
Chapter Sixteen: Interrogation Room: Unmasking the Enigma

At Nine Rings Headquarters, Anthony Moretti stormed into Emperor Wong's chambers, his frustration evident. "I can't believe this," he exclaimed. "Jake betrayed us, Emperor Wong. He's a damn snake."

Emperor Wong gestured for Anthony to calm down and provide an explanation. "Take a breath, Anthony. Tell me what happened."

Anthony recounted the events with intensity. "Three of our men are dead. Jake led them right into a trap," he said, anger seething in his voice. "I confronted him. He could've cost us even more lives."

Emperor Wong listened carefully, his expression growing grimmer. "Explain how you managed to prevent a full-on attack," he inquired.

Anthony's frustration persisted. "I convinced you not to send a battalion. We had a shot at extracting Jake," he explained. "We approached with an open car and open doors. Asked him to come with us. But he turned his back, discarded his badge, and surrendered to the military."

Emperor Wong's face tightened with disbelief. "And the military fired at you?" he asked.

"Exactly," Anthony affirmed, bitterness in his tone. "They shot at us, killed three of our guys. Jake's actions have consequences, and he'll have to answer for them."

Emperor Wong sighed, clearly vexed. "I can't comprehend why Jake would betray us like this. He had no reason to be disheartened," he mused. "He should've taken time to think before making such a reckless decision."

Anthony Moretti expressed his frustration, urging the leader to make a decision. "Everyone is furious, Emperor. We brought Jake into the Nine Rings, and he knows our secrets. It's on you for bringing a police officer into the brotherhood when you always said we couldn't trust them. Yet, you trusted Jake with a crucial mission."

Emperor Wong acknowledged Anthony's anger but sought clarification. "I understand your frustration, but what do you mean?" he inquired.

Anthony explained, "We can't take any chances. Jake needs to be marked for death, excommunicado. He's with the military now, He will sell us out, he has enough information to."

Emperor Wong contemplated the situation. "I get your concerns, but we can't act rashly based on emotions alone. I spoke with Jake shortly before this incident, and he seemed normal and excited to hear from me."

Anthony tried to persuade the Emperor further, but Wong intervened. "Take the night off, Anthony. We'll revisit this decision in the morning when emotions have subsided."

As Antonio Moretti emerged from Emperor Wong's chambers, he was met with a mix of tension and anticipation from the waiting Nine Wings members. Their anxious eyes searched for any sign of the decision made inside. Antonio took a moment to collect himself, feeling the weight of the situation pressing on his shoulders.

With a deep breath, he addressed the gathered members, "I've spoken with Emperor Wong, and he needs the night to consider the course of action. I know it's not what we want to hear, but hasty decisions could lead to dire consequences."

Some members grumbled in dissatisfaction, voicing their strong belief in the Nine Wings' code of swift response to betrayal. They argued that excommunicado was the only appropriate punishment.

Antonio empathized with their sentiment but remained steadfast in his conviction. "Trust me, I share your frustration," he replied. "Jake's betrayal is a grave offense, and we must ensure justice is served. But we also can't overlook the importance of a measured response to avoid unnecessary chaos."

As the discussion continued, tensions simmered, but Antonio reassured them, "I promise you, Jake will pay the price for his actions. Three brave men lost their lives, and their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will find the truth behind his betrayal and take appropriate action."

As the night wore on, Antonio and the other Nine Wings members grappled with the wait. Emotions ran high, but they knew that rushing into decisions could compromise the brotherhood they held dear.

As the military operation successfully extracted Jake, the helicopter landed at a fortified military facility known as the Vanguard Garrison, a central hub for tactical operations and strategic planning. Upon arrival, they swiftly ushered Jake into a secure waiting room, ensuring he remained isolated until further debriefing.

Inside the command office, the Battalion Commander, Colonel Jackson, a seasoned and stern-looking officer with an air of authority, began to give a comprehensive report on the situation to the higher-ups. As he recounted the events, he mentioned Jake's involvement, explaining how they rescued him from the clutches of the Italian Mafia.

With a thoughtful expression, Colonel Jackson revealed, "Upon further investigation, we learned that Jake claimed to be a police officer, presenting his badge as evidence. However, our background checks showed that he was indeed a cop from the station recently targeted by the infamous Nine Rings organization."

The Colonel continued, his brow furrowing in perplexity. "But there's something unusual about him. When we found him, he was single-handedly taking on the Italian Mafia, holding his ground like a one-man army. It was astounding to witness. Additionally, during the confrontation, we noticed some Chinese men, possibly linked to the Nine Rings, lurking nearby. It seems Jake's situation is more complex than we initially thought."

Another Soldier chimed in, "Indeed, Colonel. His skills and capabilities go far beyond those of an ordinary police officer. It's almost as if he's been trained in specialized combat techniques."

Colonel Jackson nodded in agreement, "Precisely. Any ordinary cop in his predicament would have been overwhelmed and taken down, but Jake fought valiantly until our forces arrived. There's more to his story, and we need to find out why the Nine Rings targeted him and what he was doing in that dangerous situation."

Back in the waiting room, Jake sat, his mind racing with memories of the harrowing encounter. He knew he had to be cautious about what he revealed during the upcoming debriefing. The room was sterile and cold, with minimal furnishings and a one-way mirror, adding to the aura of uncertainty surrounding him. His mind wandered back to the recent events in Little Italy. The memory of narrowly escaping from Antonio Moretti and appearing to betray the Nine Rings weighed heavily on his thoughts. His sole focus now was to reach Emperor Wong and warn him about the dangers lurking within their ranks. He firmly believed that Antonio had hidden agendas, involving the poisoning of Mr. Cheng, which rendered Emperor Wong vulnerable to potential harm. He couldn't shake the suspicion that Anthony Moretti might be the one behind the trap that nearly cost him his life. After all, Anthony was among the few who knew about his secret mission, making him a prime suspect in setting the deadly ambush to keep Jake from exposing his connection to the ricin purchase.

But amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, Jake couldn't ignore the mysterious guardian angel who had saved him from disaster. A cryptic warning had come just in time, urging him to abort the mission and avoid the Castor bean farm. The sender, who called themselves "the undead," remained a puzzle, leaving Jake to ponder their identity and motives. Could it be a shadowy figure or a secret organization embroiled in the city's enigmatic twists and turns? Regardless of the enigma surrounding "the undead," Jake felt grateful for their intervention. Their timely warning had enabled him to escape the deadly trap in Little Italy, sparing him from a grim fate. His life had been spared, and he owed his survival to this mysterious benefactor.

With every passing moment, Jake grew more resolute in his mission to protect the Emperor. He knew he had to find a way to deliver this crucial warning without Antonio intercepting or acting as a middleman. Realizing that a face-to-face interaction was necessary due to Antonio's close relationship with the Emperor, Jake paced the waiting room, formulating his strategy. Emperor Wong and Antonio were more than allies; they were family, and disclosing sensitive information over the phone was not an option. It required a direct and private meeting. However, the situation was delicate, and any wrong move could jeopardize everything. As the room fell silent, Jake's mind raced with the potential risks and obstacles that lay ahead. He understood that the true enemy was not an external threat but rather someone within the Emperor's inner circle. Together, they needed to uncover the reasons behind Mr. Cheng's death and why Antonio felt compelled to take such drastic measures.

While Jake was still lost in his thoughts, a soldier briskly entered the room, he fixed his unwavering gaze on Jake and firmly stated, "Follow me." With a sense of urgency and purpose, Jake complied, matching the soldier's pace as they navigated through the bustling area. The soldier's crisp uniform exuded a quiet confidence, and his every step seemed to carry the weight of responsibility. Amidst the hive of activity, other soldiers worked diligently, each one dedicated to their assigned tasks. Some soldiers stood together in camaraderie, their hands firmly clasped in unity. The tech team focused intently on their laptops, analyzing data with utmost precision. The Medical team attended to the brave souls wounded in the intense stand-off at Little Italy, showcasing their unwavering commitment to healing and care. In the midst of this synchronized operation, some soldiers meticulously tended to their weapons, ensuring they were primed for any potential threat. Others painstakingly washed the blood off their blades, a testament to the dangers they faced and the resilience they exhibited.

With unwavering determination, Jake followed the soldier, their footsteps echoing through the corridors. As they reached their destination, Jake entered a room reminiscent of a police interrogation chamber. CCTV cameras discreetly observed the scene, creating an atmosphere of intense scrutiny. The room held only a simple table and chairs, a stark reminder of the serious nature of the forthcoming conversation. Waiting inside the room was Colonel Jackson, an imposing figure radiating authority. He gestured for Jake to take a seat, projecting a sense of formality and professionalism. The gravity of the moment settled upon Jake's shoulders, knowing that what transpired in this room would profoundly impact his future.

As Jake settled into his seat, preparing for the interview, Colonel Jackson and the soldier took a moment to set up the room for the procedure. The Colonel instructed the tech team to ensure the CCTV cameras were positioned to capture every angle of the room, creating an all-encompassing surveillance. They meticulously tested the audio equipment to ensure clear and precise recording. Once the technical aspects were in place, Colonel Jackson turned to Jake, maintaining a composed demeanor, and spoke in a firm but respectful tone. "Jake, we are conducting this interview as part of our standard procedure to gather information and ascertain the events that took place in Little Italy. This is an official process to understand the circumstances surrounding your recent encounter."

He continued, "We encourage full cooperation, as it will facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the situation." Colonel Jackson emphasized that honesty and transparency were crucial during the interview. "We seek the truth, and the information you provide will help us piece together the puzzle accurately. We are here to ensure justice is served, for both the innocent and those responsible for any wrongdoing."

With an air of professionalism, the Colonel reassured Jake that the interview was a formal procedure to ensure fairness and thoroughness. "You will be treated with respect throughout this process, and we are committed to upholding your rights as a person."

As Colonel Jackson launched into his questions, he leaned forward slightly, his gaze firmly fixed on Jake Adams. The intensity in his eyes made it clear that he sought straightforward answers. "Jake Adams, tell me, what were you doing in Little Italy, and why did you go there?"