
Unchained Dragon (WoW Fanfic)

Theo find himself in the world of Azeroth, a land of many conflicts, adventures and dangers.A story based on what one can do with their own knowledge of the future and the hands that fate gave to them... fortunate or unfortunate is as simple as a single decision made. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft, I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes along with a unique character who faces his fair amount of trials in a journey of growth and survival in this vast world.

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90 Chs

Hillsbrad Foothills

Since they were moderately lost, they decided to take their time to rest, eat and recover from their wounds, for three days they didn't do much that a normal dragon would. Finding food in such lush land was easy, there were many woods and many green hills filled with wildlife from deer to mice, they had plenty of both, finding water just as easy too for there were many minor rivers covering the land.

'Compared to the Searing Gorge this is a true paradise!' Theo thought, just seeing how they have ease at finding food, water and many other essentials without much effort. His wings were still recuperating, a process that seemed as fast as a trolls regenerating a limb but which still felt slow to Theo who basically newborn in this world.

They began their search for human settlements by walking along rivers they found, soon coming upon a village, where they traded game they hunted for some clothes, bags and a map, something that was unusually common in this world, maps in medieval times were confidential information in his old world, but in this one, there were too many ways of scouting, both magical or by flying, so it made sense for it to be common knowledge.

They found they had come ashore at the east of the Hillsbrad Foothills, a bit to the west was Southshore and to the east was the great Thoradin Wall one of the marvels created during the time of the first great kingdom of the humans, in a bid to defend themselves from the Amani incursions of the at the time rulers of most of the land past the Thandol Span to the north, they were a mighty Empire which was felled by the alliance of humans and elves... it was also in such war that the first humans learned magic, something that would lead to the establishment of Dalaran in the future.

"History trully is curious... events all connected making even a single detail into something which changes the times" I said while making a philosophical face to my companion, trying my best to channel my bronze dragon heritage (or maybe just goofing around for a bit).

"We rested long enough, we need to move before certain events begin otherwise they will be simply to busy to heed us when we reach Dalaran" having said so they hurried to Southshore in their human forms.

Selia was the first who wanted to try changing form, she took a elven form, something which must have come from her memories of the many souls infused into her, she took a silver hair which reached her a bit past her shoulders, it just just right since it was a bit curvy at the ends, along with a healthy pink skin and a height of around 1.7 meters, as for the other features I couldn't say she was lacking too, to the point where I had to avert my eyes to avoid letting one thing in me get too excited.

Many mages can create all sorts of cloth and food our of thin air, had we the time to learn it should be single for us who have the magical abilities of the blue dragonflight, but since we couldn't know the singlest bit of manipulating the arcane to our will we decided to "borrow" a change of clothes from the village during night, but we were good people so of course we gave them back after buying some clothes ok? I can be like a goblin but I am not a goblin, mostly...

As for my form I can only say that I was trully a handsome human, a not so lean muscular body, around 1.8 meters with a silver hair with hints of gold, skin a bit tan and a devilish handsome face to make how I felt inside my appearance, to show that pride of a genius and perfect manly attraction to stun girls (not at all to compensate for my average looks in my past life, Ok?!).


Soon after arriving at Southshore and seeing the city bustling with activity of many farmers, traders and soldier who would often play a game of rat and mouse with the last stubborn orc raiding parties, a remnant of the Horde that found themselves stuck on these regions, we decided to stay a night to sleep in a bed and depart in the morning.

Selia soon proved to be popular in the town, making many among the city residents turn around to just look at her, even being that the cause of an accident with a harbor laborer, who stumbled upon seeing her and staining the wooden pier of ale he carried.

I also was attractive, making even some maidens blush on eye contact, something which made me glad of my choice of appearance, but too much attention can also be bad in some cases, some less honorable members of the town seeing our clothes as something that only countryfolk wear had thought it would be easy to take advantage of us, but I suspected their true target was Selia, maybe even to take her slave to some bandit group of these areas.

Needless to say, a small group of brigands was not at all a trouble for us, we even made some money out of them and took information or how far was Dalaran from the place, learning that on foot it would take around a week or so to reach the place.

After getting rid of the bandits, and getting a nice monetary reward for it, I decided that we should pay for transportation to avoid the trouble of being seen in our dragon forms before we reached our destination... having to fight gryphon rider patrols would not be pretty in our current condition, and facing the road by ourselves would take longer than on a caravan, not to say the dangers of encountering orcs was still a small threat even if very unlikely.

Selia was becoming more active and curious all this while, I out of fear of her growing mad would periodically use a calming spell on her mind until we found a solution to our condition, but her condition it also gave me inside in learning a bit about my system... it looked like my memories of the 5 "donor" of different dragonflights were organized neatly in my head, I could access them any time even if most memories I could access were shallow at best

So with my quest and learning about the system being my current priority we took the road to Dalaran.