

Sometimes life can be weird. Other times it decides to throw you to another World of Superheroes and Villains capable of ending planets with no explanation whatsoever, Gods and Devils, Aliens and Concepts. Oh did I mention a possible representation of God and actually Satan?! -A story where Orion is "lucky" to visit Dc with machinations outside his control.

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2 Chs

Chapter 02

Orion calmly raised his gaze to the sky above.

No sound drew his attention, neither an image. It remained steady on nothing in particular, calmly observing the little assembly of clouds gently drifting away.

Definitely, Orion wouldn't loiter in this arid expanse. He would force himself to move until a destination was achieved. Whether that be an oasis that Fate-

'Nope. Just no...', rather forcefully he dispelled any thoughts on that subject, 'No. Let's call it luck.'

Orion was unable to hide the grimace that spread over his feature regarding the traitorous metaphysical attribute.

Not to say he was particularly "lucky", but never in his life would he expect to reach such a low point. The immaculate, absolute minimum in all his years.

'The current circumstances speak otherwise.'

Such thoughts were categorically useless.

Yet only snark remained to take his mind off... everything.


Should he fall asleep, this nightmare would be over?!

[Emotional distress detected-

'Please, be quiet.'

Of course, the small dialogue didn't break the smouldering winds of the Sahara desert.

Another detail to add on the rather delectable concoction of misfortune, a facet Orion isn't truly concerned about.

'So, I went crazy.', his lips stretched thin, 'Surprised it took as long.'

[…], it remained silent as per its wielder's wishes. Although it is supplied with sufficient information to communicate with any lifeform, there wasn't much in the way of phycological understanding.

Cases, where the potential member was unstable, were far in between.

Ordinarily, circumstances with potential recruits- especially those of underdeveloped planets insofar progress in space exploration, are unable to comprehend the nature of Lantern apace with the duty such an honour bear. Thus, it was quite understandable as to the reason why an otherworldly artifact of unknown origin would elicit distress, surprise and even fear.

Information was aplenty. Instances as candidates believed they were some sort of destined "chosen" one, mistaken belief in their nature of a hero herald by a prophecy. The rings misconstrued artifacts of their respective Religion. Few cases saw the potential candidate assuming leadership over their people through their position. Some even consider the selection Providence, as candidates may exhibit enough values to be a legitimate choice in rather, excruciating a circumstance- after the initial shock abates.

The kind of reaction currently on display, while not necessarily rare- was... intriguing if anything.

'Maybe I should seek a therapist when I wake up.'

For a moment, Orion prayed that his mind played tricks. An unfortunate incident caused solely by his increased exhaustion taking its toll. A fly of fancy he would surely forget the moment his eyes open.

Closing his eyes, Orion felt harsh winds wash over his frame, sand overpowering any sense of reprieve the little hillside might have provided.

His fist tightened, the newly "made" gloved stretched, his ligaments gently popped.

No, the mere thought sickens him to such a degree, he feels bile gathering. One acrid- foul taste, he tried to push back least he begins to tremble.

Whether that might be due to anger or terror, Orion genuinely doesn't care.

'Or I can...', again dizziness emerged. He distinctively felt the harsh pain his temples offered, 'See how to... work around this travesty.'

Whatever is up there, incalculable far the boundary of the blue sky, surely laughs at his dispense.

Brown eyes observed the little trinket his right-hand sports. Inconspicuous was far from what many have in mind a flying green alien WMD. Snugly over his middle finger lay the sole reason he ceased moving moreso since concerns regarding his health were resolved, despite the new egregious problems the ring's existence wrought.

An overwhelming ring displayed proudly around the band and especially emblazed on the gallery, the lighter background a tapestry whereas the emerald circle with opposite lines- both tangents over the upper and lowest point.

'Excuse me, ring?'

[Yes Lantern?]

Where am I?

Why am I here?!

How could this be possible?!?!

A thousand questions arose in response to the honest query. Mountains upon mountains Orion would love to ask, since the titanic revelation the appearance of a Green Lantern Ring.

A flash of surprise did overturn his mind when the ring declared him a genuine candidate when all he desired was to find a way home.

[Orion Sagorsky of Earth. You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantner- Warning! Great levels of Fear are detected!]

Never have words terrified him so.

Should he continue on his journey, let thoughts run amok- could he've been discharged in seconds?

Surely that would be a record!

Choking the small snort of amusement, Orion focused his mind on the singular belief that pulled him out of the crater, the only reason he continued walking for hours and the only desire out the little catastrophe of traversing into an entirely new World.

'... Please run a medical check.', first confirm his condition to get home. It would do little good should his body falls.


A small pulse began, its epicentre the rather obvious light the ring emits, sunning its course over his body.

It was peculiar. Similar to a thin veil that lost its form the moment it made contact with his skin, but enough to engulf his body in seconds.

Orion categorically decided to move his thoughts. The more he stops to consider the "baddies" the series offers whether, in comics or shows, his anxiety will only grow.

In all honesty, he didn't know if his request could be made. But, again a step at a time.

Plus, all the things the ring should be able to accomplice a check-up seems almost a given.

[Test complete.], the voice lacked any discernible gender. Its tone appeared sincere and light. An ideal companion to any wielder as intended for those who may be alight the emerald flame of willpower.

Alien overlords. Intergalactic empires. Gods.

[Issues are throughout the wielder as followed; Thermal burns- mostly First degree not including the Second degree on the forearms.]

Law and Chaos Lords. 4th Reality Imps and whatnot.

[Injuries on both lower appendixes are blisters caused both due to the desert's hot surface and continuous movement. Immediate attention to offer reprieve begun.]

Conceptual Entities which live in an entirely dissimilar plain

Orion let a sigh.

The pain remained, stinging and annoying. A breeze passed, careful in its application, while the glow under his feet became more apparent. The refreshing feeling, similar to a cold ointment gently spread over injuries.

[General exhaustion is attributed towards the spontaneous appearance of Lantern in the Desert which led into poignant shock, which would later be appended through his journey.]

Normally, Orion would not remain as... forthcoming. Doubly so seeing what some of his quite limited knowledge might accomplish should it be revealed.

On the other hand, being tossed into an entirely different World without his consent had forced some consensus on his part. Better to springle some truth against fully lying.

Additionally, whatever the ring could gleam from his mind, Orion is ill-equipped to stop one of the more renowned weapons of this particular "Universe".

At best, he would be locked up in a padded alien cell.

However, that didn't quite happen.

'Which means I retain some form of privacy.', Orion would rather do anything else- finding a way home at the top of his priorities- than spewing secrets others safeguard or some form of "spoilers" about a certain future that might not take place.

Assured such was the case, another sigh escaped.

Maybe the situation could be salvaged-

[Last note concerns the vast amount of psionic waves which now rest.], the ring glowed, its report honest findings, not blind to the clear signs of the Lantern's confusion.

[Before contact was made with Orion Sagorsky, a funnel was created around his person through an energy source. The medical examination confirmed the nature of the particular energy lay in psionics. Previously, it created a funnel where thousands of thoughts could be noticed around the Planet.]

It wasn't an exaggeration nor a mistake. Otherwise, there would be no reason to create a report about the supernatural phenomena a potential candidate caused, as the Ring did take note of all the qualifications required.

Orion was doused in the Emerald Light.

Yet, it was a worrying development. Should he have wilfully caused such a wave of energy the Ring must make a report so another Lantern might provide assistance along to headquarters, should the phenomena be in explicit control of the person of interest.

Despite the qualifications some might carry, they are annulled in such an instance.

Otherwise, criminals, deranged individuals, people who abuse their very own power would be provided with an additional edge through all the strength Rings may provide.

[A connection between both Lanter's sudden transportation and strain of mind is quite possible intertwined.]

However, the alarming case was rendered obsolete. Moreso, the very moment the Ring made contact with its wielder

[The excess energy caused by the phenomena which transported the Lantern, possibly awakened a latent power. Alternatively, -a far more feasible action, the unknown power was consolidated over the Lantern, since any residual percental would need a focus rather it disperses. In this case, expanding the Lantern's or even converted curiously enough.]

It was exceedingly odd. If the wielder at any point did lie, then two problems emerge.

How did he arrive in such a desolate location? Especially with no true manner of survival, as evident through his injuries.

Why did the psionic wave spread? In the first place, there was no genuine drive behind, no control. Considering the sheer volume the energy originated from, the defenders of Planet Earth would notice at some point if this wasn't the first occurrence.

Those two points validate against Orion's deception.

[In response to the energy transformation, a violent reaction ensued towards the original development, which led to the creation of the funnel. The base, meaning the Lantern specifically the root of now psionic energy, was stressed. Growing well beyond any capacity to properly control- which led to myriad thoughts be heard.]

The result was obvious. It is a miracle Orion remained sound.

[Now, subconsciously the energy is receding as time for the fresh acclimation has passed. Thankfully, the Lantern remains in an isolated area, significantly smothering the process. Further, the Ring acted as a stabilizing factor over the process.], the glow slightly decreased.

[That is the whole medical report.]

The winds blew harshly, sand whipped the lone figure unable to surpass the green obstacle.

Yet no reaction leave the statuette offer to Melpomene. The Greek Muse of tragedies let her mask, the symbol of tragedy, be etched. Lips stretched down, eyes dancing in terror.

'... WHAT?!?!'


The man laughed and laughed. Tears would leave his eyes, alas such primitive needs are quite beneath anything that might resemble a necessity.

"It appears you find the situation amusing."

His cackles continued, far more subdued.

Ivory stars met twin igneous suns.

Yet the smile stayed. Strained and wilful.


A rhythmic sound broke the prevailing silence over the room.

Spotless walls were furnished with the latest technological marvels, created by association alongside need regarding the men and women standing by an occupied bed.

Everything appears meticulously crafted for the purpose of highlighting possible prism bathed in the light of progress. Towards any viewer, an image of future development might allow the people of the Present to witness through a silver screen. Cinephiles around the globe readying themselves to enjoy entertainment under the genre of imagination.

Multitude tubes laying horizontally, metal parts in their base, glass panes and wired into the wall. Machines spread around the room ready for activation to run tests. An enormous translucent panel filtered before rows of keys centralizing an equally large console.

Hazards in their line of duty were expected. Insomuch as they might try to prevent any injury that might incur when Earth faces a crisis, there exists a non-improbable chance that such a reluctance during "work" would prove detrimental not only for their own selves- but the helpless people they wish to protect.

"Explain what happened."

"I already did! Ring repeat what you said!", no matter how much time passed since the team was established, he barely hid a small shiver at the intense cold gaze.

Nevermind how they others awaited with serious gazes, momentarily drowning the shared worry over their bedridden comrade.

[Request made by H-]

"To the point!", he doesn't like to lose control over his emotions, but circumstances are very worrying. The sooner there is an answer the better!

[...Acknowledged. A moment before, another ring arrived at a curious phenomenon. Upon the directives assigned by the Guardians, a report was to be made to headquarters and any Lantern of the corresponding Sector.]

"Are we expecting any form of help?", a new voice chimed in. Distinctive feminine from the previous two.

[Negative. The issue was resolved as a case of undesirous aid, as provided by the Ring due to excruciating circumstances under section 098 paragraph 101, which regards individuals with unique powers and/or skills. Instead, only the emergency beacon was dispatched in order to inform any Lantern currently on the sector of the situation.]

"So, it's possible to find whoever it is?", another occupant lost his smile.

Normally the thought of capturing the baddie of the day would be enough.

However, give them a Ring of all things and a troubling power?

Both are worrying on their own, much less mixing the two.


"Then, we will go.", blue eyes, clear as the sky, firm like his posture observed his friends.

No more words were spared.


Author's Notes.

I can already hear complaints about the Healing aspect of the Ring. And to answer the obvious question.

No, it isn't genuine healing. That is in the domain of the Blue. Orion's injuries remain and mostly a reprieve was provided. The Ring didn't heal but moreso "patched" him.

On that note, you are more than free to point out something that is wrong as my knowledge on Dc isn't absolute. But, since this is a story some liberties might be taken. ~^w^~