

Sometimes life can be weird. Other times it decides to throw you to another World of Superheroes and Villains capable of ending planets with no explanation whatsoever, Gods and Devils, Aliens and Concepts. Oh did I mention a possible representation of God and actually Satan?! -A story where Orion is "lucky" to visit Dc with machinations outside his control.

PA1110 · Derivasi dari karya
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2 Chs


In a many scenario, people will find themselves against the unknown of a mysterious yet to be.

Whether it may be unlikely strings leading an unsuspecting induvial towards a less than desirable outcome, new circumstances emerging to block progress or maddening facets in the ever grand "Game" of Life 2.0: Prepare to suffer Edition.

Personal bonds crafted through years of cautious exercise spring anew challenges, maybe sudden changes on any manner of workplace due to budget constraints. Worse a loss.

Fighting over the immeasurable tide Future might one day transform the once gentle stream of time.

Naturally, any human would need to learn a way to navigate the turbulent waters. Hoping they reach a new path of opportunities.

In that regard, humans appear quite similar to the great Explorers who left their mark for centuries after their time.

Truthfully, I could never consider myself someone as grand a figure. Training day and night to improve my skills alongside myself was- and is remains one of the most significant lessons imparted by my parents.

To be honest comparing them and any Hero found in comics is one of the better distinction my younger self created.

A childish attempt to rationalize how "cool" they were despite their flaws. Something, I can currently admit, elevates them even further.

'We all have flaws. Me, your father, your friends and even the teachers. By acknowledging our flaws, we can properly learn from them and determine the people we want to become.'

Those words were delivered soothingly, her hands holding my head in a firm hug, her fingers dancing through dark locks as tears stained her shirt.

Lessons upon lessons, talking and experience led a little ball of anxiety unfurl.

Through out life many instances surprised me.

But I was "equipped" to try my hand on steering any such problems the World threw my way.

Never forgetting the help always present.

At no time abusing that privilege.

"Well...", clearing my dry throat, another wince bled through the pain, "could be worse."

Still, the bravest "players" of the Game, the best Captains had the possibility of dealing with an insurmountable complication. A storm so severe much of the knowledge accumulated by experience would be exalted insomuch fruitless.

"Just-", another pang had me losing any semblance of balance. Like a marionette whose strings had been cut, I helplessly fell upon the infuriating yellow sea.

Annoyance flared, while my body ached in its entirety. I had to keep moving else...

"...Darn it.", my hands moved slowly over my temples. I tried to allow some air- steaming and painful my lungs may feel, so my mind could recollect a semblance of peace.

Another issue, because of course more things had to take a new turn for the worse lay in the heaviness present to every modicum of thought. It felt starkly dissimilar to a hangover, not to mention my relocation and the suddenness of everything.

Slowly I pushed my body into motion, placing a hand to cover any part of my face- over my temple.

Although, considering how little protection is left for the rest of my body, such actions offer little to no reprieve.

'...Ouch.', gritting my teeth, I continue my lovely track on this refreshing inferno. Feet long since forgone any other sensation but agony.

Usually, I would abstain any kind of physical confrontation should there any other another solution. To be honest, I would attempt to meditate any fight since I was little. It seemed an easy solution to express our frustration through violence.

However, I would happily choke the life out the absolute scum behind this fiasco.

My eyes strained in order to find an iota of... something. A place with access to basic needs, ideally civilization, yet my choices are rather limited.

Thus, any refuge away from the blistering star overhead would suffice.

'Could I have missed anything?', I furiously stomped onward. Potentially towards my very death.

To start off, I was sleeping.

Christmas was around the corner and our professors pushed for different assignments as if they arrived at an agreement to test our limits.

Finishing my studies and progressing over some, I found time passed- day turning into night.

Already calls were made to talk my family along friends, catching up- generally in between breaks to relax.

Dinner was a boring affair, a normal bath and then I crashed.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened the past few days.

"How?", irritation blossomed, barely under control. Clothing clung, my only defence against the dangerous heat.

Precisely nothing out of the ordinary to even initiate a likelihood explaining some of the absurdities.

Assuming I could indeed sleep during the end of the World- an oddly befitting assumption all things considered, moving would wake me up. Plus, I drunk not a spot of alcohol.

Should I assume something even more bombastic? Will I start playing children's games for millions?!

A small snort escaped. Humour, stale as it may be, is unfortunately one of the fewer aspects to take my mind off.

That was my very last memory, before I found myself in a small crater.


Pain afflicted over my entire being, I screamed both in surprise and anguish. Despite my body aching, every part throbbing in unease, I almost lost my senses.

An indescribable pain- I vaguely remember thrashing around the deformed dune to possibly ease. Screams reverberated in the confines of my cranium

The only approximation I can provide is if my head was run by a train, before being burnt and then grinded to dust.

Climbing a small hill, I went around a smaller elevated point I could safely navigate.

"Definitely a bath after all is done.", I chuckled on this vast expanse of emptiness.

Where my gaze swept, sand gently swayed by faint whispers wind carried. Mounds of various sizes lay proudly, a recurrent image on these barren grounds, both confusing and entrancing. The sun, harsh, paints the enormous gathering of yellow grains a pale gold as I stood- searching.

In the end, I have no real glue to explain how, why, where I am and when it is. There is no distinction available to guide me, neither information so I could decide my path nor a manner to survive.

A rational part of me knew the situation is nothing if extremely dire.

I am far too unequipped with information and tools in order to make the night, which can drop to freezing temperature from the burning hell. Should I even survive now with my skin blistering more every second. The less I consider various scorpions that could poison me.

'Maybe here the night will be even hotter.', I cracked a smile at my absurdity. Although, I suppose it was well warranted hallucination would start at one point, 'Even if there isn't another explanation. Oh joy! Truly meeting my end against a dragon does sound oh-so entertaining~ It could misunderstand me for a shrimp considering how red my skin is!'

The unknown is terrifying. Lack of information equates a deficiency in preparations and leads towards an adequate response. Thus we are left ill-equipped to muster our resolve and face the looming beast prowling the veil of time- eager to sink their fangs.

'It will be quite a story when I return~'


Orion wasn't as hoping of a miraculous escape. He knew odds were stacked against him, constantly piling up the more time passed. Already signs of burns shall show themselves. The unprotected parts reddening at an alarming degree.

'Mom is probably going to kill me for disappearing like that~'

However, he refuses to accept this inane end Fate decided. He denies to hurt them, he rebuffs an ending that would see himself selfishly taking the easier path- awaiting his demise.

Orion ignores the small trail of blood behind him, injuries charred as he continuously moves.

In essence, it was a child's desperate tantrum to elude reality, Persistently recognizing their own belief true in place of the facts before them. A petulant kid who sticks on improbable possibilities.

'When in pain...', a smile spread across his face, 'Smile!'

Truthfully, it isn't mental fortitude. Neither is courage or hope.

All that remains is an unyielding belief. An unfound confidence not on personal capacity to miraculously escape this particular situation, blinking to appear back home.

'When in doubt, keep moving.', Orion swayed, a jolt racked his mind while the body was overcome with exhaustion.

'One step at a time.', Orion firmly stood. A moment passed and he moved, 'One more closer home.'

The unknown petrifying to face was challenged a multitude of ties. Progress was built atop the foundation of challenge and exploration outside the sphere of knowledge. History lauds names of those who went beyond in every age thereafter their own.

An impossibility of the past may remain but a commodity to the present, maybe a note to the future.

Undiscovered it could be, with time he will find a way.

That Orion firmly believes. He refuses any other option.

In essence, naught but foolishness of an ignorant being far too insignificant.

[How Fun! A self-aware ant!], laughing his side hurt. Oh what COMEDY!~

[Knowing how impossible of an ambition you create, yet chasing so desperately?], the laugh subsided, chuckles remained.

[Truly I wonder what will follow foolish dreamer!], a large smile split his face. Truly, entertainment was as rare of a spectacle.


-Unconfirmed Source of Will. Result unexpected. Request to broaden the search. Abnormality noted to nearest operators-

The trinket flew, orbiting near the little winner at the peripheral of his vision. Floating languidly due to its confusion.

[Well, well~], he knew anything that would incite a "negative" response against the little dreamer would surely leave... an unpleasant result.

[How did the apes called it?], tapping his chin in thought, he truly considered how euphoric the new changes are, [Ah yes!]

[In for a penny-], his eyes shined, white light engulfed everything, [-in for a pound!]

The unknown was a novelty. Exquisite. Sublime.

But he is quite aware of the consequences such acts might wrought still at an infinitesimal fraction he might be.

Especially with the Stalker setting the rules.

Nevertheless, Bookie will definitely check the reason he activated.

[Meh~ I'll be fine... Probably!]

For the small amusement the idiot yielded, might as well.

He is ready anyhow!


Author's notes.

Hello and good day/night. This is done moreso to provide some information.

First, I will try to upload three chapters per month- one of them at six thousand words. The amount is greatly dependant on many factors, mostly personal.

Second, I would try to write and upload more but I always check, correct and edit any chapter before uploading. A process that might take awhile since English isn't my first language and my nature compels me to extinguish anything wrong- grammar errors especially!

Last, anything else not on schedule has far more freedom to work in its structure such as Intermissions, One-shots, Aus etc.

Thank you for reading and may you have an even greater day.


* Supplementary notes.

The schedule is also in my profile

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