
Unavoidable Destiny

The moment she was born, she was already face with a challenge she has no control of. The mana in her body is too much for her small body and it that cannot be stabilize as soon as possible, her precious new life will end without her experiencing the life outside of her mother's womb. However, her parent did not want her life to end early, they cannot bear to imagine losing their first child in such a way. They found a solution, however, that solution resulted in many tragedy, Join Andrea Solace as she discovers the secret of the past and as she tries to avoid the destiny that has already marked her life.

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48 Chs

CHAPTER 2.3: Researcher's Convention

"Miss Solace, everything's ready. Is there anything else you need me to get?" My assistant is as diligent as ever. He would get it done for me right away, even without asking anything. He has been like this with me from the beginning to the end. From what I heard, he badly wanted to become my assistant after he read my groundbreaking theory.

"Callisto, how often do I have to tell you that you can just call me by my name." For the two years of knowing each other, I do not doubt his loyalty towards me, and I know for sure that he will never betray me no matter what happens.

"Miss Solace, we are in public. I dare not to call you by your name. Besides, if it is just the two of us or with other people you are close with, you know that I will call you by your name. That is what we agreed upon." Sometimes, it makes me so frustrated that he talks to me so formally. It makes me feel like there is no connection between him and me. We have been friends for two years. He knows more about me than those who have known me for more than two years. That shows that I trust him, and he trusts me.

"Fine," I said, giving up the idea of forcing him to call me by my name.

I looked around the place, and there were many people as usual, but the person who was supposed to be here was not there yet. "Where could she be?" I mumbled.

Today is the convention, and I expected Danielle to be right on time. Though I usually don't care about these kinds of events, when I attend one, I will be professional about it and be right on time. Of course, I expected Danielle to be like that. If she is not here by the next ten minutes, I will punish her.

"You mean Miss Rowelry? I heard from her that she might come late because of some personal situation." I stared at Callisto as soon as he said that.

"And you did not even bother to tell me that? As your boss, shouldn't you be telling me these things in advance?"

"I forgot, just like how I sometimes forgot that you are my boss because you always sneak out of your office and only come back when your desk is full of work and then pass them to me." That was intentional. However, I can't blame him for not doing his job when I do not do my job and do my own thing without anyone else in the facility knowing about it.

"Hey, that may be the case, but I still do my work. I finish those paper works at home and right on time." I defended, but I know that is not enough excuse not to do my work correctly. Ugh. This is why I want to find someone to replace my position quickly.

It would have been better to let Callisto replace me as he is one of the best researchers in the world, but he refused no matter how many times I asked him. He said that it does not suit him to be in such a position, and if I leave the facility, so will he. After all, the reason why he is working under me is because of me. Me leaving the facility would only mean that his purpose of working in the facility will lose its meaning, and above all, he does not want to work with someone he disapproves of. Though I appreciate his respect for me, that is too much. I am sure that there are other people that he respects, right?

"You do know that is not an excuse. You have the highest position in the facility, and you should be setting an example to those under you to work hard, but how can they work hard? The boss itself is not working hard.

"You say that, but you are still working for me for these two years."

"Yes, and I regret staying for two years."

"Hey! You don't mean that!"