
Unbound by Fate

A young mage with a troubled past and too much power on his hands finds himself in a mashup world of DC and Marvel

Alassane_Uslene · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

In a dimly lit basement, the young man sat hunched over his laptop, fingers dancing across the keyboard like a maestro conducting a clandestine symphony. The room hummed with the soft whir of servers, their blinking lights casting an eerie glow on his face.

The clock struck midnight, and Alassane's code executed flawlessly. He had infiltrated the heart of America's digital infrastructure, bypassing firewalls, encryption, and security protocols. Every smartphone, tablet, and smartwatch across the nation was now under his control. The screens flickered to life, displaying a single message:

"Good evening citizens of the United States. You can call me jack and I have a very interesting offer for you today,"

Panic erupted as people stared at their devices, wondering if this was a cyberattack or a government warning. Alassane's masked face appeared on every screen, his eyes intense, and his voice resonating through speakers and earbuds alike.

"Imagine a world where you never worry about losing your life to the schemes of a random villain, never worry about losing your business because heroes and villains were play fighting around your neighborhood," Jack began.

"Introducing fortress, a revolutionary technology that is capable of strengthening our buildings. No more senseless loss of lives, no more billions of dollars in property damages. I am giving you, the common man a fighting chance. A chance to be your own hero, a chance to make a difference for yourself and the people around you,"

He paced the virtual stage, gesturing as if addressing a live audience. His pitch continued, weaving a tale of a brighter future, a future unshackled from premature loss of lives. The nation listened, captivated by the audacity of this digital intrusion.

His words resonated, touching a collective nerve. Skepticism gave way to curiosity. Jack 's business proposal transcended mere profit; it promised a paradigm shift. The chatrooms buzzed with debate, hashtags trended, and news outlets scrambled to cover the unprecedented event.

Eventually, Jack concluded his pitch. "I've unlocked your devices, not to invade your privacy, but to ignite a revolution. Join me in building a world where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. Invest in fortress, and let's power a brighter future together."

And just like that, the screens went dark. Jack vanished into the digital ether, leaving behind a nation torn between fear and hope. His audacious act would be remembered as either the boldest heist or the most visionary pitch in history. But one thing was certain: Jack had disrupted the status quo, and America would never be the same.

Gotham City

Deep within the bowels of the Batcave, surrounded by the hum of supercomputers and the faint echo of dripping stalactites, Batman stands alone. His silhouette is a stark contrast against the backdrop of monitors casting an artificial day over his nocturnal domain. He paces slowly, his cape trailing behind him, lost in thought.

"Jack ... a name that's surfaced from the depths of obscurity to the pinnacle of public discourse overnight. His claim? Fortress - a technology promising to protect the lives of the average man in the event of catastrophe. A noble endeavor, or so it seems."

He stops, his gaze fixed on a screen displaying Jack 's viral pitch.

"The world is quick to embrace a savior, to rally behind a beacon of hope. But hope can be a dangerous thing when wielded by the wrong hands. I've seen too many charlatans don the mask of a visionary, only to reveal the face of a villain."

"The science is sound, or at least it appears to be. But the method of delivery... hacking into every cellular device? It's bold, disruptive, and reeks of desperation. What drives a man to such lengths? Altruism? Or something more... personal?"

A frown creases his cowl as he contemplates the implications.

"If Jack 's intentions are pure, fortress could be the dawn of a new era - a world free from fear. But if he's driven by greed, or worse, a thirst for control, then this 'revolution' could be catastrophic."

He clenches his fist, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

"I must tread carefully. The world is watching, waiting, and so am I. Jack , your move will come, and I will be there to ensure it's in the interest of justice. For now, the chessboard is set, and the pieces are in motion. Let's see who truly plays for the side of the future. Either way I'll be ready, I always am.

New York City

Nick Fury stands in the command center of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, a formidable figure cloaked in his iconic long black trench coat. The low hum of the carrier's engines vibrates through the steel floors, a subtle reminder of the power at his command. His posture is relaxed yet authoritative, hands clasped behind his back as he surveys the banks of high-tech monitors and workstations manned by agents.

The lighting Is subdued, casting sharp shadows that play across Fury's stern face, accentuating his eye patch—the mark of battles fought and sacrifices made. The eye that remains is vigilant, missing nothing, reflecting a mind that is always calculating, always planning.

Around him, the air is charged with a quiet intensity, the kind that comes from a team of highly skilled professionals at the ready. The Helicarrier itself is a marvel of engineering, bristling with advanced weaponry and surveillance equipment, a floating fortress that embodies Fury's commitment to global security.

His voice is steady, with an undercurrent of suspicion. "Jack 's got the whole world's attention now. That's a dangerous amount of power for one man to wield, especially one that nobody saw coming. Fortress could change the game, but at what cost?"

He stands in the command center of the Helicarrier, watching multiple screens displaying Jack 's message.

"I want to know everything about this 'jack' yesterday. If he's legit, he could be an asset. But if he's not, we need to be ready to act. This kind of tech could be a goldmine for the rogue faction."

His one good eye narrows as he considers the broader implications.

"And let's not forget the method of his announcement. Hacking into every cellular device? That's not just showmanship; it's a show of force. We need to know how he did it, who helped him, and what else they're capable of."

He turns away from the screens, his mind already racing through scenarios.

"Keep me updated on everything about him. This takes top priority. This Jack character just made the world a lot more interesting."


In the sanctum sanctorum of the Sorcerer Supreme, the air crackled with tension as The Ancient One paced back and forth, her brow furrowed in deep concern. For the second time, the Time Stone had faltered, leaving her bereft of its potent sight into the future. It was a dire predicament, one that threatened the very fabric of reality itself.

With a heavy heart, The Ancient One cast her mind back to the first time the Time Stone had failed her. She had battled tirelessly to restore its power, delving into ancient tomes and consulting with mystic beings from across the cosmos.Eventually, she had succeeded, or so she had thought. Yet now, faced with the resurgence of the problem, her confidence wavered.

Unable to peer into the future, she felt a sense of vulnerability gnawing at her soul. How could she protect the multiverse without the ability to foresee the myriad threats that lurked in the shadows? The weight of responsibility pressed down upon her, threatening to crush her spirit beneath its unyielding burden.

Desperate for answers, the Ancient One delved deeper into the arcane mysteries of the universe, scouring ancient texts and consulting with her fellow sorcerers. Yet no matter how hard she searched, the source of the Time Stone's malfunction eluded her grasp. It was as if an insidious force lurked just beyond her perception, cloaked in shadows and whispers. The Ancient One 's frustration grew, mingling with a sense of dread that coiled like a serpent in the pit of her stomach. The fate of the multiverse hung in the balance, and she knew that time was running out.

Japan Kouh

As Issei stumbled home nursing his injured pride, he found himself staring at a peculiar portal shimmering in the dim light of the alley. His mind, clouded by delusion and fueled by fantasies, saw it as a gateway to fulfill his deepest desires.

"Could this be it? A path to a world where I can finally be a hero, surrounded by beautiful women?"

The figure, observing from the other side, smirked at the sight of the naive boy.

"Greetings, traveler. What brings you to this portal?"

Issei's heart raced with excitement as approached cautiously.

"I seek power, to become a hero... No to have a harem!"

The figure's eyes gleamed with mischief as he listened to Issei's plea.

"Ah, a noble quest indeed. There are few souls as honest as you out in the world. You would make a fine chosen. But power comes at a price, young one. What are you willing to offer?"

Issei hesitated, his instincts warning him of potential danger, but his desires outweighed his doubts.

"I... I have nothing of value. But I'll do anything!"

The figure chuckled darkly, sensing the boy's vulnerability.

"Very well. Hand over your sacred gear, and in return, I shall grant you this charm, a token of my goodwill. As long as you are in possession of it, you will get your heart's desire,"

Issei's eyes widened in disbelief, but the allure of power blinded him to the deception.

"My sacred gear? But how...?"

"Do not question fate, boy. Take the charm and embrace your destiny."

With trembling hands, Issei relinquished his sacred gear, unaware of its true significance.

"Remember, the choice is yours. You may walk away if you dare."

Issei, intoxicated by the promise of power, accepted the charm, sealing his fate with a pact forged in folly.


In the dimly lit laboratory of Doctor Ivo, the faint hum of machinery echoed through the air as the final touches were being made to his greatest creation – Amazo. With meticulous precision, Doctor Ivo had crafted an android unlike any other, capable of replicating the powers of those it encountered. As he stood before his creation, a sense of anticipation filled the room.

However, before Doctor Ivo could activate Amazo, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. It was a mage, shrouded in dark robes, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly power. Without a word, the mage cast a spell, striking Doctor Ivo down with a bolt of necromantic energy.

But even death could not halt Doctor Ivo's plans. With a flicker of dark magic, his lifeless body stirred once more, rising from the ground as an undead servant to the mage's will. Commanding his newfound minion, the mage ordered the undead Doctor Ivo to destroy the kill switch embedded within Amazo.

With a mechanical precision fueled by dark magic, the undead Doctor Ivo set to work, dismantling the intricate mechanisms that could have brought an end to Amazo's potential reign of terror. As the last remnants of the kill switch were obliterated, the mage stepped forward, his hands crackling with arcane energy.

With a gesture, the mage unleashed a torrent of magic, merging himself with the now-unstoppable Amazo. The android's form shimmered and shifted, infused with the mage's dark power until they were no longer separate entities but a singular being of unimaginable strength.

With a triumphant smirk, the mage turned his attention to Doctor Ivo, his undead servant. With a flick of his wrist, he snuffed out the last vestiges of life from the once-brilliant scientist, his body crumbling to dust at the mage's feet.

New York City

As the moon ascended into the star-speckled sky, Alassane, returned wearily to his home in the heart of New York City. The bustling streets below were alive with the ceaseless energy of urban life, the distant hum of traffic and the occasional blare of sirens serving as a constant reminder of the metropolis's never-ending pulse.

Alassane's shoulders slumped beneath the weight of his fatigue as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors of his enchanted home, each step a laborious effort in the face of exhaustion.

The day had been an endless whirlwind of madness, teleporting back and forth, to and fro, from continent to the next, all while avoiding prying eyes was taxing on the mind, even for an experienced mage such as himself.

From sunrise to sunset, Alassane had been ensnared in the intricacies of spellcraft and the demands of his goals. His mind had been a battleground of incantations and enchantments, his will tested by the relentless demands of his craft. Hacking was the easy part, magic was however, just a tad more complicated, a very big tad. If someone had told him a few years ago that he would be a mage of notable Power he would have slapped them but now he was that that would be too light a punishment. His brain was killing him.

Finally, as the city lights cast their warm glow upon the dimly lit corridors of his building, Alassane reached the sanctuary of his bedroom—a modest yet comfortable refuge amidst the concrete jungle. With a weary sigh, he pushed open the door and stepped into its familiar embrace.

The air was thick with the scent of incense and arcane reagents, a comforting reminder of the magic that permeated every corner of his abode.

With slow, deliberate movements, Alassane shed his robes, letting them fall in a heap upon the polished hardwood floor. The weight of his responsibilities seemed to lift with each layer of fabric, leaving him feeling strangely vulnerable yet liberated in his solitude. He crossed the room with a weary shuffle, the soft carpet beneath his feet a welcome respite from the clamor of the outside world.

At last, Alassane reached his bed—a queen-sized mattress draped in plush blankets and silken sheets. With a sense of relief that bordered on reverence, he lowered himself onto the soft mattress, sinking into its embrace with a contented sigh. The cares of the day melted away as he nestled into the comforting cocoon of warmth and darkness, his tired body yearning for nothing more than the sweet release of sleep.

As the quietude of the city enveloped him like a soothing lullaby, Alassane closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the beckoning embrace of slumber. And in that fleeting moment of tranquility, the weary mage found solace—the promise of a new day awaiting him on the morrow, renewed and refreshed by the restorative power of sleep.

As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the curtains of Alassane's apartment, he stirred from his slumber, feeling surprisingly refreshed after a restful night's sleep. With a stretch and a yawn, he rose from his bed and made his way to the kitchen, his mind already buzzing with the day's tasks ahead.

Using his telekinetic abilities, Alassane summoned a pot from the cupboard and filled it with water without lifting a finger, the liquid swirling and bubbling to life over the flickering flames of the stove. With practiced precision, he measured out the perfect amount of coffee grounds and levitated them into the pot, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air as he set it to simmer.

Next, Alassane turned his attention to his wardrobe, effortlessly selecting a stylish ensemble for the day ahead. You would do well to note that they were the only set of clothing he had in his possession that weren't eccentric mage robes. With a wave of his hand, a shirt and trouser floated from their hangers and arranged themselves in a neat pile on the bed, while shoes danced across the floor to await his choosing. All one pair of them. In a matter of moments, he was dressed and ready to face the day, his attire a testament to his impeccable taste and effortless grace.

With his morning routine complete, Alassane focused his telekinetic powers once more, summoning his wallet and keys from their resting places with a flick of his wrist. With a satisfied nod, he tucked them into his pocket and made his way to the door, his mind already racing with plans for the day ahead.

First on his agenda was a trip to the clothing store, where he planned to update his wardrobe with a few stylish additions. With a thought, he hailed a cab to whisk him away to his destination, the vehicle arriving with a screech of tires and a blast of honking horns.

Arriving at the store, he wasted no time in browsing the racks, his keen eye and discerning taste guiding him to the perfect pieces with effortless ease. With a flick of his fingers, garments floated from their displays and into his waiting arms, their colors and textures melding seamlessly with his existing wardrobe.

Around his person he cast an aura of normality to deter any nosey people who would interrupt him as well as tamper with the security system to show no abnormalities.These two spells we're almost always present. Prevention is after all better than cure.

With his shopping excursion complete, Alassane turned his attention to his next task—a visit to the motorcycle dealership to indulge in his passion for speed and adrenaline. With a confident stride, he entered the showroom, his gaze alighting upon a sleek and powerful machine that seemed to beckon him with its siren song.

Using his telekinetic abilities once more, Alassane inspected the motorcycle from every angle, its chrome gleaming in the sunlight as he levitated it off its stand and took it for a test ride through the bustling streets of the city. With a thrill of excitement coursing through his veins, he knew that this was the perfect addition to his collection—a symbol of freedom and adventure in a world filled with endless possibilities.

Finally, with his shopping complete, Alassane made his way to the grocery store to stock up on essentials for the week ahead. With a thought, he navigated the aisles with ease, his telekinetic powers effortlessly lifting and arranging items into his shopping cart as he made his selections.

With his purchases secured and his errands complete, Alassane returned home once more, his arms laden with bags and his heart light with satisfaction. As he unpacked his belongings and settled in for the evening, he couldn't help but marvel at the power of his magic and the endless possibilities it offered him in the world around him. No point in having magic if you won't exploit it he always said.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Alassane embarked on a mission to extend a warm welcome to his new community. With a sense of excitement and determination, he sat down at his antique oak desk, a gentle breeze wafting through the open window, and carefully crafted two handwritten invitations, each adorned with delicate calligraphy and sealed with a wax stamp bearing his initials.

In the quiet of his cozy home, Alassane poured his heart into each word, expressing his genuine eagerness to connect with his neighbors and inviting them to join him for an intimate dinner gathering. He personalized each invitation, addressing them to two individuals he had observed passing by his house, hoping to foster a sense of camaraderie and goodwill within the neighborhood.

With the letters sealed, Alassane made his way to the respective homes, the crisp evening air tinged with the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers. With a sense of anticipation fluttering in his chest, he watched as they disappeared into the depths of the doors with a quiet sense of satisfaction.

Returning home, Alassane set to work transforming his quaint kitchen into a culinary haven, his passion for cooking ignited by the prospect of sharing a meal with new friends. He selected a menu that showcased his diverse culinary skills, from savory appetizers to decadent desserts, each dish crafted with care and attention to detail.

As the hours passed, the tantalizing aroma of herbs and spices filled the air, mingling with the soft strains of classical music that filled the room. With a flourish, Alassane set the table with gleaming silverware and delicate china, each place setting a testament to his meticulous attention to detail.

With everything in place, Alassane took a moment to admire his handiwork, a sense of pride swelling within him as he imagined the laughter and conversation that would soon fill his home. With a final glance at the clock, he settled into a comfortable armchair, his heart aflutter with anticipation as he awaited the arrival of his guests.

May Parker, a middle-aged woman with a gentle demeanor and a kind smile, retrieved the letter that found its way into her home, she couldn't help but notice the elegant handwriting gracing the envelopes, each stroke of the pen exuding an air of sophistication and charm.

With a sense of anticipation, May carefully opened the first letter, her heart skipping a beat at the invitation from her new neighbor, Alassane. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise," she murmured to herself, a soft blush tinting her cheeks as she imagined the prospect of a delightful evening spent in the company of friends. A shame Peter wouldn't be there. He was off doing whatever teenagers did nowadays. She barely saw him nowadays.

Meanwhile, Mary Jane Watson, a striking young woman with fiery red hair and a radiant smile, eagerly tore open her letter with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Her eyes sparkled with delight at the sight of Alassane's elegant handwriting, the words resonating with a warmth and sincerity that touched her soul.

For Mary Jane, the invitation couldn't have come at a better time. With the weight of her troubled past weighing heavily on her shoulders, she welcomed the chance to escape for a few hours and immerse herself in the company of her neighbors, particularly the intriguing new arrival who had piqued her interest from the moment he moved in.

As for Mary Jane's mother, her reaction was one of cautious optimism. Having weathered her fair share of life's storms, she approached the invitation with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, unsure of what to expect from this new neighbor of theirs. Yet, as she read Alassane's heartfelt words, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement stir within her heart—a hope that perhaps, just perhaps, this dinner could be the start of something truly special for their little family.

And so, with their hearts aflutter with anticipation, May, Mary Jane, and her mother eagerly accepted Alassane's invitation, each one looking forward to an evening filled with good company, delicious food, and the promise of new connections in their cozy little corner of the neighborhood.

Japan Kouh

Issei sat perched on the edge of his bed, his mind awash with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The events of the day had left him reeling, his senses tingling with the thrill of unexpected possibilities. Trading his sacred gear for a good luck charm from a mage had seemed like a risky move at first, but now he couldn't help but marvel at the fortuitous turn of events that had unfolded.

As he replayed the encounters in his mind, a grin tugged at the corners of Issei's lips, his heart pounding with excitement at the prospect of not one, but three potential dates. The twins he had met earlier had captivated him with their charm and beauty, their shared connection to the same good luck charm sparking a sense of intrigue and curiosity within him.

And then there was the other girl—the one who had approached him as he was leaving school, her shy smile and gentle demeanor leaving a lasting impression on him. It was a testament to his newfound luck that she had chosen to ask him out, adding yet another layer of excitement to an already exhilarating day.

But now, faced with the daunting task of juggling multiple dates scheduled for the same day at the same time, Issei found himself at a crossroads. On one hand, he relished the opportunity to spend time with each of these intriguing girls, eager to explore the potential for romance and connection. On the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the prospect of letting any of them down.

With a sigh, Issei ran a hand through his tousled hair, weighing his options carefully. He could attempt to reschedule with one or more of the girls, hoping to find a compromise that would allow him to honor his commitments without causing disappointment or hurt feelings. Or he could embrace the chaos and embark on a whirlwind adventure, darting from one date to the next with a sense of spontaneity and excitement.

As he contemplated his choices, Issei couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unexpected blessings that had come his way. Whatever path he chose, he knew that he was fortunate to have found himself in such a delightful predicament—a problem, perhaps, but the kind of problem he welcomed with open arms, eager to embrace the possibilities that lay ahead.

New York City

As Alassane sat at the table surrounded by Mary Jane, her mother, and Aunt May, the air was filled with warmth and laughter. The cozy ambiance of the restaurant provided the perfect backdrop for their gathering, with soft candlelight casting a gentle glow over their faces as they chatted and shared stories.

Mary Jane couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement whenever she caught Alassane 's eye, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of his charming smile and easygoing demeanor. As the evening wore on, she found herself drawn to him more and more, her thoughts consumed by the magnetic pull of his presence.

With a shy smile, Mary Jane leaned in closer to Alassane , her voice soft as she engaged him in conversation. "So, Alassane ," she began, her cheeks flushed with color, "tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do for fun?"

Alassane 's grin widened at her question, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he leaned in to meet her gaze. "Well, Mary Jane," he replied, his voice warm and inviting, "I enjoy exploring the city, trying new restaurants, and maybe even catching a movie or two. How about you?"

Mary Jane's heart raced at the thought of sharing her interests with Alassane , her cheeks flushing with excitement. "Oh, I love all of those things," she confessed, her voice tinged with nervous anticipation. "Maybe we could... um, do them together sometime?"

Alassane's smile grew even wider at her suggestion, his heart racing with the realization that Mary Jane might be interested in him too. "I would love that," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "How about we start with dinner and a movie next weekend?"

"it's a date," she exclaimed much to the amusement of those present at the table. Eventually the night came to a close and everyone returned to their respective homes. Alassane watched as they went off together chatting about whatever and his gaze lingered on them. His eyes lost their earlier shine, now a dark and twisted desire took their place. He saw his magic, miniscule as it may begin to take root and form inside the minds of two of the three women. Satisfied with his handiwork he retreated back into his home. He was tired. Today was a long day.

Japan Kouh

In the dimly lit Occult Research Clubroom, the atmosphere crackled with tension as Rias received the news from Koneko, her expression a mixture of concern and intrigue. The room, adorned with antique furniture and mysterious artifacts, seemed to pulsate with the weight of their clandestine world.

Rias sat regally in her chair, the soft glow of candlelight casting flickering shadows across her delicate features as she listened intently to Koneko's report. The scent of incense hung in the air, adding to the mystique of the moment.

As Koneko spoke of Issei's lost draconic scent and his newfound popularity among women, Rias' mind whirled with possibilities. She envisioned Issei, her pawn-to-be, navigating the treacherous waters of the supernatural world, his every move a calculated step towards unlocking his true potential.

With a sly smile playing at her lips, Rias contemplated the implications of Issei's transformation. Perhaps he was indeed on the path to awakening his sacred gear, a notion that filled her with a sense of anticipation. After all, a powerful pawn was a valuable asset in the ongoing struggle for dominance among the demon clans.

The clubroom itself seemed to mirror Rias's inner turmoil, its dark corners whispering secrets of ancient power and forbidden desires. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, while the air hummed with an electric energy that seemed to heighten the senses.

As Rias pondered her next move, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of molding Issei into the perfect champion. With a graceful gesture, she motioned for Koneko to continue, her mind already spinning with plans for the future. In this world of shadows and intrigue, anything was possible – especially when it came to matters of the heart and the battle for supremacy.

Sanctum sanctorum

In the dimly lit chamber of the ancient one's sanctum, the air was thick with anticipation as she meticulously prepared the spell to forcibly teleport the anomaly that had been wreaking havoc on the time stone's ability to peer into the future. Her hands moved with practiced precision, tracing intricate sigils in the air as she chanted ancient incantations under her breath.

The room Itself seemed to pulse with arcane energy, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls like specters in the night. Every flicker of candlelight added to the sense of foreboding, heightening the tension that hung heavy in the air.

With a final flourish of her hand, the ancient one unleashed the full force of her magic, channeling her power into the spell with unwavering focus. For a brief moment, the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble, as if caught in the throes of some unseen force.

But then, nothing.

The chamber fell silent, save for the soft sound of the ancient one's disappointed sigh. Her brow furrowed in frustration as she realized that her efforts had been in vain. The anomaly remained stubbornly rooted in place, defying her attempts to banish it from existence.

A sense of disappointment washed over the ancient one, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her failure. She had hoped that this spell would finally rid them of the interference that had plagued their attempts to glimpse into the future. But now, faced with the harsh reality of her shortcomings, she was left with nothing but a bitter taste of defeat.

With a heavy heart, the ancient one turned away from the spell circle, knowing that she would have to find another solution to this pressing problem. But for now, all she could do was accept her failure and steel herself for the challenges that lay ahead.

The next day

As Alassane slowly drifts back to consciousness, the gentle lapping of waves against the shore fills his ears, accompanied by the distant chirping of exotic birds. Was he dreaming? That was rare. Did it always fell this real? Maybe, he didn't know, didn't care. He wanted to sleep some more. He had much to do but was in no particular rush to do it. The world could wait a few more hours.

As he slowly awakens from his slumber, he feels a strange sensation of movement beneath him, akin to being gently rocked. His eyelids flutter open to reveal a blurry vision of towering trees and a vast expanse of lush foliage surrounding him. Confusion clouds his mind as he tries to make sense of his surroundings.

As consciousness gradually seeps in, he becomes aware of his predicament – he is bound tightly with coarse rope, rendering him immobile. Panic threatens to overwhelm him, but he forces himself to remain calm, knowing that clarity of mind is paramount in such situations.

With a measured breath, he begins to assess his surroundings. The rhythmic footsteps beneath him suggest that he is being carried, and the firm grip of his captors indicates that they are no ordinary individuals. The realization dawns upon him – he is in the hands of warrior women.

Despite the gravity of his situation, he maintains a composed demeanor, his mind racing with questions and possibilities. His keen observation reveals subtle details about his captors – their graceful movements, the intricate patterns adorning their attire, and the glint of determination in their eyes.

Drawing upon his magic, he analyzes the landscape around him, noting the terrain and potential avenues of escape. Yet, he is acutely aware of the formidable skill and strength possessed by his captors, understanding that any attempt at defiance must be carefully calculated.

Resigned to his current fate for the moment, he focuses on gathering information, committing every detail to memory in preparation for the inevitable moment when he must seize control of his destiny. He however, didn't hesitate to scan one of the warrior women to adapt himself to their fighting style. He was a mage primarily but following his recent acquisitions he was so much more.

so instead of continuing with my other work I started a new one. this is a crack fic tho. I'll try to update the one in due time, maybe

Alassane_Uslenecreators' thoughts