
Uncalled Love.

"Sam, you know, people are crueler than we think. Some leave you to live your whole life in grief and guilt and some will bring you from that shithole only to push you back later...... I loved her and she left me forever. Now I'm in love with him but I have to leave him forever." I said in between sobs "Why doesn't the person I love stays in my life...Why do I feel pain, in the end, every time I love?... It's hurting Sam. My heart can't take more." I said in a muffled tone and started crying my heart out --------------------------------------------- LOVE the best ever feeling mankind can ever have, it can heal any pain and save any life. People say- love is the best medicine but why did they fail to realize that it's also the reason for the sorrow, grief, and pain? Kiet had led the perfect life a child can ever have until his parents got divorced. From then, his life has changed and 'love' has become his greatest enemy and so is his mother who forgot that she had a son and was spending her whole life in the grief of losing her husband On the other side, Song, never really cared for any people. He thought love was a mere feeling people show when you have money. His life was filled with girls, money, and rudeness, and never really cared about anyone's feelings...not even his mum's. Until it was too late. His opinion on love changes and so was his life when his mum dies in a tragic accident. His life was filled with depression and guilt. The two completely opposite worlds with tragic past and common opinions on love come together when fate showed mercy. They become roommates, the kind of roommates who don't know the existence of another. Slowly each other know about the other's past and the pain in it. Will they help each other to overcome their fears? Will a cold heart and a broken heart, melt and heal to form one, they are always meant to be? The old-school campus story of two imperfect hearts soon changes into an epic love story which ends up with Kiet choosing between his love and his career. Can these two hearts feel the love they deserve? ----------------------------------------- "Song?...Song." I called him not too loud for him to jolt He slowly turned towards me and smiled "What are you doing there? Come down" I said with a terrified tone "I-I can't. I can't. He's never gonna let us be together" "He will, pl-please just come down. We'll talk about it okkay?" I said while going towards him "No, he won't. I-I can't bear this anymore, Kiet. I can't feel the pain of losing you too" He said in between his sobs "Please......don't this to me" I said with tears rolling down. It was the first time I felt this type of fear. The fear of losing the one I love forever "I will always love you, Kiet. Goodbye" He said in a low tone and leaned back. Soon he fell off the roof "SONG..." I screamed while jumping from the roof. It can't be like this. I can never lose him...not again -------------------------------------------- Participant of Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021 Theme: Slice of life.

Seulil2061 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
150 Chs

Hobson's choice.

"He knows everything. He and Sam will be here by afternoon." I replied.

I went back to my room after having breakfast and called Song. He answered after few rings.

"Hello, Kiet".

"You sound tired. when did you sleep?" I asked.

"Around 11. Sam ended up talking with Link all night after 10 minutes of playing." Song said with a smile.

"They will never change.....Had breakfast?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

"Good.....Umm... Did you have the nightmare again?" I asked with a worried tone.

"No. You worry too much." He said.

"It's because I hate to see my boyfriend in pain," I said with a soft tone.

"Cheesy. What about you? Did you done packing?" He asked.

"I have to start. It will be over by the time you come. By the way, mum's waiting for you. When will you guys start?" I replied.

"We'll be there soon, have some packing left." He said.

"I'll be waiting. I gotta pack things, bye." I said with a smile.

"Bye." He said and ended the call.

I took out the luggage bags and started packing my clothes. I was packing when I heard the door knock. I opened the door and saw Link. He came in and saw the bags and clothes all over the bed.

"Seems like you started packing already." Link said going towards the bed.

"I thought it's best to pack before they both arrive," I replied while closing the door.

"Ummm... Kiet." He said hesitantly.

"Do you have a minute?" He asked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about Song's dad." Link said hesitantly.

"Mr. Williams? What about him?" I asked, scrunching the eyebrows.

"Song didn't open up about your relationship with his dad right?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's scared and I told him to wait till I go to Singapore. After Song moves in with me, we both will go to his father to talk about our relationship. Why did you ask about him suddenly?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.

"Sam has a hunch that Mr. Willaims may or may not know about you. She doesn't exactly know. She's worried about Song." Link answered.

" I hope everything will be fine until I return," I said with a worried tone.

"I hope the same. I'm worried about my love too. Sam's father is pressuring her about her marriage." Link said with a sigh.

"I thought you guys spoke to her father about your relationship," I asked with a doubtful face.

"Sam wanted to hide it until you guys open up. She's afraid once she rejects the marriage proposal Song's dad will find the reason and everything will be pretty messed up." Link explained.

"Everything will be perfect in a few days," I said and exclaimed.

I went towards the bed and started packing my clothes.

"Lemme help." Link said and took my shirt to fold.

We kept the bags aside after packing and went downstairs. We found mum preparing in the kitchen. Link and I watched the TV for some time. When we checked the time it was around 11. I checked my phone but I didn't get any message or call from Song. Something doesn't feel right.

"Link, you got any call from Sam?" I asked turning towards him.

"Not yet. She said she will call when they start from the dorms. Didn't Song, text you?" He asked while checking his phone.

"No. Let me call Song." I said while taking my phone.

"They must have forgotten to call. What are you worried about?" Link asked.

"I don't know. Something seems off." I said and tried calling Song but he didn't pick up. I called again he didn't answer, my worries started turning into frightening.

"He's not answering," I said with a frightened tone.

"Calm down, try again. Let me call Sam." He said and tried calling her. I tried calling Song again.

After few rings, he answered the call. That felt a relief.

"Hello, Song?" I called him.

No one answered from the other side.

"Song?..... Song? Are you there?" I asked.

That's when I heard a faint weeping sound.

"Song is that you?" I asked with a frightened tone.

"K-Kiet." He answered. His voice sounded hoarse. I saw Link talking to Sam, so I went towards my room and closed the door.

"Song. Are you crying? What happened?" I asked.

"D-dad found out." He managed to say between his sobs. That was it, it felt like lightning struck me.

"What?" I asked in a shocked tone.

"Dad found out about us. He called me."

"When?" I asked.

"An hour ago. He asked me about our relationship. I didn't have a choice but to accept, he caught me with proofs. He wants me to come back to the UK." He said in between his sobs.

Listening to his crying felt much more pain than knowing the fact that his father knows about us.

"Song, don't cry. Everything will be alright. Let me go to Singapore. We will go to your dad in a week and I will convince him." I tried to calm him down.

"H-He gave me 24 hours to come back. He wants Sam and I to be married right after we get there."

"Don't worry. I will talk to Sam. She will find a way to convince her dad." I said trying to find an alternative answer.

"You don't understand, Kiet. Once I step out of this country, dad will make sure I won't see you again. What's more, scaring me is dad's warning. I don't want dad to hurt you." He sniffed.

"No one's gonna hurt me. Everything will be fine. Just let me go and meet my dad. We will meet your dad after that. I won't be in Thailand in the meantime so he won't hurt me." I tried to calm him while I was scared as hell.

"It will be too late by then. He will send bodyguards to bring me back to the UK if I won't return within the time. I have no choice but to go." He said and started crying hard.

"Just give me time, I will find a way," I said and ended the call. I turned around and saw Link by the door.

"Song's dad..." I was continuing but Link cut me off and spoke.

"I know, Sam told me."

"Why don't we ask Sam to convince Song's dad?" I asked.

"He knows about our relationship too. Sam tried talking to his dad, but he's as stubborn as Mr. Williams." He said with a sigh.

"We will lose them forever if they go back. I'm thinking of going with Sam to talk to her dad." He said looking at me.

"But..." I said and looked at the luggage bags we packed earlier.

"It's your choice to make Kiet. Love or life. Choose one and you lose other forever." He said and came towards me.

My legs lost strength thinking about this and I collapse onto the ground.

"Kiet." Link said kneeling in front of me.

"I don't know what to do. You know the reason why I want to meet dad on his birthday so much. It's been my dream all along. I can't lose it." I said while keeping my hands on my head.

"I know, but if you chose mum's happiness, you will lose yours. What will you do?"

"I need time, to think."

"You have only got 24 hours. Song's flight time is the same as yours." Link said.

I looked at Link with disbelief.

"Song said his dad got proof. Do you know who sent those proofs to his dad?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I have those pics, I asked Sam to send those. Here." He said while showing the pics.

I took his phone and saw all the pics. I kept his phone aside thinking who might have taken the pics, that's when a pic splashed on my mind. I took his phone and checked the pics again. I stopped at the pic of me and Song in BBQ. Seeing that pic, I realized who's the one behind all this.

"It was Kane," I said.

"Who?" Link asked.

"Kane, that first-year kid, in the football team," I answered.

"What? How did you know?" He asked in surprise.

"The pic from the BBQ. See the shirt Song's wearing. He borrowed it from Kane when Song accidentally poured cold coffee on his shirt. Later, that night we invited him to BBQ." I explained after showing the pic.

"But why did he do that? and how on Earth he got to know Song's dad?" He asked.

I was thinking of answers to the questions when I got a call.

"He will answer it himself," I said while showing my phone to Link. It's Kane whose calling. I kept the phone on speaker.