no emotions.<br/>" sir _ sir _ please am sorry I had no option please give me another chance " Mr. mark begged .<br/>" You should know more than anyone already Mr. mark that I don't give second chance you should be responsible for you actions. Don't you also think so ? Mr. mark". Sebastian said and walks away.<br/>Mr. mark snobs hard.<br/>" Sorry for your loss Mr. mark" Mira said and follows after Sebastian .<br/><br/><br/>😘💕💕Since we have come to this stage in this novel I think it's high time I do a proper introduction on the things going on in the De j Cooperation agency as well as the life styles.<br/><br/><br/>Well, I will start with Mira Sebastian secretary she is in her twenties, She is a fair skin lady with a long hair which she always let loose to rest on her shoulders. She is a hardworking lady and she have stayed beside Sebastian for a long time now right from the time Sebastian came into the company. Next is Van the funny one, he is annoying , and never leave a chance in teasing people and to be honest though they view him as disturbance but he is fun to be with. Next is Linda the ice cold lady who does not believe in coincidence and is always up and doing. She has a shoulder length hair which is red in color. Next is Jonathan the play boy and Miriam the quite type,who hates attention unlike Jonathan and Van. Then finally is the almighty Sebastian Quinn _ The president of the De j cooperation agency, he is a tall and handsome young man with long legs and muscular body. He is known as a no second chance boss at work and at home the cold hearted young master.<br/><br/> <br/> This is the end of this chapter.<br/><br/><br/>Thank you all for your support so far and I also wish and pray for more support from you guys. Read and enjoy cause there is more misery out there waiting to be unlashed .<br/><br/>Mira loves all.💕💕<br/>Enjoy.</p>

Am Mira blinks a novelist , I am writing this novel with a good intention of keeping you busy and happy. And I wish as you read this novel that you will truly be happy and also enjoys it to the fullest. I also wish to say to you all that this my novel is age limited.


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