

The trio left the apartment as quick as they could for Ailyna was so terrified of them getting caught.

Thank you guys for helping me out I know we don't know each other well but still you came here for me IL never forget that and in future if you ever need my help I promise I won't hesitate to help you out.

Don't promise us anything pretty one who told you in future we will need a favor from you we did this because it's the right thing to do, as for me actually I did it only for my sis otherwise I won't even think twice abandoning you there to deal with your issues, you can think am rude or harsh but it's reality this days you help someone only to be back stabbed when you list expect it.

Kiddo spare her your goody goody words okay, she's a girl who had been through alot can't you be a little considerate here, stop accusing her and find a restaurant by the roadside she need to eat now not to be scolded.