
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

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CHAPTER 3.3: Results

"Callisto, you got the proof that I asked you?" I asked as soon as we got off the stage.

"I did, and still recording." Callisto proudly handed me his tablet and heard every word that Sherry said to one of the judges.

"Argh! She is so cocky! I hate it so much. You better make sure that I am the winner this year. If not, then I am not the only one going to suffer humiliation, you hear me?!"

"I will make sure the result will please you. Of course, I need to have a chance to talk to Owen Laraine in return. A connection with him will improve my reputation. If you don't make that happen, I will reveal to everyone that you forced me to make you the winner, and we both know that you don't want that to happen."

"Ho! Are you trying to threaten me now? Remember that I have more power over you. So it would be best if you were afraid of me more. You may be known by many people and respected by many people, but we both know that you got to be in that position of yours because you cheated and stole someone else's work. I have enough proof to back that statement up."

While listening to their whole conversation, I am getting more and more entertained. This evidence is even better than I thought it would be. "This is more than enough evidence, good job Callisto."

"How about, along with that praise, give me a raise. I've been trying to save money to buy that Magic Hologram Projector, and a raise could help me get that." Callisto said with a grin on his face. Come to think of it. He has been talking about that for a while now. Should I give him a raise? He's been a perfect secretary. Though he complains, he can still do everything I ask without hesitation. Hmmm, you know what? I will. I will give him that raise; he deserves it.

"Yes, I will, and a bonus for you, good work today."

"You're serious? You're not pulling a joke on me, right?" He is not very convinced about what I just said to him. Though, I can't blame him. Whenever I say that I will do it, I do not do it.

"Callisto, do you want that raise and bonus or not?" I said in a stern tone.

"Of course, I want it! Who said that I don't?"

"Then don't question me, Callisto," I said.

I looked around and saw everyone was talking to one another. I may not know what they are saying, and I have this vague idea of what they are talking about—comparing each presentation and putting their opinions in it as what they always do. Each year's convention is the same as always, and there is nothing new. They all talk, compare work whenever they can, and criticize how each presentation has faults.

However, thankfully, this year's convention is different. The moment Sherry plotted her way of winning, I knew it would not be the same as before. Everyone will talk about her negatively, and there is nothing Sherry can do about it. Also, she wants everyone to remember her. She may not win this year, but she got one of her wishes to come true; no one will be able to forget about her. Sherry will be the talk of every year's convention and will never be forgotten.

The three parts of CHAPTER 3 is out now, how do you guys like it so far?


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