
Journey to the demon realm

Not letting the story flow normally, the time-breaker again appears out of nowhere. The memories shattered into pieces and each fragment show the remaining story in a pictorial way. 

The fragments showed the days of Long Tian with Xuan Yu. The pictures weren't detailed but seeing them, it was sure that Xuan Yu also had a clumsy and caring side. And more than that Long Tian seemed to be enjoying himself being with him.

Not as a dragon, Long Tian lived with them as a human. Repaying for the free accommodation and treatment, he has been helping them in his own way by collecting woods from the forest, cutting vegetables, and taking care of the plants that Xuan Yu planted. 

Slowly the fragments begin to fade, and Chen Zoe and Lei Wei came to another time period.

"Brother Xuan, it's been two weeks. He still doesn't regain his hearing or speaking ability. Also, the time is reaching for us to return. Shouldn't we ask him to leave?" Helping in making medicine, Bai share his thoughts.

He doesn't get any answer from Xuan Yu but on the other side, Long Tian heard all these things. All these time, Long Tian was hiding the truth that he was completely cured from them, because he doesn't want to leave the place.

The night when everyone is sleeping, Long Tian silently sneaks out from the house. And decide to return to the heavenly realm. But before he does that a voice stops him.

"Yarok…" Hearing Xuan Yu's voice, he turns around. "As I suspect, you can hear me well now. What about your voice, is it also came back?"

"That… I'm sorry… I should have told you before…" Before Long Tian could apologize, Xuan Yu interrupt.

"Of course, I need an apology but not for hiding the truth, instead of leaving us like this."

"That's because I don't want to be a burden for you anymore…" [Long Tian]

"Burden, who said you are a burden for me? I don't remember saying anything like that… Or this sudden realization occurs because of what Bai said today?" Long Tian's silence give answer to the question.

"Even if it because of what Bai said, is it the right way to leave a house? You should have at least informed me. Where is your basic courtesy gone?

Haa... It's already too late to leave a house. If you really want to leave here, then go after the sun rise." Xuan Yu takes Long Tian back to his home.

Just like a child who was wronged, Long Tian follow Xuan Yu while looking down. 

"Anyway, where were you trying to leave at the middle of the night?" Suspiciously Xuan Yu asks.

"I-I don't know..."


"I don't wish to return to the place where I actually belongs. So, I really don't know, where to go or what to do..." With a long face, Tian explain while hiding his identity. 

"Are you stupid? How are you going to survive some unknown place without money or basic necessities? 

There is one week left for us to return back, if you really have nowhere to go. How about following me? My place wasn't that great and the atmosphere there be a bit different compared to here. However I can assure, you won't regret it not even an ounce.

Think about it and answer me when you are sure about your decision. I don't mind even if you don't accept my offer. So don't worry." Xuan Yu leaves the room, while not able to give an answer Long Tian stays there.

"I don't think, this man is bad as you describe." Looking at Lei Wei, Chen Zoe mockingly speaks. The lustful dirty demon actually turns out to be a nice guy. 

The next memory takes them to the seventh day, when they are returning back to home.

"Is he really coming with us?" Unbelievably Bai asks to Xuan Yu after hearing an unexpected announcement. Seeing the positive nod from Xuan Yu, Bai asked in a lower noise. "Did he really know about our identity then?"

"When you are decided to follow us, there is something I want to confess." Xuan Yu removes the illusion magic from himself and reveals his true self to Long Tian. 

The red eyes show the true identity of Xuan Yu as a demon. Long Tian was surprised a bit, but his expressionless face doesn't show it. "I thought you will scream or take out your sword, after seeing my real self. But your reaction really surprised me.

Yarok, I know it be hard for you to follow me after learning my identity. So, I won't force you to come along with us if you have a slight amount of doubt in my intention. You are free to choose to decide.

If your silence means NO, then please accept this as a gift from your friend." After waiting for his response, Xuan Yu gives a money pouch to Long Tian while thinking his decision was not to come along.

"Did this money valid in your demon realm?" Showing the money to Xuan Yu, Long Tian curiously asks as he is willing to follow him anywhere.


"Brother Yarok, you really want to come with us after knowing the truth... Aren't you afraid?"

"Idiot, do you see anyone say YES, if they are scared? No right, Yarok just trust me that's why he agreed to follow along."

Not knowing, he was inviting an enemy to his home. Xuan Yu take Long Tian to demon realm.