
Ultra Evolution

Are you bored of life? Do you seek thrills that you aren't able to experience? Are you restricted by the rules governing this world and wish to live freely in this world without repercussions or fear of breaking the rules?] [This world can satisfy your true heart desire. You will task to undergo several task and missions and in return, you will be granted numerous treasures, wealth and the most importantly, freedom!] Annoyed, Alvian pressed the green button stating [yes]. [Are you sure of your choice? Death in this world means death in real life. If you are afraid to die, You have one more chance to reconsider your choice.] This message popped up on his phone's screen. Alvian felt like laughing. Were they mocking him? He, afraid to die? Without hesitation, Alvian clicked on the [yes] button. "Hm?" Alvian was surprised as he saw felt a slight sting on his finger. Bringing his thumb up to his face, he saw that he was bleeding slightly. But the screen of his phone wasn't stained by the blood, it was as though it had been absorbed. [Contract successfully signed.] [Welcome to the TransWorld.]

Typhlix · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
72 Chs

The One Who Tames Him

To fit in like a normal person. This fact still remained a puzzle to him as he couldn't understand the reason why he should fit in. But since he had promised Evyana he would try, he was really trying his best. Even after two years, he was stil trying.

As he thought of Evyana, a gentle but subtle smile grazed his lips. And unconsciously, he reached for his phone and inputted his password.

Going through his contact, there was only three numbers. Evyana, Shrink and an unknown number.

Tapping on Evyana's name, he dialed the number.

After a few seconds, there was a clicking sound and a female voice rang out in his ears.

"Hey, big guy." she seem very happy to hear his voice again.

Alvian lips curled a bit and he felt his slightly anxious heart calmed down like a still river. This was what he loved about speaking with her. Alvian cleared his thoughts and replied.

"Hey baby girl. How are you doing?" he casually found a public bench and took his sit.

"Hehe, I'm fine. You know this is the third time you are calling this morning to ask that right?" Evyana said with a laugh.

"Oh. if you don't like it then, I should stop calling." Avian said with a raised eyebrow.

"No! Don't you dare!!!" She immediately got anxious as she yelled over.

Avian chuckled and then replied. "I wouldn't dare not call you either."

Evyana remained silent for a few seconds before she said in a quiet voice. "I really miss you big guy."

"Hmm." Avian only responded with a him but Evyana knew he meant to say the same to her. He just didn't like saying those words. Made him seem strange.

"I have to go now. I was having a lecture when you called. I think the professor hates me now for running outside without his permission." Evyana groaned loudly.

"Alright. Don't let me keep you from attending class. Good bye girl." Alvian paused for bit as a quiet voice sounded in his ears.

"I love you big guy. Take care."

He immediately hung up. And he closed his eyes for a bit.

Opening them, he flipped through his phone and immediately dialed the unknown number.

"Take care of the professor if he dare makes her unhappy."

"Yes boss." a female voice sounded out from the phone.

Alvian immediately ended the call and placed the phone in his pocket.

He was about to stand up and continue his movements when he suddenly caught hold of an image with the corner of his eyes.

There was a large mirror at the wall of the sidewalk and Alvian caught hold of his reflection in the mirror. He saw his own face and realised that his lips was tilted upwards in a strange arc.

This immediately made him frown. And he touched his face weirdly. After all, this was the first time he saw his own face having another expression. After gazing for a bit, he seem to have come to a certain conclusion and left that area to prepare for his morning job interview. At least, he needed to pretend he was okay interacting with other people and also getting a job.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alvian stood noiselessly before a large skyscraper that shone with the luminance of the morning sun. The design was absolutely stunning as the reflection of the sun to the glass seem to make the building glow. But that wasn't any of his business.

Suddenly, he heard the loud horning sound of several cars since there was a heavy traffic on the road. He glanced backwards to see what the fuss was all about.

He realised the traffic was abnormally heavy. And strangely enough, it seem to affect only one part of the road which the cars seem to be moving outwards. Which made it seem quite strange.

So the problem could be an accident and accidents really happen at the is part of the street, so it was definitely a planned move.

'Hmm, A robbery?'

Suddenly, he saw several large trucks pull up at the mall in the distance. The sizes and the models of the trucks were irregular which means they weren't of the same party.

'Different trucks, not a robbery then... ' Alvian thought for a moment, then he immediately ignored what was happening there to mind his own business.. This was him trying to fit in.

Expressionlessly, he walked into the building using the entrance.

Casually glancing around, he had already figured out the location of the exit and the emergency exit on the ground floor is. The number of security guards on this ground floor had been deduced by him in several seconds and he immediately came to a conclusion . 'Easy Prey. No sign of standard military combat training. Some. Novice combat training but overall, easily disposable.'

Withdrawing his gaze from the little details, Alvian headed straight for the elevato. He walked straight to his left amidst the busy burst of crowds of people walking in and out of building.

Reaching the elevator. Alvian waited in front of the elevator as five other people were there before him. Someone had already pushed down the elevator request button.

After a few seconds, the elevator arrived and six of them stepped into the elevator.

The elevator seem to be large enough to contain several more people.

Alvian quietly stood at the corner of the elevator.

Suddenly, a soft fragrance hit him. And Alvian's mind was sent reeling once more.

He glanced at the young lady directly beside him. And his brain went into overdrive as he evaluated her.

'A perfect mix between two cheap perfumes. Likely covering the smell of cigarette she had taken after her bath.'

'33 years of age. Slightly expanded waist- Mother of two. Fidgeting with her fingers, she's here for an interview.

Patterned calluses on her finger tips. Worked as a waitress for at least two years.

Overall threat level, not a threat.'

In just a few seconds, he had evaluated the lady before him. Alvian directly ignored her as she was just as weak as the people he had met

And his eyes casually swept through everyone in the elevator.

Their overall threat level was minimal which made Alvian not pay attention to them any longer.

But soon, his eyes narrowed down a young man who had just gotten in when the elevator had stopped at one of the floors.

"Interesting. Haven't touched a gun in a while." Alvian's eyes lit up slightly for a moment.

He was well aware that the government seem to be tracking his every movement and he was 50% sure they had hacked through the camera feeds of the elevator just to watch him. Which was why he hadn't been able to purchase any firearm as he was banned him from a direct contact with one.

It wasn't like he couldn't take care of any troublesome matter without a firearm. It was just that, he was the most dangerous with a gun. He would immediately be at his peak when equipped with a pistol. Preferably a two pistols. But he wasn't allowed to come into contact with firearms

But now, opportunity had revealed itself.

The young man had kept the gun hidden inside his belt, at the back of his pant and had covered himself with a jacket to further protect the gun from being seen.

"Excuse me." Alvian said from behind as he by passed the other people who were standing in his way, occasionally bumping into the people who were on the elevator with him and apologising for it and then, he exited the elevator when it stopped as though it was truly the floor he had wanted to drop in.

In that moment he left the elevator, he closed the brown file in his hands. There was now a large bulge in the brown paper file bag, but it wasn't visible as Alvian placed the paper file bag between his armpit,keeping it hidden from plain view.

Strangely enough, at this moment, his usual expressionless face seemed a little more human and not the robotic and wooden expression he usually had.

This was the first time he felt this way apart from when he was with Evyana. And although the feeling was smidgen, compared to how he always felt with Evyana, it was still something. After all, it had been almost two years he came into contact with a weapon.

Now, he was wondering why he hadn't been going out all this while and had holed himself up in his apartment.

He had thought the normal human society would be boring but things seem to be getting pretty interesting and that thought got Alvian's interest especially peaked.