
Chapter 13: Little Italy

As the first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, Jake found himself torn between his loyalty to Emperor Wong and his growing suspicion of Antonio Moretti, his brother-in-law and a prominent member of the High Table. The weight of the decision bore heavily on his shoulders, as he knew that making bold accusations without concrete proof could be perilous. After all, Emperor Wong held the members of the High Table in the highest regard, believing them to be paragons of trust, honour, and dignity. Contemplating his next move, Jake understood that a hasty accusation could jeopardise not only his position but also the delicate balance of the entire realm. The stakes were too high for mere assumptions. Instead, he resolved to embark on a discreet investigation, determined to uncover the truth, but first he had to uncover the truth concerning the Teapot.

Jake approached Emperor Wong with a concerned expression. " We should take the teapot to the laboratory for testing to be sure."

"There's no need for that, Jake. I will personally send a trusted lab analyst over to conduct the test discreetly. We can't have our affairs recorded outside in public and private laboratories. We need to ensure confidentiality."

Understanding the Emperor's concern, Jake nodded. "Alright, if you say so, Emperor Wong. It's just that I want to make sure everyone's safe, and find out who is responsible"

Emperor Wong assured Jake, "I appreciate your concern, but it's best to handle this matter with utmost confidentiality. I'll make sure the lab analyst we send is highly skilled and discreet."

A few hours later, a lab analyst arrived at Emperor Wong's residence. He was introduced to Jake and Emperor Wong. "I'm Analyst Li," he said, with a confident smile. "I've been instructed to conduct a thorough and discreet test on the teapot."

Emperor Wong acknowledged him. "Excellent, Analyst Li. Please proceed with the test, and let us know if you need anything."

Analyst Li nodded and began the testing process. First, he carefully examined the teapot's surface for any visible signs of tampering. Then, he took a sample of the teapot's contents and placed it in a secure container.

"I will run a series of tests on this sample," Analyst Li explained. "We'll check for common poisons and toxins. Additionally, I'll analyze the material composition of the teapot itself to ensure there are no harmful substances leaching into the contents."

As the meticulous testing process continued, Jessy couldn't help but experience a turbulent mix of anxiety and relief. He knew that the results could unveil the sinister culprit responsible for placing the deadly poison in the pot. During the tense wait for the test results, Emperor Wong attempted to ease Jessy's burdened mind by engaging in small talk. "Jake, I have utmost confidence in your abilities. If anyone can crack this mystery wide open, it's you. Analyst Li is renowned for his expertise, and the results will undoubtedly be accurate."

After what felt like an interminable period, Analyst Li returned with the pivotal results. His face bore an expression of grave concern as he addressed the assembled individuals. "Mr. Chen was poisoned with Ricin. I discovered traces of it in the Teapot."

Emperor Wong's brows furrowed as he attempted to comprehend the implications of this revelation. "Ricin? What does that mean exactly?"

Jake, well-versed in various subjects, stepped in to provide clarity. "Ricin is an extremely lethal poison derived from the castor plant's beans, also used to produce castor oil. It can exist as a liquid, a dry powder, or in crystal form."

Analyst Li interjected, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "Indeed, the use of Ricin as a means of accidental poisoning is highly improbable. Its lethal nature indicates that it was employed deliberately, as a deadly weapon."

Emperor Wong's fists clenched in a fit of anger, as the realization set in that Mr. Chen's death was not a mere hypothesis but a cold, calculated fact.

Continuing his explanation, Analyst Li elucidated the various ways Ricin could be administered. "Ricin can poison individuals through ingestion, inhalation if released into the air in liquid or powdered form, or even by absorption through the skin, although the latter is less likely. It can also be employed as an injected poison, targeting an individual directly."

Jake's mind wandered back to the day of Mr. Chen's arrest. "He appeared fine and healthy at the time, but he died suddenly in the van. I suspect the poison must have had a delayed effect."

Analyst Li concurred, "That seems highly probable. Ricin in food or water induces severe food poisoning symptoms such as vomiting and bloody diarrhea, affecting the liver and kidneys. It can prove fatal within three days, with just one milligram being sufficient to kill an adult."

"So, it's plausible that he wasn't poisoned on the day of his arrest, and the poison built up over time as he continuously drank from the teapot," Jake mused.

"Precisely," Analyst Li replied. "This indicates a premeditated and well-executed plan."

Jake turned to Emperor Wong, determined to gather as much information as possible. "Your Majesty, did Mr. Chen display any symptoms or complained of any illnesses in the days leading up to his death?"

The emperor furrowed his brow, striving to recollect any possible signs of illness in Mr. Chen. "None that I am aware of. He may have been unwell but dismissed it as insignificant, assuming it would resolve with medication."

Jake concluded, "Whoever orchestrated this malevolent act must have known Mr. Chen intimately to target the teapot, given that he was the sole consumer of its contents."

Turning his attention to the analysts, Jake inquired further, "Can you ascertain the source of the Ricin? Obtaining such a lethal substance would undoubtedly involve illegal means."

As the words lingered in the air, the door swung open, revealing Antonio Moretti, Emperor Wong's brother-in-law, clad in dishevelled sleeping attire. It was evident that he had spent the night at the palace, but his sudden appearance raised eyebrows among the investigators. Jake's mind buzzed with curiosity, questioning why Antonio had chosen to stay back after the dinner.

"What's going on here?" Antonio inquired, his eyes darting between the gathered individuals.

Emperor Wong stepped forward to provide an answer. "We've discovered that Mr. Chen was poisoned with Ricin."

Antonio's eyes widened in surprise. "Ricin? That's a deadly poison. How did you come to this conclusion?"

Jake spoke up, explaining, "The subsequent laboratory analysis confirmed the presence of Ricin in the teapot."

"I see," Antonio responded thoughtfully. "Is there anything I can do to assist?"

Emperor Wong assured him, "Jake will handle the investigation. He believes he can trace the killer if he can determine the source of the poison."

Analyst Li nodded in agreement. "Indeed, we need to find the source of the Ricin. It comes from the castor oil plant, which is primarily grown in the east, particularly in Little Italy."

"Little Italy? Are you suggesting the Italians are involved?" Antonio asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Jake clarified, "It's not a matter of implicating a whole community. We need to find out who purchased or acquired the Ricin recently. It could lead us to the person behind Mr. Chen's death."

"I understand," Antonio replied, realizing the gravity of the situation. "What do you need to proceed? Also Little Italy is my hometown, I know it better than anyone, I think I should be the one to go"

"I'll need Guns," Jake stated bluntly. "It's my job, I will go. I need to go to Little Italy and investigate discreetly."

Emperor Wong interjected, "We will send a team with you to provide support."

Jake hesitated, shaking his head. "With all due respect, armed Chinese men infiltrating Little Italy could escalate tensions and provoke the Italian Mafia. We don't want to ignite a dangerous turf war in the city. We need to be cautious."

Emperor Wong nodded, understanding the implications of such an approach. "I see your point. Proceed carefully, but be sure to inform us if you need any assistance."

With the emperor's blessing, Jake prepared to embark on his investigation. He knew that time was of the essence, and the trail could grow cold if they didn't act swiftly. Gathering his wits, he donned his coat and walked towards the exit.

A waiting car stood outside, ready to transport Jake to Little Italy. However, before embarking on the journey, he was blindfolded to maintain the secrecy of the locations of the Nine Rings. Even he wasn't privy to the exact whereabouts of the Nine Rings headquarters and Emperor Wong's palace. If he ever needed to visit these the emperor, he would always be blindfolded throughout the journey. A brilliant strategy, he thought, as the car began its silent trek towards the heart of the Italian neighborhood.

As the car finally came to a halt, the blindfold was gently lifted, Jake stepped out of the vehicle, receiving a set of car keys from the shadowy figure accompanying him. "Everything you want is in the trunk," the man whispered cryptically.

Curiosity piqued, Jake opened the trunk, and what met his gaze sent a thrill coursing through his veins. A dazzling array of sophisticated weapons lay before him, gleaming in the dim light. Each firearm, a masterpiece of engineering, appeared far beyond the realm of conventional weaponry. He had expected a few guns, but what he discovered was nothing short of an armory's worth. Assault rifles stood tall, bearing an air of lethal precision. Submachine guns glistened with deadly intent. Explosives, resembling works of art, held the promise of devastating impact. Shotguns exuded rugged power. Time seemed to freeze as Jake absorbed the gravity of the situation. These weapons, unmatched in sophistication, surpassed even the most advanced military arsenals. It was as if he had been entrusted with the tools to confront the very essence of danger. In that moment, he realized that he was not merely handed guns but an arsenal of resolve, determination, and resilience. He knew that he must rise to the occasion, prepared for whatever may unfold on his solo mission.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Jake slid behind the wheel and set off into Little Italy. The narrow streets wound like a serpentine labyrinth, enveloping him in the embrace of authenticity and tradition. The aroma of freshly baked pizza wafted through the air, mingling with the laughter of children playing in the cobbled alleyways. Amidst this charming veneer, Jake remained vigilant, aware that danger lurked behind every corner. He observed the locals, their friendly exchanges concealing hidden alliances. The quaint storefronts masked a darker underbelly, one teeming with secrets and clandestine operations. His journey through Little Italy was a blend of beauty and peril. He passed by colorful murals and quaint boutiques, but each step brought him closer to the core of the investigation. He kept his wits about him, ever vigilant of the unknown dangers lurking in the shadows.

As Jake continued driving, the anticipation of reaching the castor bean farm intensified. The quiet countryside road stretched before him, leading him closer to the source of the deadly Ricin. Suddenly, a soft buzz emanated from his pocket, causing a ripple of surprise. Who could possibly be contacting him at this critical moment? The somber reality struck him - everyone he once knew was now gone, leaving him a lone wolf in this treacherous quest. His hand trembled as he retrieved the phone from his pocket. The message, from an unknown number, bore an ominous warning: "Abort Mission, you're walking into a trap." Fear and confusion entwined within him as he pondered the identity of the sender. The lack of a familiar number only deepened the mystery, leaving him to grapple with the gravity of the situation.

Intrigued but cautious, Jake decided to respond, demanding answers. "Who are you?" he typed, his fingers lingering above the screen. The reply came almost instantaneously, leaving him with an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. "The undead," the message read, cryptic and unsettling. "The undead? What the hell does that even mean?" Jake muttered to himself, trying to decipher the enigmatic response. His mind raced, considering the possibilities. Could it be a deranged individual playing mind games with him, or was there something more sinister at play? Emperor wong won't hide his identity if he wanted him to abort the mission. Doubt gnawed at him, but he couldn't let fear deter him from his mission. Jake had come too far to back down now, and he refused to be manipulated by some mysterious figure hiding in the shadows. His thoughts kept circling back to the sender's identity. "Who could possibly want to stop me from finding the truth?" Jake pondered aloud, his mind racing through the list of potential suspects.

Among them, one name stood out - Antonio Moretti. The uneasy feeling he had about him since morning intensified, and now he was certain that Antonio was behind this unsettling message. "Yes, it has to be him," Jake concluded, a spark of conviction igniting within him. Antonio had been present at the Headquarters this morning, and he was one of the few who knew about Jake's mission. It seemed plausible that he would resort to such manipulative tactics to thwart Jake's progress and safeguard the truth from coming to light.