
Unbreakable Bond Of Us

He is bold ! She is Shy ! He is Strong ! She is sweet! All her falut is she wears a hijab , She got bully easily and people thought of her as IsI agent . She was kicked out of her orphanage when she turned 18 , She lives on her own now . She never stand for herself until he showed up , He likes her , respect her and be there for her . This is a story of Hafsa and Arsh . All copyrights of this books are reserved. A resemblance with alive or dead is just a coincidence. No bad comments please.

AuthorRose · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs



I was standing in front of him . He showed me the papers and said " Look in it Miss Hafsa . Can you find any mistake?" I look in the papers and in mean time he stand up and came behind me .

I went through somethings and said " I didn't find any mistake sir " He came from behind and said holding the paper over my hand " Really but I did saw something there " I took my hand out of his and said " If you really find the mistake then why don't you call me here ? "

I felt his breath over my scarf and said " SSSIRR ... PPLLEASE ,,, KEEP YOUR DISTANCE "He smile and said coming in front of me " You know I can make you the topper of this college , Then you can have good grades , good reputation , I can help you in finding a good job too . All you have to do is help me in certain ways "

I look at him and said " You are the most cheapest man I ever saw " He grabbed my scarf and said " This is not allowed in my college , Take it off " I scream and said " No .. stop it "

I could feel the knot of my scarf was getting lose . I hold the scarf over my head so it won't slip but he was more powerful then me . He hold my scarf over my head and ripped it off in one go and in doing so my catcher also broker and my hairs fall on my shoulders and waist "

I put my hands at my head and said " No ... No ... " He said in anger " Never show up in my college with that thing on your head again " He hold my arms and pushed me outside of his room . I look around and saw everyone looking at me . I put my hands at my head and started crying .

Everyone was looking at me but I was saying only words that was whisper that only I can hear . I was sitting on the ground when I felt a coat like something over my head . I look up and saw Elijah . He said " Hugging me . " What happened ? "

I hid myself in his chest and started crying . He made me stand up and took me with him outside of the college .

He made me sit in the car and said " Calm down What happened with you ? " I said wiping my face " The principal of college called me and tried to assault me , When I denied to do so , He ripped my scarf off and said I can't wear it "

He nods and said " You should tell this to Uncle , He will handle it " I nodded and that's when the window of car knocked .

I look outside and saw It was Arsh . I open the window he said looking worried

" What happened ? " I started crying looking at him and get off from the car . He hugs me and said " Hey calm down , Tell me what happened ? " He said in anger " That bastard , Well don't worry , Come with me " I nodded and Elijah said getting off from the car " Take your filthy hands off from my sister " He look at me and said " But you said you were orphan "