
undead ascension: the discarded

A black blacker than nothing is what here is I can't tell if this is the place you are sent after death or before it. Consciousness snapped back into place along with sight followed by muted feeling to the rest of my body 'Where am I, what is this place' The surroundings are nothing but plains of rotting soil infested with an unknowable amount of bugs and mould with bolder stones jutting out everywhere. With the only notable feature is a monolith of a hand-shaped bolder. [Ding!] 'Hu' [Welcome traveller from another world! To the world of Aphis where with the help of skills and techniques you endlessly ascend in strength and become a God or more, to get started say status if you want to know more focus on what and if you have enough causality it shall be explained to you, Good luck!] 'What? Staus?' [Species: undead (discarded) Name:_________ level: 1/5 (exp: 0/3) MP: 1/1 HP: 5/5 SP: infinity/infinity Strength: 0.3 (for each point of Strength is 10 kilograms of force) Endurance: 0.5 (for each point of endurance is 10 HP and SP, increases physical resistance) Agility: 0.1 (for each point of Agility is 2 meters per second) Dexterity: 0.1 (increases your ability to perform technical skills) Intelligence: 0.5 ( 1 point of intelligence equals 2 MP and increases skills speed and ability) Wisdom: 0.5 (1 point of wisdom gives 1 MP regeneration every 10 minutes, increases mental skill control) Charisma: 0.1 (increases liveability and leadership skills) Skills [Unrestricted body (level: 1/100) ] 'Hu, what? Undead..' the thing I so wanted to ignore to just push to the back of my mind, with the rotting flesh tubes that would have once been called arms in the bottom of my eyes view that are practically sagging out of their sockets, The panic that was so desperately being superseded seeps through my body as every fibre of my being tensed as what felt like my entire nerve system was crushed in excruciating pain. [YOU HAVE DIED] Death again and just as quickly back to die again, death after death after death after death it continues.

Charlso_1o1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

evolution to stage one

It took a month and a week or two to reach level 5, maxing every stat at each level, and haven't used a single stat point I acquired, maxing every skill I could get my hands on.

[Species: undead (discarded) (perfect)

Name:_________ level: 5/5 (exp: N/A) (evolve)

Title: the un-bitten

MP: 200/200 HP: 200/200

SP: infinity/infinity

Strength: 10

Endurance: 10

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Stat points: 5


[Unrestricted body (level: 100100) Inspect (100/100) Meditation (100/100) Strike (100/100) Parry (100/100)

Counter (100/100) Gaurd (100/100) Mana channelling (100/100) Mana inbument (100/100) Mana shaping (100/100) ]


[Un-bound reaper style (trainee 9/9) - a self-made fighting style that maximizes the user's body to perform free-flowing attacks with 3 different forms, turtle focuses on redirecting enemy attacks back to them opening them for retaliation, heir focuses on flowing between hits to Strike weak points in rapid succession, the mantis is used to get in and out of attack range to wear down opponents and delivering devastating hits.

Dead mind (trainee 9/9) - grants greater ability to make and alter spells, improved Mana manipulation, when imbuing objects with Mana increases the flow of energy already in the object.

Deaths grace, life's spite (trainee 9/9) - the ability to shape and use life and death energy.]

After the gruelling training, I am proud to say that although it was tough I'd do it again, it was a fulfilling process getting everything I could and finding the extent of what my skills could do, going out of my way to understand the system more since when a technique is created the skills that make it up disappeared.

Since I wanted to have everything maxed before evolving when the skills disappeared to make a technique, I investigated and discovered they don't disappear but become part of it as it was, so if you want to improve the skill more you have to separate the aspects that skill represents.

To get to the max level I decided to take out the leader of the walker group I had been using as training to reach, a hard fight to even reach with the weakest seemingly trying to get stronger to beat me but after many deaths and acquiring my fighting technique the boss was defeated,

After doing so they seemed to gain some respect? For me, the level 6 walker seemed to want to train with me. Although not improving as fast as me it was able to get its fighting technique so I decided to teach him what I know about the system, since I can't speak the alternative I found was to transmit my thoughts using death energy and it worked.

Having a partner to train with who could keep up with me vastly improved my growth speed and having learned a lot about the undead in this place since they don't have the worry of dying well at least not permanently a lot of them are quite amicable after you earn their respect and they aren't insane.

This leads to now having acquired every skill I could as a Discarded being fully levelled.

[Every skill available has been fully levelled all evolution options are available it is advised to evolve to grow further. Would you like to evolve


'It's time to evolve finally, hopefully, I can walk again after this. Yes'

[Entering evolution space, preparing evolution options]

The world fades away to be replaced by a black space with a spider diagram showing my current Species and the 4 options of what I can become.

'Okay so the three normal options, walker, corpse eater, elite Discarded, and the special unlocked option husk, but let's check all of them before deciding.'

[Walker - the standard undead with above average physical stats but low mental, has high evolution potential.

Species Trait: unfazed - retains full power no matter the body's condition]

'So basically a foot solder option with high potential but low status, the only interesting thing about it is the trait that probably made the walkers so hard to beat. Regardless I don't think I'll take it'

[Corpse eater - the first utility type undead for beginner Necromancers, medium evolution potential with average stats but starts with the grafting skill.

Species Trait: flesh gorging - allows you to store 10kg of flesh per level]

'An interesting utility/healer option but I don't want to be relegated to the back lines, so no.'

[Elite Discarded - a general improvement to the Discarded with average stats all around, extremely high evolution potential, and gets the next version of [Unrestricted body] with the [flesh tempering] technique.

Species Trait: Mana structure - make a skeleton out of Mana that semi-permanently Endurance on the amount used, damage taken reduces Endurance gained.]

'Seems great if the last option isn't that great I'll choose this if only for the trait, but theirs still one left, Husk.'

[Husk - an empty shell lacking a soul that refused to die, all stats start mid-level, undetermined evolution options, acquire the [defence] skill, requires being a perfect Discarded.

Species Trait: defiant - burn Mana when out of HP.]

'This... seems kinda broken both the skill and trait, especially the trait. how am I the first to get this evolution but it's not like I'm complaining, I chose Husk.'

[Evolution option confirmed, reading path of existences, hidden evolution requirement for [pure Husk] achieved, have at least one stat maxed each level.]

[Congratulations, requirements for true evolution option achieved [true Husk] max all stats each level and have all species-specific techniques]


(Unknown pov)

How long has it been since that day, ow how I wish to go back to a time when laughter still filled these halls but now I sit on a throne as empty as the day it was made.

"My king! *huff* *huff* I come with an important message from Mrs.Eye."

An aide comes bursting through the grand double door of the throne room to come to his knee in front of the throne, huffing all the while.

"Well what is it?, speak up"

Although he tries to hide the fear on his face but no hard you try, you can't hide from your king.

"U-u-u uh well you see my liege Mrs.Eye has had a vision of a potential danger to the kingdom and it is... of undead origin."

The air stills for just a moment, and my fists clench the elegantly designed handrests cracking them.