
Ultimate Superman

haikEX · Komik
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3 Chs

The beginning after the end

It has been a few hours since planet, Krypton has been blown away but we are being followed by an unknown enemy who is this woman with red hair in a black suit the woman starts shooting at us the danger alarm goes off on the spaceship I go into a panic before all this happened I put Kara in a deep sleep I kiss her in the forehead I'll protect you

Alex when will the ship arrive ship is set to arrive on earth in around 4 years I get on the pod to distract her from getting to Kara I shoot her in that grabbed her attention she follows me we trade blows but the woman's spaceship has only a few scratches

my pod is not suited for combat she sends a transmission, you know what I want I command you to surrender now and I promise when I get you I won't kill you

I won't give it to you I have gone to all this trouble and you think I'll hand it down that easily find you have left me no more options but without realizing I'm going Into the Phantom Zone

no no stop Don't ill let you live I won't follow you anymore sometimes in life you don't get what you want no she yells and I gets trapped in the phantom zone but that gives Kara enough time to get away what's this how do I get out this ahh I'm glad Kara got away mom dad I did it I put my self in a deep sleep without knowing if I'm ever waking up

18 years past by I finally escaped the phantom zone my AI wakes me up Alex how long was i asleep for 17 years sir is a miracle I even escape we are arriving to KEPLER-452b how's the sun this planet sun is a purple sun what of the inhabitants they seem to be very strong no intelligent life was detected

we have entered the atmosphere of this planet the pod is going down at such incredible speeds that my skin started to get red the pod was not opening it was stuck so I kicked the door so hard that it flew miles away this plant gravity is very strong that's why the animals are so strong I need to get stronger

Alex give me the contact lenses the contact lenses gives the user information about the planet and organisms one more thing your mother has left you a present look to the back of the pad there's a little I opened it and to my surprise it was my father's suit with a note

kal we might have not been the best parents but we did the thing we did for our people I know you'll do what's right

this won't be the end for us ill make sure of it and if anyone gets in my way ill end them I put on the suit is made to fit whomever is wearing it I started exploring this new planet which at the time I didn't realize that my body is becoming stronger

in krypton, I had powers but I awakened powers that were not in krypton I looks up into the sky and see a lizard-looking thing with wings Alex what is that thing it is called a dragon my lord I think he saw me

you must go now as I'm running away the fire dragon glides down on me throwing fire from his mouth he almost hits him but I dodge the fire what kind of animal is this

the dragon roar calling more dragons so I run into the forest to the left of me hoping to lose it but the dragon doesn't lose interest that easily the other dragon must have been too far away because they never came the dragon dives down on me like a rocket picking me up with his legs going up to the sky and drops me I must be a bug to him

How I'm I going to survive this I drops to the ground making a little crater I'm okay what's this my body got used to this planet already the dragon flew away seem like he lost interest I jumps up to the sky and I can jump higher than a 50 Foot tree I'm in disbelief when I land on the ground I try punching a big rock

this rock is 20 feet wide and when I punch it the whole rock breaks into pieces can I fly I tried to but is not working I jump up a few more time for 10 minutes until I finally starts flying

this is the best day of my life I go back to that dragon I first saw when I got hear the dragon roars throwing fire out of his mouth but that doesn't even leave a scratch on him so I fly towards it with 5 punches the dragon was dead it's already night time this dragon meat taste good I hope I find some more tomorrow Alex how long would it take me to go to earth 5 years from hear you have powers that no Kryptonian have had how can this be is that I think is the purple star and what the history of our people anyway

can't disclose that information what I'm your master you do as I say Alex the intelligent AI turn off for the rest of the day hey you answer me when I'm talking to you kal get no response from Alex when he finish eating the dragon he went to sleep and In the morning he flys around the planet only to find out there's nothing in this planet to get him to earth he close his fist and goes around the planet one more time after he goes around killing dinosaurs a t-Rex thats 50 foot tall only a few animals are as strong as kal-el he spends his days killing animals until he becomes the apex predator

A few months go by until a spaceship lands on the planet he's curious about the strange looking space ship by the looks of it they are a little more advanced than krypton as he gets closer these 2 intelligent aliens light blue with dark blue spots came out the space ship who are you guys they speak a language that kal does not understand they both take a pill

hey can you understand me now yes what happened here we were told that this planet was not inhabited by intelligent life I'm not originally from this planet we can see your from krypton oh pathetic race that got blown away watch your mouths i won't let this go again yeah yeah listen we came here to conquer this planet but it don't seem like we need to anymore

thanks for the help wanna come with us yeah I'll be glad to what your names I'm joe and I'm rec and I'm kal-el but you can call me kal as they all get inside the space ship traveling back to there home country we're here kal welcome to Estrade entering the atmosphere landing in 5,4,3,2,1 they landed on the largest city Valley everyone looked the same to me the only difference was that the females were light pink with dark pink spots this is where we must part ways kal-el yes it was nice meeting you guys hope to see you around farewell my friend