
Missed her

"Your back, I missed you and am sorry I didn't come again to see you, had a lot to deal with here" Cynthia hugged Alex.

"It's alright, am glad you're finally getting serious about work," she said.

Her sister sighed, "It's because am single again so I have no one to waste my free time with. And work was a lot this week"

"You broke up again, how many times are you both going to keep at this," Alex asked.

"Until he learns to be a gentleman... Speaking of men, has the rich CEO dropped by since last time?" Cynthia asked.

Alex turned away, "I told you he wasn't going to last long"

"Really he didn't return, that's a shame I thought you finally found the one"

"Stop minding about my business and go do your work" Alex walked out of the coffee room.

She didn't want to think about anything else but work and she did just that for the rest of the week.


Nathan returned from his business trip exhausted, he had handled work for a month in two weeks just so he could return and check on Alex.

After leaving abruptly had he got no time of calling to check if she was okay and worst of all he didn't have her number.

"Don't worry we are almost at the company" Becca said.

"When did she return to work?" he asked.

"This week, I asked and they said she's been so busy trying to catch up on all the work that piled up when she was away, that she always leaves late"

He sighed, "they overwork her"

Becca laughed, "She has been working there since her college days so I think she's used by now. And that's her father's company they can't mistreat her"

"I don't even know how I didn't meet her soon when we have been partners with her father for years" he said.

"It's because, unlike her sister, she is out of the spotlight, keeps a very low profile and doesn't associate that much with people outside her social circle" Becca explained.

"We have arrived," Nathan said getting out of the car.

"Slow down, she won't go anywhere" Becca smiled following him to them White's company.

Nathan walked to the assistant manager of the advertising department office to find it empty. He frowned and turned to the other employees still there.

"Is the assistant manager still here?" he asked.

"No, sir she left a few minutes ago" one answered.

Becca could feel his glare towards her as he walked out of the office.

"I told you we would be late and it's your fault we missed her" he walked off.