
Chapter 8: The Dangerous Chain Reaction 

The moment Lily and Shadow stepped into the portal a ripple of activity spread across various realms, each responding to this monumental event in its own way.

In a vast dark chamber, a luminous white portal abruptly materialized hovering just above the ground and it filled the room with ethereal light revealing the inhabitants, beings with human bodies, their skin as black as the night, eyes glowing with a deep purple and a pair of crimson horns crowning their heads and they wore complete sets of gray armor, their forms obscured by black cloaks.

At the sight of the portal one figure stood declaring, 'The portal has opened. I will report to Lord Melech.'

In a lavishly adorned living room where golden furniture gleamed, and velvet cushions of red and purple lay scattered a figure reclined. He was a handsome specimen with midnight-black skin and eyes that shimmered purple, and his body was lean yet muscular, his head adorned with two thick red horns. Spectacles perched on his nose as he drafted a note on yellow parchment with a feathered pen and a black bat rested peacefully on a velvet cushion beside him.

The tranquility was interrupted when a man rushed in gasping, 'My lord. The portal has appeared.'

The horned figure stood stretching languidly, 'Excellent. Gather the army. Let us commence without delay.'

The bat stirred from its slumber flitting to its master's shoulder, 'Master. I have contacted the others.'

A nod from the lord, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. 'Ensure everyone is ready in an hour.'

With a quick, 'Understood Master.' The messenger hurried out leaving the man to jest with his bat.

'If I'm punished by the Master, I'm blaming you.' His laughter echoing in the room.

Meanwhile nestled within a verdant landscape atop a grand hill encircled by slumbering dragons a large grey stone altar stood, and it was an ancient structure meticulously maintained its surface clean and glistening.

The arrival of a bright red portal hovering above the altar snapped the dragons awake and they rose, their excitement palpable and a green dragon roaring, 'Yes. It has finally opened. The oracle spoke the truth.'

A red dragon chimed in, 'I will report to Elder Rex.' Before spreading its wings and taking off.

Moments later it landed before a massive black stone cave shrinking to a smaller size before cautiously stepping inside and the interior was pitch black, the silence so deep that even the wind seemed to hold its breath.

'Elder Rex, the portal has finally opened. Our wait was worth it.' The dragon intoned respectfully.

An eerie laugh echoed followed by a pair of glowing red eyes.

'Perfect. Let's get started.' Responded Rex stepping out of the darkness.

Elder Rex was a creature of sheer enormity, his forehead crowned with formidable horns and his body covered in purple scales bore sharp spikes on his back and tail. Long black razor-sharp claws jutted out from his hands, his teeth no different and his wings were large and resplendent resembling a sheet of glistening amethyst and his whole body was sheathed in living flames which danced and shimmered like wisps of purple smoke.

'Gather all the dragons and let us feast on a delicious meal.' He commanded licking his lips with anticipation, his smile wicked and sinister.

Flapping his large wings, he and the red dragon took flight soaring into the sky.

In a shadowy realm where the sky was forever shrouded by murky clouds a stone altar of grey stood tall amidst the bleak landscape and around it countless figures sat in silence their features akin to humans except for their pointed ears and ebony skin. Tall and slender they all possessed a distinct feminine grace, the men among them sporting hair of medium length at the very least and dressed in light purple clothes resembling fine linen they each wore a black cloak their bodies adorned with pieces of dark jewelry. They all wielded swords, their eyes shut in deep concentration and to the casual observer it would appear as if they were in a state of slumber so still and silent they remained. Then with a resonating hum a large circular green portal appeared above the altar and the silence was broken as every eye flickered open revealing red irises.

'Finally. I will report immediately.' One of the figures exclaimed rising to his feet with eagerness before quickly darting away.

In a dimly lit grand bedroom a man reclined in slumber, his figure so still it seemed lifeless. He had black skin and slender feminine features and had a gold Civic Crown resting on his head, but the serenity was disrupted when the door was flung open the sudden noise jolting the man awake.

'Next time knock.' He chided the intruder sitting upright.

The breathless figure at the door could only stammer, 'M-my king. The portal has finally opened.'

A cold laughter echoed from the king, 'Perfect timing I was pondering other means to force it open. I knew the ancient scrolls did not lie.'

Rising from the bed he draped himself in a long white robe which draped over his tall slender frame like a dress and grabbing a long black sword with a golden hilt leaning against the windowsill he moved to exit the room with the other man.

'Prepare the army as quickly as possible.' He commanded.

'It's taken care of.' The other man assured.

'Good. Does the portal lead to Aldon?' Asked the king.

The other man shook his head, 'No unfortunately.'

A sigh of annoyance escaped the king, 'Tch. If we can't reach the old fart, we'll lure him out. At least we've finally found a way to reach his hiding place.'

In the deepest recesses of the sea a grand palace crafted from an array of marine materials and vibrant corals stood with regal majesty and within its vast halls dimly lit by an ethereal glow sat a creature reminiscent of a human albeit draped in blue. Fish-like hands and feet complemented by fins protruding from his back and tail hinted at his aquatic nature and a gold trident clutched in his left hand and a shining golden crown on his head further accentuated his royal demeanor. Around him countless blue beings akin to him congregated their black garments only covering their lower bodies for men and both lower and upper bodies for women.

Suddenly a resonating hum filled the hall and a large round red portal materialized floating above them and in unison everyone's eyes sprang open their red irises casting a mesmerizing glow across the chamber.

'It was about time.' One of the men murmured standing up.

The king rose his voice booming across the hall, 'Prepare to expand our kingdom. Suppress everything and everyone especially those who resist and remember to satiate your hunger.' His wide grin revealing a row of black shark-like teeth.

'I will prepare the royal army right away.' Another man announced darting off swiftly.

In a shadowed region near a black temple numerous black gargoyles perched around a round black altar and sporting wings and eyes shut tight they were an odd amalgam of birdlike and human features complete with horns muscular bodies, long pointed tails and minimal clothing. With a thunderous vroom a large round orange portal flickered into existence above them floating in mid-air and as if in response their eyes opened collectively fixating on the floating gateway. A deep sinister laugh echoed as a colossal gargoyle boasting a man's body and an ogre's face alighted atop the portal spreading its massive wings.

'I hope you are hungry because it's time to feast on something delicious.' It announced prompting a chorus of cheers as the gargoyles surged into the portal in an ant-like procession.

Amidst a forest under a darkened sky a horde of red goblins bustled around a black altar. Dressed in black clothing and armed with spiky clubs their chubby figures particularly the protruding bellies of the males were distinctly noticeable. Abruptly a loud vroom reverberated through the area, an unseen force emanating from the altar as a large round blue portal materialized above it.

'It has finally opened.' A goblin shrieked in glee.

The goblins rushed towards the altar forming a queue as they eagerly jumped into the portal one after another.

In a grand luminous hall, a red orc shaman reclined on a wooden throne swathed in a black robe and a hooded cloak and four white tusks jutted out from his mouth and his head lay lazily on his right arm as he anticipated something patiently and around him a multitude of red orcs knelt eyes closed in silent vigil.

'It is time.' He announced suddenly and all the orcs' eyes opened.

Concurrently there was a loud vroom and a large round gray portal materialized hovering in the air at the center of the hall.

'Elder Gultak. Your prophecy came true.' An orc declared standing up in excited wonder.

'Of course. I did not receive the ancient blood for nothing.' The shaman responded proudly, a jovial chuckle rumbling in his throat.

Rising to his feet he cast a commanding glance over his kin ordering, 'Gather the army and let us rule the new place.'

In a cavernous room darkness reigned supreme, its quietude unbroken and abruptly a large round white portal flickered into existence its luminescence revealing the room's occupants. Clad in gleaming silver armor with long blue hooded cloaks they knelt each holding a large silver sword in both hands and their pale skin mirrored that of humans, but they emanated an aura that was simultaneously otherworldly and majestic.

Suddenly their eyes stark blood red blinked open and one amongst them rose swiftly proclaiming, 'Let's feast on their souls.' As large black feathered wings unfurled from his back.

The others followed suit standing and extending their wings and one by one they took flight disappearing into the portal.

Within a sprawling temple a myriad of people huddled around tables engaged in various discussions and adorned in white robes with golden hooded cloaks both men and women sat in a circle around an enormous round flat gray stone, the temple's nucleus. The stone etched with a large seemingly unused circle had gathered a layer of dust over time but was regarded as a sacred area diligently preserved and revered. Suddenly a resonating vroom sound echoed the temple shaking with its force and a jar toppled and crashed onto the white marble floor shattering into pieces. All heads turned towards the stone watching as a golden circle shot upwards levitating in the air.

'Impossible.' A man exclaimed in shock instantly rising to approach the stone.

'Someone has activated the Heavenly Symbol.' A woman voiced aloud.

All occupants stood and moved towards the stone feeling the unexpected warmth radiating from it.

'What's going on?' She queried her voice laced with confusion.

'We must report to Elder Lric.' A man suggested hastening away to fulfill his duty.

High atop a verdant mountaintop an elderly man sat ensconced in a white robe and a red cloak wrapped around him and across from him a little red dragon hatchling was his unlikely opponent in a game of chess and next to the man a large green dragon lay coiled deep in peaceful slumber. Each move the man made the hatchling mirrored eliciting nods of approval from the elder.

'You've got your intelligence from your father.' He commented.

'Heh. I don't have royal blood for nothing.' The hatchling responded confidently moving another chess piece.

The man chuckled warmly and conceded, 'I can't believe I'm being beaten by a hatchling.'

'Hehe. I...' But before the hatchling could complete his sentence a man appeared flying towards them and landing on the mountaintop.

'Elder Lric. The Heavenly Symbol has been activated.' He announced urgently falling to his knees in respect.

Lric without shifting his gaze from the chessboard shook his head.

'I'm about to lose to a hatchling so I don't need jokes right now.' He retorted lightly.

'Master. You know I wouldn't disturb you if it weren't serious. Everyone knows you live in seclusion.' The man persisted.

Rising Lric turned to the hatchling, 'I'll be back in a bit.' And climbed onto the green dragon along with the messenger flying away from the serene mountaintop.

They alighted in a wilderness before an open white temple framed by towering thick white pillars that formed a roofless rectangle and greetings from the temple's occupants welcomed their arrival as they swiftly made their way towards a round flat white marble altar at the center. A large golden circle shone atop the altar and as Lric reached out to touch it his eyes widened in surprise and shock.

'How is this possible?' He murmured his hand moving to probe the rest of the circle but finding nothing out of the ordinary.

The circle was not a physical construct, and it was built purely on theory yet here it was in tangible form.

'We also thought it was a lie but it's really happening in front of us. It can only mean one thing master.' The messenger spoke his gaze fixated on Lric.

'Who activated it and how?' Lric queried his chuckles punctuating the question as he stroked his beard demanding an immediate answer.

Elsewhere in a voluminous library another elderly man sat at a table clad in black with a cloak draped over him and next to a golden globe lay a golden bird, its body wreathed in flame slumbering peacefully. His short black hair framed a stern face, his gold eyes a stark contrast to his pale skin and lined up in front of him were two black bowls filled with a thick white liquid and he was in the process of moving the substance from one bowl to the other, his fingers deftly manipulating the liquid without touching it.

Before Grimwald could react a woman came rushing towards him gasping for breath and the tumultuous commotion from outside had already reached his ears piquing his curiosity.

'What's all the commotion about?' He asked.

Someone has activated a Holy Symbol.' The woman panted out.

At her words Grimwald shot up from his seat and the golden bird awakening from its slumber to follow him landing on his right shoulder.

'Impossible. Take me there.' He commanded and together they ventured outside into the pandemonium.

The duo made their way to a large white hall teeming with people and at the center stood a colossal gray statue depicting a young man cloaked in grandeur, a sword clutched firmly in his hands. On close examination they noticed cracks running along the statue's feet and upon Grimwald's touch the statue crumbled into a cloud of dust.

'It was our angel who was the only one who could activate the Holy Symbol. We must visit a temple.' He mused leading a group dressed in black hooded cloaks towards the ruins of a once grand temple.

Among the remnants of forgotten brown stone pillars an underground light caught their attention and swiftly they cleared away the layers of sand to reveal a large glowing golden magic circle.

The warmth radiating from the circle was tangible eliciting an awestruck murmur from Grimwald, 'It's impossible for there is only one person who can activate it. We must visit the other temples.'

In another part of the world a city of magnificent white buildings buzzed with activity and it was home to a beautiful race of tall slender beings with a somewhat feminine appearance. Their pointed ears and white hair combined with their ethereal aura to create an otherworldly vision.

The city came to a standstill as a man ran through shouting, 'The symbol has come to life. We must report to Elder Aldon immediately.'

The alarm in his voice was enough to galvanize the city folk causing them all to abandon their activities and sprint in a specified direction.

Away from the bustling city Elder Aldon sat in harmony with nature by a peaceful pond and the man who looked youthful but radiated an aura of wisdom gently stroked a white deer under the chin.

'You seem healthy now so go back to your family.' He instructed the creature who nodded before bounding away into the wilderness.

The serenity was soon disrupted by the arrival of a large brown bear playfully sprawling onto its back eagerly awaiting his affectionate petting.

He let out a laugh shaking his head at the bear's antics.

'You've grown too big for this.' He chided playfully though he scratched the bear's belly regardless.

The serenity was interrupted by a cacophony of voices, people calling his name coming closer.

'Alvar. What's going on?' He queried looking towards a young man with long white hair that had just arrived.

'They're babbling about the symbol coming to life but that's impossible.' Alvar responded seeming somewhat amused.

Aldon now intrigued stood and beckoned him, 'Let's see what all the fuss is about.'

They followed the masses towards the source of the excitement and as they neared a woman approached them panic in her voice, 'Elder Aldon. Something has activated the symbol. You must look at it.'

Aldon simply yawned seemingly unaffected by the panic, 'Fine. Let's have a look at it together.'

They arrived at a grand white altar sitting atop a verdant hill and a marble structure encased a unique large round flat stone at the center and to their surprise a thick white circle was suspended just a few centimeters above the stone.

'How is this possible?' Aldon mused aloud his fingers brushing against the spectral circle.

'We built it from pure spirit flow so nothing in the world can activate it so how is it possible?' Alvar echoed his disbelief.

Aldon lost in thought finally proposed, 'Can you trace what activated it?'

Meanwhile a city floating on a golden platform above the clouds bustled with activity there were winged beings and white Pegasus which soared through the air with their ethereal forms that was a testament to the celestial nature of the place. In one of the large rooms a woman dressed in a long green dress sat sipping tea and her tall slim figure was accentuated by her pale skin, green eyes, and long blonde hair, a pair of large light green wings unfurling from her back.

Her tranquility was disrupted when another woman entered the room gasping, 'Lady Ava. Something has reacted to the spirit flow.'

Ava placed her teacup down standing gracefully, 'Let's have a look at it.'

They made their way to a white temple, an altar covered with countless orbs glistening like pearls in the center and at the heart of it all was a round gray stone a white circle imprinted on it.

'Have you checked if it's a mistake?' Ava inquired her gaze fixed on the spectacle.

'We didn't dare to touch anything.' The woman replied, her voice shaky.

Without a word Ava picked up an orb placing it onto the white circle and to their astonishment it began to levitate and with a wave of her hand all the orbs were cast into the circle, each beginning to float as well.

'It's built on pure spirit flow so nothing can activate it because there is no method for anyone to use pure spirit flow,' She commented her lips curling into a sly smile, 'but it's to our advantage,' Her voice echoed in the temple an ominous laugh following.

Her gaze returned to the woman, 'start the preparations.'