
Ultimate Spider-Man System

After waking up in an unfamiliar room, Alex discovers that he has been reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, inhabiting the body of a young Peter Parker with Tom Holland’s face. Guided by the mysterious "Ultimate Spider-Man System," a robotic AI designed to assist him in his new life, he is presented with a choice: rise to greatness and leave his mark on history or remain an unnoticed nobody. Equipped with Spider-Man’s powers, the protagonist sets out to redefine what it means to be Spider-Man, free from the constraints of Peter Parker’s tragic destiny and stupid way of thinking. With access to a shop offering abilities and tech from other Marvel heroes and the Multiverse, he aims to forge a new path, a Path that a not brain-dead Person would also take. But with great power come great... Wealth, Influence, Lady's? Will he embrace his old role, or carve out a destiny entirely his own? (AN: He will carve out his own destiny) Tags: r18, overpowered, reincarnated, marvel- MCU, Spider-Man, romance, harem, superpowers, system https://patreon.com/Sparky20049 Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction and is not intended for commercial use. All characters, settings, and intellectual properties related to Spider-Man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and Marvel Comics are the sole property of Marvel Entertainment, LLC, Disney, and their respective creators and copyright holders. This story is a transformative, non-commercial fan project created out of love and appreciation for the original works. The author makes no claim of ownership over the characters or world depicted herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Sparky20049 · Anime & Komik
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27 Chs

Losing his Virginity

Peter was the first to wake up the next morning and made Breakfast for his aunt.

When he went upstairs, a small plate with a note next to it stood before her bedroom.

The note read,

"Peter, I will be away at work the whole day, and will not return by tomorrow, so you're going to have the whole house to yourself. Have fun."

"Wow, aunt may, did you plan this, or is this just a coincidence?"

"Whatever, I'm going to tease her later about running away from me," he thought, a mischievous grin on his face as he went back down to eat breakfast and then started his day.

The first thing he did was check on his shop timer, still on the 9th day.

"So, now, how could I get enough Points to buy a Habitat builder," he asked himself, looking around the shop.

"Host can look around nearby areas and maybe encounter random Missions. You could also try completing your daily Mission to get a Times 30% Boost on your Mission rewards for the next 24h after completion and a random low tear reward."

"Why didn't you tell me so sooner" Peter stood up from his desk, quickly changed, brushed his teeth.

"So, System, What's the daily mission?"

"Host, Daily mission is a Mission that changes every day and has different rewards and tasks, normally having a bigger payout, the mission today is,

Daily Mission

Swing around the city, and fight 13 Criminals. The reward is the chance for a random low - tier reward from and a 30% increase in Mission rewards for the next 24h." The system said.

"Ok, sounds easy, so, System, can you keep track of the mission and when I complete it?"

"Host, yes I can."

"Then, activate Daily mission"


"Ok, so now I have to get swinging" He said and suddenly, his suit went over his body, all his clothes and backpack vanishing. Then he turned Invisible and used his room window again to get out onto the street and from there on he started running till he was some blocks away, turned visible again and started swinging from house to house for the first time with people seeing him."

"This feels amazing, and the city looks so beautiful, I should have done this earlier," he thought as he was flying through the air, looking at the many people below him distinctly knowing how to.

He swung from building to building, enjoying the wind pressure and the freedom his Powers gave him, his worries forgotten.

"Hey system, can I get a status update, any ideas where to find criminals this time of the day" He asked after a while of swinging.

"Host, it's real early in the morning, most criminals are still asleep, but some will already be on the move"

"And what could I do, should I wait for a robbery or something"

"Host, a robbery would be ideal, you can stop them before they harm someone, or you can wait till they get away and then follow them. If you get them before they are too far away, the Police will not even care, and you can just leave the Criminals webbed to the wall and call the police anonymously, like this, you can stop the crimes before they escalate and have the time to go around and beat more criminals, as long as you don't hurt anyone, the police will not come after you."

"To bad there are non right now" He thought, swinging around and finally landing on a rooftop in hells kitchen.

He knew that since the Attack, this part of the city was extremely dangerous, and so he decided to start his search for 13 beatable bad guys here.

He was walking around on the rooftops, and as his spider sense didn't go off, he was getting more and more bored.

"This is so boring, System, are you sure there are Criminals everywhere here, the only person I have seen yet was an old lady with a shopping bag, and she didn't even look suspicious, more like an old granny"

"Host, There are some, just look around. I could also tell you where they are, but you haven't bought that upgrade jet, so you have to search for yourself"

"Well, that would be unfair, wouldn't it" he said as he swung around another rooftop, trying to not make much noise.

After a bit more walking, he decided to just drop down on a street and walk the rest.

"There, a drug deal" he thought, smiling as he saw the two men standing in an alley talking, and the guy who seemed to be the buyer handing over some money.

"Lets Go" He thought, hyping himself up while running up the walls and jumping on the dealer of the two, the one who received the money just now.

He took hold of the man's hand that held the money and pushed his head against the wall, making the man unconscious immediately.

"Who the fuck are you" the buyer yelled, pulling out a gun and pointing it at him, the Spider Sense going off, but before the buyer could even react, a web line hit the gun and pulled it into his Hand. "Nice loot, thanks" He said before shooting two webs, one binding him to the wall and the other closing his mouth as he started searching both of them for valuables.

He found some money on the dealer, 500$ and some pills. He also had a knife and a gun with him, and after webbing the guy to the ground, he searched the buyer.

He found more money on him and a little plastic bag with a white powdery substance inside, probably heroine.

He took the phone of the dealer and called 911, while activating his voice changer and describing the situation, before laying the phone on the ground for tracking and webbed the unconscious dealer to the ground before swinging away again.

"Host has lost his first fight Virginity, that achievement is a milestone in your life" the system said unexpected.

"Do I get anything for that" he asked annoyed?

"No, host, just the satisfaction" the system answered.

"Well, the satisfaction is not really helping"

Like this, he swung around some more before he heard the sirens of the police cars, probably driving to the phone's location.

"Good, the police will take care of him" he thought, and continued swinging.

As the sun started to rise higher, a lot of people came out of their homes, and more and more cars and people were seen on the streets.

He swung past a few shops and the supermarket where he was robbed before, and after a few minutes of swinging, his spider sense went off.

"What do we have here" he thought as he looked into an anyway next to the supermarket, while sitting across the street on the roof.

He focussed his eyes and could see 2, with what seemed to be pistols, armed guards standing in the shadows of the street, looking around the street for whatever they were searching for.

He quickly swung across the street and turned invisible, crawling down the wall, trying to spy on them while making the least number of sounds he could.

"Hey, what's taking so long" one of them spoke up.

"Shut up and wait, they will be here soon," the other answered, while checking the clip of his pistol and the safety.

"We are not supposed to kill them, they want their goods delivered unharmed" the first one replied, his voice sounding a bit annoyed.

"They don't know that" the second one answered with a cruel smile, "And we need to protect the goods against potential threats, so better get that rusty old thing of yours working."

"Well, no police undercover, that's for sure", he thought and decided to stay and watch the show.

"Hey, look, it's the car," the first one said, a smile on his face as a black SUV drove down the street, slowly parking in front of the two.

"Get in, hurry" the second one said, the car door opening as the two walked up to it.

As soon as the first was in the car though the open door, you could hear a womanly scream, as the second pulled out his gun and pointed it at the driver through the Window.

"Hands in the air, get the fuck out, no sudden movements, Police" the second said, a smirk on his face as he showed a fake or stolen mark to the driver, while the first one got out again.

"And now you get out, slowly," the first one said, his gun pointed at the driver.

"What's the meaning of this" the driver asked, slowly getting out of the car and raising his hands.

"Shut up, and put these cuffs on" the second one said, while the first one pulled the cuffed woman from the car and pushed her into the ally next to the Car, where they waited for the other two.

"I swear, I didn't do anything, don't shoot, please, I'm just a driver" the guy screamed.

"Well, then, we have no reason to kill you, as long as you behave" the second one said with a cruel smile as the other one pushed the Woman in the direction of the supermarket's side entrance.

"Host, a Mission, would you like to accept it"

"What is it"

"Stop the kidnappers"


"Host, affirmative, Mission accepted."

"Now, how do I stop them without hurting the prisoners" he thought, the group walking through the back alley.

"Ok, I'm going to try something" he said as he crawled behind them silently while still not being visible.

Once they were almost in the second guy, the last one, suspiciously looking into the alleyway, he made his move.

He positioned himself next to the door and shot a web at the guy's mouth, puling him away from the doorway and deeper into the allay.

Before he could react, Peter's hand began to crackle with yellow energy and the guy's eyes widened in fear as peter tappet his head with his finger and the guy, his screams muffled as he got sapped, tried to reach for his gun, but before he could reach it his sight went away and he blacked out.

"It seems like, I have to train more on bad guys to make them go Instant-KO" he thought as he turned Invisible again and looked into the doorway for the group of three. After some time, he heard a voice jelling through the hallway.

"Don't forget to close the door, we don't want unwanted guests to visit us, while you're looking away from the door for a second" number one seamed to jell from around the corner.

Peter went in and closed the door with some force, making a loud sound as metal fell on metal.

"Blip" "Thanks" "Blip" the guy seamed to say through the radio while seemingly thinking number two would wait outside, standing guard.

"Now, where are they" he thought as he went up the sealing, crawling around the corner, that seemingly went into some kind of storage room, where he could see number one, holding a police batch before the eyes of his prisoners and spitting lies into their faces, while they sat on the floor, looking scared.

"You have no right to take us, we did nothing wrong" the woman cried, tears running down her cheeks as she was held in place by a kick to the side, by the second guy.

"I have every right to arrest you and your partner, you are suspected of terrorism, and will have to answer for your crimes, now stop lying and resisting" the guy said, his voice angry as he spit into her face, the woman now crying.

He turned away from her, looked at the door and then at his watch.

"In ten Minuets there will be a Van from the FBI that will take you into their custody, if you are truly innocent, then you will have nothing to fear" he said with an ugly grin.

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Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I’ve read a ton of Spider-Man fanfics, and since there aren’t so many great ones out there, I decided to write my own! This is my take on Spider-Man, and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to leave some comments and critiques if you like, as I’d love to make it even better for everyone!

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