
Unchained Dragon (WoW Fanfic)

Theo find himself in the world of Azeroth, a land of many conflicts, adventures and dangers.A story based on what one can do with their own knowledge of the future and the hands that fate gave to them... fortunate or unfortunate is as simple as a single decision made. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft, I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes along with a unique character who faces his fair amount of trials in a journey of growth and survival in this vast world.

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90 Chs

Burning the Roots

The Golden Living Flames charred his back, until his bones came to show. He lost his concentration and his wall of vines, being made open to the silver arrows that hit him in a flash.

A bull shaped comet came from the air, the axe splitting the wind with mighty strength came upon his head, he raised his arms in the way, breaking the right one.

The fight was won the party thought.

Gorak Tul would not die to easily, if he died in this place it would be for true, not being able to once again come back.

So he let all the Nightmare rage, giving in completely to the madness and torment.

The colours dimmed, ripples as powerful as walls hit the minds of the party, they all were sucked in the mirage of fear and power.


Theo opened his eyes to find himself before a dream once more, but he felt this was far more serious than previously, he was wide awake, but before him stood the handsome noble man, with a devilish charming look.

Lord Victor Nefarius, his creator.

"Oh my, oh my... isn't my little lab rat quite brave. Time to put you back into your cell!" He said while becoming a fifteen meter long dragon, just his mouth enough to swallow me whole.

I knew it was an illusion, but I couldn't help but be anxious, it was the more fearsome thing I saw since coming to this world.

Deciding to not let my mind waver, I released a roar at it and also grew my size.

"Since this was a dreamscape, let me also make use of it." I said grinning.

We charged at each other, being around the same size, but I had much more in my sleeves than he did...

He came my way with a Shadowflame breath, which I countered with my Goldenflame.

He took in the shadow, I took in the light. I had bigger endurance due to my special constitution, both Arcane Knowledge and Blessing of Nature helping me conserve and regenerate my strength in the middle of the fight.

Soon as his flame ended he was charred in the ground and I bit his neck, ending the dream.


Gorak Tul was alone before a beating heart, it was cold, dark blue and pulsed with curses and the blue gas present in this place.

It was the center of Thros, the point zero of this infection and what kept the Nightmare expanding.

He desperately tried to cast spells to take its power and grow stronger, to heal and mend his wounds.

Soon his foes would be out of the illusion, he knew it wouldn't hold them for long.

He tried and tried but the heart would not budge to his desires.

"Give me power and I shall serve, let me have my revenge and I shall rule this land for your sake!" He said in a plea.

From the heart an eye opened, it seemed to see all and bring out the worst thoughts in one's mind.

"You will obey!" Said the voice coming from the eye, infusing Gorak Tul with energy of the void, he began to grow tentacles and eyes around his body, his vines now looked like tentacles and his thorns like spikes.

"I obey!" responded Gorak Tul in a dazed face.

"Kill the intruders, wait for release, twilight will come!" The eye shouted before closing.


The party was done with their respective fights, they came after Gorak Tul, and soon as they reached him, they saw him transformed into a monstrosity, and behind him a foul beating heart.

They were quite tired out of all the fighting, this would have to end fast or they would lose this fight.

("Trag, prepare to throw Mona.") I said while relaying my plan.

The tauren nodded, and so did the armadilo Mona to his side, she held a bag filled with flasks.

"Now Emma!" I shouted to the night elf with a shortened name for the sake of speed.

I once again breathed the Golden Living Flames, keeping Gorak Tul in place, but he clearly held the upper hand by sending a massive wave of void energy to clash with my breath drowning it.

But while I resisted this single spell, I accelerated Trag and Mona, and soon she was shot out by the tauren into the heart at the back.

I saw panic in the dazed face of Gorak Tul, he could only slowly turn his head at the flying armadillo as it zoomed past him.

In mid flight Mona became a big swordfish, which entered right into the heart, and soon the heart began to shake and squirm.

Light was expanding from the heart bringing cracks all over, so was the fire beginning to spew out of it.

We only saw a small bird flying out of it before it exploded, sending the small bird flying and engulfing Gorak Tul in the flames, he seemed to be sucked in to the explosion as if a tap was opened from the bottom of a lake, drawing all water away.

The blue gas began to dim and try to fill the void left by the heart.

I soon opened my wings and concentrated, I focused in making the wind draw the gas into the void, and when I saw no more of it I fired the Starfire beam with the Light, which I named Sunbeam.

It kept burning the hole, until no more corruption came out of it. I plopped down to the ground tired, the little bird Mona also plopped over me breathing heavily.

The last I did before losing consciousness was healing Mona and then close my heavy eyelids.