
Ultimate Sexual Techno-Nympho, Miu Iruma! (Miu Lemon X Male Reader)

Basically for those that're into Miu (Like me! :D). Tons of twists and turns, like the game but different! Tons of "Fanservice" too.

DartY_NS · Derivasi dari game
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4 Chs

Assisting You , Miu.

Enjoy ಡuಡ

Chapter 2: Assisting You, Miu.


My eyes stained my face yet was masked from my redness, trying to look not too phased by Miu always being like "Yep! Boned like that", "Right up my ass, baby!" and more confusingly "My ass was cumming all niiight~", which even Shuichi was compelled to object...But given the case that no one but us are experienced, and how he didnt wanna drag Monokuma into this, he turned a blind eye to it. Well congrats anyway, bitch. Everyone thinks you're way dirtier than what you let on. Wanting things anally and shit. From there, everyone either walked to their rooms or went to talk privately with others. Meanwhile with me, the former happened but...This shit also happened.

"*puts hand on my door*...I can hear you.."

"! H-how could you tell?"

"*bats at her* Im not deaf, bitch! Now get the hell away from me!"

"EEK! (S-so angry! Y-you can do this, Miu! For the sake of these huge, bouncin' tatas!)"

"*sees her look down and making her tits jump in her hands*.....Da fuck're you doing?"

"(Oh! He's staring! I-I guess I got him then!) *points at me* Right, now you listen here! When we fucked, you gave me a few ideas!"


"(How the hell does he not get it?) I should've known a slow, mouth-drooling moron like you needs a good handholding for this!...Just like last night! (BAM! Score 1 for me, bitches!)"

"(I wanna slap her so hard..._V_) Quit fuckin' around! What is it!? oVo"

"When you plugged me hard, that really loosened up my corn hole, and I took one of the most comfortable dumps ever! So I was thinkin', maybe I should make that Talent Identifier thing have a strap-on and it should make the process more reliable. And it worked in a snap for me, so if I were to try it on yo-"

"Nope nope, I see where this is going and I aint doin' all that just to be probed. I may be into alot of weird shit but not this. - -"

"Hmph! Well if you're gonna be a pussy about it, just hotdog it. I already warmed it up."

"...It better work in 10 seconds. After that, Im hopping' my ass off."

"Have it your way. *takes out a wet rag* Also-"

"That's chloroform! Im not falling for that trick!"

"Alright, Plan H then."

"Wait wha- *hand gets snagged and is sent at 40mph with her* WHOOOA WHOA! HOW THE-"

"My tits must've really distracted you! These Speed Shoes will get us to my lab in no time! *hears them make KEHKEHKEKKEeeh sounds and feels us stopping* (Th-they're already out of gas?! o__o)"

"*moves feet as fast as possible, but trips forward as she turns around* B-bitch, dont turn like-! *flops on top of her in the grass*"

"*has me impact off of cleavage, then has my head rest in between them* Hehehe I knew these would come in handy. eue"

"*slaps both tiddies, sees her winch and stands up* Ugh, you're such a damn clown. We were just fine earlier!"

"*covers breasts, stands up too* Well if my shit just worked, we would've been there by now, so ANYWAYS!"

"*turns away* Tch. Any other reason you dragged me out like that?"

"*sighs* Fine, I wanted to talk to you for a bit..I've had a sneaking feeling about you helping me. If you can make this shit work on you, it'd make what you are official."

"And that'd be?"

"Clean your ears, fucker! Shit's only a feeling, ok?! So fuck if I know. Now quit being a pussy and hurry on in with me" Miu told me and I followed her the rest of the way to her lab, regrettably so, of course. We proceed inside. There, I saw the wacky contraption front and center...As well as a box of wet dildos on the side. "*sees me frown* Alright before you whine, just know that after that first one worked, I couldnt get it again and had to try out a dozen other ones. Apparently the longer, the better" Miu then clarified to me, "Uuuuh that'd be an important detail, yknow! Damn right Imma bitch at you for that!" I bitched, "G-geez j-just go ahead and plant your ass on it" she then told me, "TEN. SECONDS" I told her. Miu lowers the head piece over my head once I sat on the...That thing, as I made it bend backwards as best I could, looking upset the whole time. If I were any more angered, I wouldnt notice the wheel that she attached to the side, right behind the display. She slapped it, making it spin like one of those roulette wheels. "*hunches over the chair's arm* And the results saaaaaaay~! (Cmon baby, cmon!)" she anxiously said, "*feels her tits hanging all over my arm and shoulder* (Gggghhnn..! T-this isnt making anything better. Even if it is on purpose, I still dont like you're skunk-ass eVe...4..5..6! oVo)" I resently thought, "*sees the display still rolling with letters*....Ahem, IT SAAAAAAAAAAAAYS~! *hears it dingling* ! (It rang! IT'S FUCKIN FINISHED! WHAT IT IS?! OUO;;;;) IT'S- *sees the letters blank for a moment, then come back* 'Ultimate _ _ _ _ _ ASS_ _ _ _ _ _'..OUO;;;...O___O...*grabs me by the collar and shakes me* WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR ULTIMATE TALENT?!! TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME! (⓪O⓪);; I'LL LET YOU FUCK MY ASS AND THESE TITS OUT IF YOU TEL- *get tits slapped* OUCH! >O<" she reacts, backing away and covers her tatas, "*pushes the head piece away and stands up* I dont fuckin' know, bitch! That was your job to figure that out, but now you dont either, so just forget it! Now dont you dare follow me or come to my room, CUZ IM TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!" I yelled at her, walking out of the lab, "*massages knockers* Tch! *sees me walk out the door, looks at the display* If I cant figure this out, I'll just go to the next best thing.. *jumps up quickly* Pooichi'll solve this in no time!...Oww.." Miu said to herself, going back to holding her jugs.

After she had a good five minutes to herself, Miu ran over to Shuichi, who was trying to talk to Kiibo and Maki. Once Maki saw the word "ASS" on the paper Miu had, she walked away, sensing some tomfoolery trying to happen. Shuichi and Kiibo couldnt help but look at each other in confusion.

"Look look, I know this doesnt look right, but I gotta know about this! My enhanced Talent Identifier Machine thingie almost cracked the code on revealing Shitface's Talent. It's just a few letters off, Pooichi! A FEW LETTERS!!! TTOTT"

"*looks at the blanks* Miu, t-this is way more than a few off..More like almost a dozen..."


"A-are you sure you wanna help, Shuichi?...I know I wouldnt."

"*grabs the paper* It..Shouldnt hurt to try, Kiibo, so...Let's see..*looks at it closely* (Huh...This is two words..Dont see that everyday.)"

"Anything Shuichi?"

"Hmm, I may need a bit of an opinion. This is five letters, and six more are missing on the second word."

"Umm..What would it be then? This guy's a hard one if it's two words..Oh I got something! If 'Ass' is the start of a word, then-"

"Exactly, it has to be 'Assistant'."

"Yaaaay! Leave it to some dunce tin-can-built bot and Pooichi to solve this baby! ^O^"

"*points* Hey, you just assumed im made of tin cans! That's robo-phobic! For your information, I dont have any tin in my body! And Im not a dunce!"

"G-geez, chill out man...Can you even feel it if it's cold?"

"That's robo-phobic too, of course I can!...Usually..> >"

"Hey, can it please. Im trying to think..."

"*sees him close his eyes*...Ahem. Anytime, smarty."

".....Dghhah, nothing's coming to me now. Maybe I'll have it by tomorrow."

"We were getting close too..Ok, I'll go back to my room then. Later guys. *walks away*"

"*looks back at Shuichi* Cmoooon Pooichi! I'll-I'll let you see under my shirt! TT﹏TT"

"N-no thanks..I should have an answer or two tomorrow, so see ya. *walks away*"

"-﹏-...*cries on the ground, slamming fist down* WHAT IS IT!!! FUUUUCK!! TTOTT *stands up, spits grass out of mouth* FINE! I'll figure this shit out myself! Even if it takes all night, dammit! >n<" Miu said after all that whining, running back to her lab. And so, night was starting to fall rapidly, not having much else to do other than thinking about what this Talent could be. "Ass..Ass...What'd start with that? Leave it her lame ass to get stuck on a word like that...Aww fuck it, I dont give a shit anymore" I said to myself, closing my eyes, "I know what it is~" said (another) voice I hated, "! *sees Monokuma appear out of my bed* You just love coming out of our beds, do you? Just like some damn Monster under a kid's bed.._V_" I comment, "Oh you didnt know? I am the Monster under children's beds. There's already multiples of me out and about. It's always me too. I sometimes even give the Boogie man a visit" he told me, "You're pullin' me. The hell you want now? _ _" I asked, "Oh that. Our dear lil' Miu forgot that she can only sleep-in within the confines of her lab once a week. She's trying to pull another all-nighter on me by not resting in her assigned room, and as punishment, you're involved too, buddy!" Monokuma said in uncomfortable joy, "W-what?! Why the hell me?!" I react, "Cuz I said so, lover-boy! Now get on up and outta here, and go to your sweetheart! *pulls out a gun, aims it at me* And tell 'er Mono sent ya to have yet another night of romance -u-" Monokuma told me, forcing me out of my room.

As if I'd wanna ever come back to this filthy bitch. Being all dumb and shit. Once I put her ass to sleep, it'll just be an "In-and-out" thing. The walk there sucked too, taking me about three minutes to get the whore's house. Even then, not a ton of time to plan what to do, so YEAH THANKS MONOFUCK! I knocked on her door and to my surprise, no answer. Like nothing? She fappin'? Even then, her room's just one big ass space, so giving herself some corner action is unlikely, 'least if you ask me. Come to think of it, how does that work for her? As I thought about all that, the door oddly opened up to me. Might be busted or somethin'. I enter, and what hit my ears was drippings, then I felt some heat emitting from a direction. Looking that way, there so happened to be a door, so I was like "Ok Let's open that" aaaaaaaaand.

"*opens the door* Phew, what a pis- *sees me* O O...O//////O"

"....*sees her with a towel on* (...Fuck - <-)"

"*holds towel tightly* YOU FUCKIN' PERV! THE FUCK YOU DOING IN MY LAB, HUH?! You couldnt wait to get some more of this, COULD YOU?!! oVo"

"B I T C H! LOOK HERE! Ò o Ó ╬ *sees her stunned with eyes widened*....(The hell? Did I fuck myself up too?) *eyes drift downward, slaps myself* That AsshatKuma forced me to be here for YOUR bitch ass so I can help you sleep! That's it, got it?! ō ō"

"...S-so you didnt come to see my awesome rack? o <o"

"N-n....(Cmon! You can say it! N! O!) N-n-nooot r-the plan..>///>"

"HAH! Not even you can resist these wonderfully developed bosoms! *starts opening towel* Fall victim and gaze, horn-do-"

"*stops her hands in time* IM NOT HERE FOR THAT, OK?! Ò///Ó *quickly ties towel over tits with big knot* Now keep your stupid boobs to yourself!"

"(Fuck, man! I almost had his balls quakin' and ready to drop on me! >V<) Tah, your loss, shitface e e. But wait, the hell's that mean for you really? You dont go back to your room tonight or what?"

"! (D-do I...?....Wait..'She's trying to pull another all-nighter on me by not resting in her assigned room, and as punishment, you're involved too, buddy!'....so..'And tell 'er Mono sent ya to have yet another night of romance'.) ono....Shit. I really am fucked."

"H-huh? I was on the money, wasnt I? o o"

"...He even had a gun, so you know he wasnt fuckin' around."

"Well, speakin' of fuckin'. Time to bone. *gets ready to open towel*"

"*puts a hand out* H-HOLD UP!"

"UGH the fuck is it now?!"

"*siiighs* If my hands are tied here, we might as well try to get to know each other more like last time."

"God you're a fuckin' pussy! A beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous broad with huge tits in front of you in a towel, and you're like 'well let's talk first > 3>'."

"Look you pink-haired junkie! Im not one of those guys who wants to dick down girls on sight, OK!?"

"Nah, you're still a pussy to me. e_e"

"Well this pussy is gonna knock your ass out. Maybe then that'll put you to sleep, and then I'll fuck you while you're unconscious. That sound like a pussy to you? -V-"

"Y-you wouldnt dare! oVo"

"Dont tempt me - -. Well screaming our lungs out aint getting us anywhere, so let's just go with Plan A."

"Uuuugh, well what's wrong with tryin' to knock me up now, eh? Practically hot-n-ready here!"

"(Knocking you up? Not even on your life. - -) Ahem...How 'bout you dont get so angry all the time?"

"Speak for yourself, fag. All that damn yelling."

"Cuz Im dealing WITH A HORNY, BIMBO-LOOKING, FAKE-TITS-HAVIN- *takes deep breaths* Ok..ok. May got a point there. We both have some anger problems."

"Geez, and I thought I get hella mad. You dont see me sayin' you got a small dick."

"Right right e e...*leans on the wall next to her* Guess to really start, what do you like?"

"My inv-"

"Besides your toys. _ _"

"Ok then..Ooo I like reading these books. Like 'Ol' Mcdonald', 'Ben's Barn' and...'The Numbers Next Door'."

"....Are those....? They're kids books, aren't they?"

"Yeah. Hell's wrong with reading what kids read?"

"I...Honestly dont think about it..But figured you'd grow outta that after, yknow...12."

"Look, I had been lookin' at all them long-ass instructions I see when you build shit! 'Least kid's shit are short and sweet."

"(...Well that made things a bit harder..- -)"

"We gonna bone now? My bod's not the only thing getting dry."

"...Listen, if we're gonna have any type of sex, I gotta like some part of you."

"Wait what about last night? Fuck happened there?"

"I...(Damn, what even was that?) I..Got mad, I rememberer that.."

"And you fucked me. Cmon, I know you remember rocking my world downstairs."

"M-maybe Im...not all that well in the moment..>///>"

"(Alright he's fuckin' around. =-=..I smell a bit of weakness, baby. -u-) In the moment, eh? In that case!"

"M-mi- *turns to her, seeing her huge tits jump out of her towel as she drops it, posing sexually while winking* O/////O Holy. Fuck."

"(Yeeeah that's right, prey's right where I want 'im eue) *sees my boner sticking more and more forward, puts tits in my face* Cmoooon~ Be a good boy, and fuck me out~"

"*turns away* Im not fucking a bitch like you! つ﹏<"

"*puts hand on the wall over me, looking down from above where I was* Then you're gonna be my bitch tonight. Nowhere else to go but poundtown, buddy. -u-"

"*feels her big, warm tits drooping on my head* (HhhHhhhaaaugh~ Those feel real gooood~ -q-) *feels something being put on my head* H-huh? -feels on them- (Her goggles?! o///o)"

"*stands in front, puts tits all in my face, then puts dong between thighs, smothers it with thighs and strokes from the shaft's base* Gimme that big ol' cock, boner boy~. Im cravin' for some sailors -///-"

"I-I think you mean semen..."


"(I really cant get outta this, huh? If only it was Maki or somethin') Fine fine! *grabs her huge udders* Happy, you cow? >///>"

"Mmmmmm, t-there! Now fuck this cow~! @q@"

"(...Im forgetting she said that in 3..2..)" I thought to myself before going ahead and start moaning as she served me some more. Her pussy was dripping all over my shaft as I was thrusting slowly into her thighs, and the fluids were drenching my scrotum in seconds. I got a mouthful of them huge, weighty udders of her's, which she loved every second of while I got harder on her. "Aaaaahh there we go, big man..Im sooo ready to get cum-dumped.." she was saying breathily, starting to stroke with one hand and using her index finger to stroke the top of the shaft with the other hand. My pants fell, and she had a brief caressing of my balls. It made me curious to travel my other hand elsewhere, and I chose an...Interesting spot. "*feels up on her ass, feeling some of it flap a bit over my fingers* W-whoa. Looks like I was wrong yesterday..You got some good trunkage back there o///o" I comment, "Do I-I mean well well, look who came around and now has a real interest in my ass. I do have a Goddess-like body after all. You better feel lucky you get to fuck it, mortal >u>" Miu says to me, "(Ugh cant stand her gloating - -) How 'bout you stick a cork in it? Speaking of that.." I alluded, "*gets turned around, tits get grabbed from behind and is bent over* Hey what's the big i- GUAAAGGH!" she moaned in a choking manner from me sticking my cock all up in her pussy from behind, then I started pounding that naughty ass while squeezing her big tiddies. Her tongue was sticking out while I was fucking out that cunt of her's, ready to bust hot sperm in her, "Gyi! Gyi! Gyi! Fuck! Fuck! Aaaaaugh n-not so rough! Im sorry, Im sorry for-! *feels my cock shaking and throbbing* W-wait! Im not- *gets hips grabbed on* Hey, I said Im not reaDY! *gets fucked much faster* HaaahahaahaaaahaaahaAAAUUGH FUCK! (H-he's never went this fast in me! Fuck do I feel like some fuckhole!) *looks behind, seeing how red the ass cheeks are* (He's pounding me so hard my ass is all red!) HARDER, Fuck that ass harder!" Miu shouts, "HMM! HMM! HMM! (Cant..keep it up for long..!) All! Most! There! Bitch!" I warned her, "Fuuuuuuck~! Fuck me out, stud! *feels sperm oozing* Pound all that in me! Knock me U-UUUUPP! *is getting came inside of* S-SPLOOOOOOSHH!! >Q<" Miu loudly moaned out, taking bursts of jizz in her pussy as my cock was flooding her insides.

We shared a...wonderful moment when we found ourselves up on the wall, with my hands on both of her's while they were on the wall as well. She was moving her ass up and down on my pelvis until my penis flopped out of her. "S-see?...That wasnt so bad, wasnt it? *sees me look away* Cmon..Gotta admit I fucked you good eue" Miu said to me, "Heh, last time I checked I was doing the pounding..Not you.." I reply, taking her goggles off, catching my breath with her. Next moment, I was digging my fingers into her pussy, "G-ghn! *turns to me* What's all- *surprised, getting kissed by me, both our mouths opened* O-ok pal, the hell's this now? >///>" Miu asks, "What? Cant like kissing a bitch I fucked? So shut up.." I told her, going back in for a kiss, more sensual than the last, bringing us to close our eyes this time as she has her hands behind my head as I lock lips with her from behind. After our psuedo-romantic moments together, we decide to go into the shower room of her's, putting our clothes on before preparing to rest on her...Experiment table. ".....I cant sleep on this. How'd you even sleep in this room?" I ask, "I uh..Usually just rest at my workbench in my chair" she answered, "...Get the hell away from me. *sees her get up and go to the workbench* (Is this the punishment I got dragged into? Not being able to sleep myself? Oh that damn bear is lucky I dont have a gun!).......*gets up and goes to her as she rests her head* Alright bitch, move it. You're sitting on my lap" I then told her, "*looks behind with a smirk* Wanna feel some more of this ass on ya? *sees me get angered* Or wouldnt it feel nice if I was behind you and these airbags were all up on your back? eue" she asked, "- - ╬ (Calm down man..Remember, anger management)...I..I like my idea better thank you. I didnt ask for a suggestion from you, didnt I? -u- ╬" I reply as she made a sly giggle and I took her spot, with her new ass-placement on my crotch. It took me a moment to then realize I had to rest my head either right next to her's or possibly behind her head..Which somehow made me har- NOT NOW, BONER! Daahhh, anyways I chose the latter and slept like that for the whole night...And again, fuck you, Monokuma.

The next day came up after a rather standard 8 hours. It was morning and my eagerness of going back to my room rose upon waking up, especially after this. "*wakes up shortly after me, yawns* Oh man, what a dream that was. Imagined some guy's head was on- * tries to touch the top of head, but feels my head laying on the temple*...THE FUCK YOU DOING ON MY HEAD LIKE THAT?!" she screamed, "*sits up, unwraps arms around her* I didnt have anywhere else to sleep in here, remember?!" I reminded, "Oh yeah, that did happen o <o" Miu realized, "(Fuck is this bitch stupid!) *gets up after sliding out from under her ass, walks out* Im outta here, so later bitch eVe And he said for you to go back to your room for the week" I said, walking out of the lab.

After this point, everything went into the last class trial, the discovery of Miu's mini-kuma cams, Kiibo trying to destroy the school and worst of all...Everything we knew was a lie. EVERYTHING. Even with how we were as people. Everyone had a role, and we were the actors. If it wasnt for Shuichi, everyone would've surrendered and played into Monokuma's hands..Or should I say Junko. SHE started all of this, she was dead a long time ago, so I couldnt get the pleasure of killing her myself. Shuichi now. He was compelling all the way through, even swaying the masses outside the killing game, who were supporting this 53rd season. Like he said, what was real is that all those people that died...Kirumi..Ryoma..Gonta...Kaede..They died for real, and cant come back. Some were their friends too! Even I was convinced that I should care too, and it was the first time I ever did. However, just like all the other trials. Was I helpful? No...Might as well be dead myself. And then this bitch Miu was throwing things off. "They must've have had a copying machine to continue the next killing game! How do we get so many seasons?" Fuck you, Miu. I mean that. Anyways, once this whole killing game finally got it's plug pulled and we made it out...Except Tsumugi, who was trying to be the next Junko, and just went bonkers on us. Just like the "school" building, she was no more herself as it killed her while collapsing. Kiibo sacrificed himself by having himself explode on the wall that kept us in the dome.

"[Shuichi] Kiibo..Im sorry for all this...You were a great friend.."

"*sees his parts fly everywhere* I...Cant believe he did this for us..Even me."

"[Maki] Whatever lies in the outside world, I'll protect everyone without fail."

"[Shuichi] Thanks, Maki. Maybe it really is your time to come after Kiibo."

"Or maybe...*looks at Miu* (Maybe..But wait!) Shuichi, did you figure out what my Ultimate Talent is?"

"[Shuichi] ! yknow what, that is one thing I forgot to check. When we found the Flashback lights, it's monitor had all the Talents listed on that database screen. I couldnt piece it together last night and I could've used that to find it out...Sorry."

"Did you figure ANY of it out?"

"[Shuichi] All I had was the second word. So it's something 'Assistant'. First word has five letters."

"(Five...So it's a pretty short word..) Thinking of it now, what if it's not a thing as the first word, what if it's a person- Their name that's in place as the first word?"

"[Shuichi] ! Hey, you could be on to something! Definitely not something to rule out!"

"[Miu] Well my name's too damn short for that."

"[Maki] Same for me. Im a letter off. Sure that machine of your's didnt miscalculate?"

"[Miu] N-no it shouldn't! I tested it on myself alot of times and everything. So it should get the result just as fast as it did with me! >n<"

"[Shuichi] Looking at everyone's name..It could be Ryoma or Kaito...Like what if it's for someone who died?....."

"[Miu] That'd mean he cant even use his Talent. Ha! And he wasted our times for nothin'. That's worst than being deadweight! xD"

"(I hate how she said it, but she's right..It's the same as being dead..Well then again, it's more like being Tenko but still. But wait a minute..If we're taking grammar into account...O.O!) *turns to Miu* Hey bitch!"

"[Miu] *jumps back, turns away from me* W-was it something I said? ono"

"Ever built a robot before?"

"[Miu] N-not really..You're not asking me to rebuild Kiibo, are you?"

"Im helping you with that."

"[Miu] Huh? But you dont know jackshit about making fuckin' bots. Hell even I really dont know!"

"[Shuichi] Miu, I think it's worth a shot. He's been on to something with this. A little faith wont hurt, right?"

"[Miu]....If he comes out looking all retarded, dont say I didnt warn ya."

"(I've thought the same things about you if you got knocked up. - -) Then I'll gather the pieces with you and we'll see."

"[Shuichi] Then Maki, you explore the outside world for us and come back in an hour. We're still seeing what we can do from here."

"[Maki] Right. *goes out the blown up exit*"

"[Shuichi] *turns to me and Miu* Guess I'll help...Too? *sees fewer parts on the ground* W-wait, there were more here, what happened?"

"*is holding a dozen pieces* I was picking them up."

"[Shuichi] That quickly though?"

"I was going fast? Hmm, guess I dont know my own speed. *sees more parts in the field* There's still more here so- *sees Miu bending over, exposing her panties while picking a few up* S-so AHEM! I-I'll be off. *goes to Miu's lab at an above average pace*"

"[Shuichi] I think she has all the help she needs now. UuU I think I know what his Talent is" he said, going to the stairs of the destroyed school, thinking about what to do next with an eased mind. Next thing she knew, Miu was seeing me gathering pile after pile of Kiibo's parts, and even a day-to-day dunce like her can realize something was up with me. Once we got to her lab, we went to work on building his body.

"Do you have his-"

"His chest plates, yeah here."

"His chest pla- *is handed the parts* O-oh you do, ok. *places them into his torso, using wrenches to lock 'em in* Alright, now the-"

"Cogs and heart? Yeah here. *gives her the parts*"

"Cogs and hea- *is handed them* Oh you do? *puts them in place* What about his-"

"Arm fibers and arm plates? Right here. *gives her those parts*"

"*is handed them* (What the hell...? Is he reading my mind?) *stands up* Alright buddy, the fuck's going on here?"

".....(Actually, what is going on here? Is..Is it my Talent?) I may have an idea, but let's finish this first."

"Ok, just stop givin' me the creeps" Miu said to me, and I nod before we got back to work. Looking at all the parts that were coming together, alot got very damaged. Kiibo really fucked up his body, so if he was made to really resemble a human, this'll just be like bringing the dead back to life.. We were at it for 40 more minutes and had most of his body, when suddenly his eyes started to flicker. Both of us shared a gasp. "I-Is he coming back to life?! *sees his eyes dim out* Dammit! I was sure that'd do it..All we got left is several pieces of his brain..I dont know about this, shitface. *opens the top of his head, tries placing them in* Cmon...! Fit already! *has hands felt on by me* W-what're you- o///o" she was saying, "You're fucking it up. Move your hands like this and..*feels clicking through her hands and light comes from his head* I think that did it!" I said, taking my hands off of her's. "*puts ears to his chest, hears slow, faint heartbeats* O O! He- He's alive! Nice assist, kid!....o.o! I get it now! That has to be your Ultimate Talent!" Miu brought up, "What is it then?" I asked, "It's called 'Ultimate Techno Assistant'! Blam, in your fuckin' face, Identifier Machine!" Miu said proudly, "...That's six letters, not five. *sees her facepalm* Try 'Miu's Assistant'." I corrected with a smile, "! *GASP* Well that's a bit awkward to say, so let's go with calling it 'Miu's Ultimate Assistant'. Eh, eh? ಡuಡ" she was trying to egg on, "Yeah..Yeah, that sounds more like it! We're in business now, baby!" I resoundedly agree, slamming my fists together, "It all makes sense now, so that means whatever you need, no matter what it is, I have you covered! We cracked it together! No wonder I was deadweight the whole time! We gotta tell Shuichi!" I excitedly added before we ran out of the lab. Me and Miu looked around for a bit til we saw him standing at the opened exit. "Hey Shuichi! We figured it out, and Kiibo's gonna make it!" I hollered while running to him, "*turns around to us* Oh really?! That's great news, you two! What is it? Im still a bit stumped on it myself" he asked, "It's 'Miu's Ultimate Assistant'! Bitchin' Talent name, aint it? OuO" Miu answered, "Oh! *flashes back to how it was spelled* I got it! It was a person's name, but since it wasnt used to that, not only did it generate a name, but it counted the possessive apostrophe as a character! So 'Miu's' would fit as the first, five-letter word!" Shuichi puts together out loud, "Wow, so her Identifier really did try it's best with me" I commented, my eyes becoming opened to it all. We then heard footsteps from the dome's exit, and turned to see Maki running towards us, having few bruises and scuffs.

"[Shuichi] Maki, you made it back just in time, but how's it looking out there?"

"[Maki] It's still a bit dangerous to go out. We're some distance away from a city, but the air is still pretty bad out there. If it weren't for my training, I wouldnt last a minute out there."

"[Shuichi] Hmm, that bad huh?"

"[Maki] I did find some areas where the air's not nearly as bad as everywhere else, but those are more dense and more likely to have criminals around. I would've dodged all their attacks with ease if breathing wasnt a problem."

"[Shuichi] Well we can live here a bit longer, but it sounds like it'd take forever to wait for outside's situation to resolve itself. We gotta be able to move forward. *looks to Miu* Think you can make some oxygen masks for us?"

"[Miu] Aye aye, Pooichi!"

"[Shuichi] And I guess whenever Kiibo comes back, he can explore further than us...I was also thinking. Anyone remember what Kokichi was saying about those who went to space?"

"He was saying it was an attempt to make sure everyone doesnt go extinct, and...It was a reopening of Hope's Peak Academy..but since it is, it's really related to Junko too..Possible some can be on the moon?"

"[Shuichi] So there's a chance that whoever's still up there could be alive, but could be in the same situation as us. Info should reach them that they pulled the plug on the Danganronpa series. They'd also have more food than us if they're school building isnt destroyed, so...If we can get up there.."

"[Miu] So you want me to build a ship?!"

"[Shuichi] It'd be the only way to check on them."

"[Maki] She may be the Ultimate Inventor but I have my doubts about this one."

"[Shuichi] They just discovered what the guy's Ultimate Talent is, and it could really help her here."

"[Maki] So he really does have one? What'd that be?"

"[Shuichi] 'Miu's Ultimate Assistant'. He just helped her build Kiibo, and he'll be up and running soon."

"[Maki].....If you ask me, he may be pushing his Talent to the limit. It's far from easy to build a ship."

"[Shuichi] I believe in him. It's worth a shot, but at least we now have a plan, everyone. So let's give it our best, and make it happen!"

"[Maki] ...Hmph..You're starting to sound like that idiot. UuU"

"[Miu] Yeah, sorry your boyfriend died on ya like that."

"[Maki] *gives her a death glare* Do You Wanna Die?"

"[Miu] O O; F-forget I said anything...> >;;;"

"[Shuichi] If you can make an air purifier, try that too, ok?"

"*siiighs* Three very hard creations coming up. Alright Miu, lab's calling us."

"[Shuichi] *sees me grabbing her hand and dragging her to the lab* Maki, anything else you saw out there?"

"[Maki] These scratches..They were from a certain encounter."

"[Shuichi] R-really? Who?"

"[Maki] I was apparently fighting off a member of this organization. I was able to get some information out of him after pinning him down once...Their name: The Junko Triads. They're separated in three divisions. Despair, Neo Black and The Trendsetters."

"[Shuichi] Junko's influence is still really out there...You dont know the deal with each of those groups?"

"[Maki] No, but the one I was battling is from the Despair division. He had his own type of mask, so I can imagine it's the same for everyone else."

"[Shuichi] I see...I'll think all of that over. You were helpful too, Maki. Take a break" he told her, and they went their own ways, tension still looming over their heads. In Miu's lab, we were really deep into tech developing. Making and testing all kinds of shit, big and small, taking time to think about how it can all come together; The works. "*holds my arm* Wait wait wait! Dont jam anything into whatever looks right without my say-so! *sees me roll my eyes* Now put all those parts down cuz you cant just rush this shit!" Miu told me, "Well guess what? Wouldn't my Talent still be effective if I did my own work? e.e" I reply, "You aren't the inventor here, I AM! You follow my lead, got it?! Now we may have a good idea of what it takes to build a ship but we aren't making a huge one and we're too low on supplies to make a small one" she told me some more, "What about building something for the air?" I asked, "Not even that, but what we CAN do is work on masks. We got a few oxygen tanks laying around" she answers, "Maki said it'll be a bit dangerous to go outside, along with the bad air. So if you can make some guns, we'll be set" I suggest, "Pffft as if we can make rifles. Lasers and nets're gonna be our game. Help me finish my skaters too. Oh and even better. There's this too!" Miu said, followed with a giddy laugh to herself. Aww no, you know it's bad when she does weird shit like that. She dug into a pile of other junk she uses to build gadgets with. "*shows me a belt with a visor and a wide bulb behind it* Guess what this baby's called? ಡuಡ" she asked, ".....-___- The Ass Blaster?" I guessed, "....That's even better ಡUಡ" she replied, "(I rather not ask what it was originally called..e e) If it works how I figure it does...Fine, at least no one would expect it" I comment, "Darn tootin' they wont! Now stop pickin' your ass over there, and fetch me them oxygen tanks!" Miu ordered and I did as told. Out of all Talents to have, it just had to do with being this asshole's lapdog e e. I much rather be Talentless and just be in my room all day instead of hearin' her whore-mouth go off on me. Maybe I should use that Ass Blaster on her...Saaay, that's actually not a bad idea! Hmhmhmhmhhmm~ ಡUಡ

More from this...Some other time! Hell if I know when this'll continue again. Try and keep up with all my other ongoing fics! If you dont, I kill your famery! omo ...Laters!