
Chapter 29: Lucas


Starved of warmth as the evening rain splashed over my body mercilessly , I stared into the crystal clear pool of water while trapped in a daze. My face was drowning in sorrow even as I tried not to break, yet a spark of strength within let my heart stayed strong for a little longer but My mind had other ideas.

[Useless thing... You won't amount to anything...] Dad Yelled out as a memory came into my mind.

[Lord Father, I tried To... ]I tried defending myself but Father sends a kick to my gut.

[Silence!!!... You want to say that you tried to help?, HELP?! Hehehe, your Help is the reason your sister is unconscious in there... if anything happens to] Father had lost his reasoning and refused to give me a chance to explain but...

[I'll take responsibility!! Father... let me Handle the family affairs till she wakes up!] I quickly tried to come up with a solution but Father only stared at me with wide eyes.

[SO THAT WAS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG?!!! ...tch... ] He screamed in utter fury then he said it.

[even if you succeed this time... do you think your hundred percent amounts to even ten percent of Mora's.. ]

*the SFX of shattered glass*

Then waterfalls emerged from my eyes along with cries and sobs. What had he done to deserve this dejection? Outcast by his own father and frightened of nature and society alone.

A memory of me approaching my old "friends" by the old Ruins came to torment me next. I came from behind and was about to call out to them only to be petrified by the words I heard.

[tch... that fool Lucas can barely make a clean kill and dares to be Arrogant. He even has the cheek to boast of being the next sword Saint, I don't even know how to laugh at that joke.] Frix said with a massive amount of disdain on his face.

Uman who had been silent for a while finally said [Hey... why are we even doing this?. I can't continue to pretend to his friend anymore.]

[He's our gateway to nobility, yes he might be a fool but he's a Noble no less... him being a Fool made things easier!...hahaha] Frix gave out a sickening laughter.


At my Yell, they turned back to find me charging at them as rage clouded my Judgement...

*SFX for sword Slashes*


[hahahaha] Laughter escaped my lips as I stood over their now cold bodies. They deserved it...Trash now dares scorn me!!!...


At this time, The Rain ended as calmly as it came.

[haha... ] A weak laughter left my mouth. Now my chance to make some contribution for the family has been snatched by this Gigolo!. Five years of pursuing that Lass, gone with the wind in one Night.

[I won't stand for this!!...TCH!! Itachi!... ] I growled as spittle and saliva dropped from my mouth, but i didn't care. In Anger, I punched the floor repeatedly till my fists bled and water splashed everywhere.

The now calm Crystal clear water on the alley floor somehow gave me comfort by allowing me to see Myself.

It felt Almost as if I wasn't alone, but had My inner soul there, backing me up whatever I did. It relieved me of My griefs. Someone I could talk to, someone who existed just for me. Even though no words came back, I could hear the sounds of nature, tickling the tip of My ear, keeping me company.

The More I stared, the More enthralled and defeated I felt. In fact, it was a weird feeling as a pair of beady eyes stared right into the depths of my Soul as I killed Itachi a thousand times in my Head.(A/N: eh?...is he the cause of your problems?*coughs* sorry).

My expensive clothes, all soaking wet as I gave myself a wry smile.

"perhaps I really am useless" This are the thoughts that crossed through my mind.

Now covered in dirt and filth, My white inner shirt was tinted with mud brown, nothing of class that My Noble aura spoke of. I Clenched the Totem necklace on my Neck in frustration, it was a gift from someone I met long ago.

My brownish gold Hair were in a tangled mess, but I didn't care about it.

Suddenly Black and Red smoke rose up from the Totem, forming a human figure in the air who released a grating laughter in a hoarse voice.

[Good Good Good... Nice resentment... fuel it! HAHAHAHA]

I was shocked beyond belief as my heart threatened to beat out of my chest. The first thought I had was to run away but I soon found out that I couldn't Move.

Then I decided to closely look over this figure, it had a human figure and had the appearance of an old man. His demeanor was arrogant and overbearing.

" What a joke!...do you think crying would change anything... humph, to think my successor would be this useless... Haa" The Old Man's voice rang in my head, his laughter was very bold, but I sensed a heavy aura of malice and savagery between his brows.

This old geezer is definitely ruthless and diabolical, he isn't a good guy at all...Why is my life like this.

My eyes darted around, refusing to look at this Man while hoping for anyone to save him but he calmed down when the word successor came into play. I didn't rush to make a move and instead prepared to patiently observe for a while to get to find out what was happening, not like I could do anything anyways.

With the surging of his mana, a beam of golden light rested in the Man's eyes while he laughed coldly. He pointed his finger and a stream of black mist gushed out, And Hanged on his finger tips.

The old man bared his teeth and smiled. He revealed a thick aura of bloodlust and brutality saying: "even at the very beginning of your path in cultivation you are already giving up over little hardship. You disappoint me Boy, What?? You want to fight me?."


While speaking up to this point, the old man pointed with his finger at me. Seeing I had a faint look of horror in his vigilance, the old geezer snorted in disdain: "What are you looking at? We, cultivators, act against the heavens in the first place, we strive to be Gods. Whoever upsets you, you kill them."

"In the few years you've been in your bullshit family , how much humiliation have you suffered? If it was me, hmph! they would probably have already been slaughtered by me. All who insult me, I will crush their souls!"

I laughed helplessly: "I Can't d…"

"Don't interrupt me, I haven't finished speaking yet, hmph!"

The words leaving my mouth got stuck in my throat.

The Man rambled on endlessly for Three and a half hours about my flaws before finally stopping. He looked sideways at me and snorted: "Stupid brat, what's the feeling of getting bullied in your Family like?"

I thought about it for a moment and found out that it really wasn't that strong. I had been the one blindy struggling to be acknowledged by them but... The One thing I really put my heart into working on was what Itachi had stolen from me.

I pursed my lips before asking "What are you trying to say? "

The old man smiled saying: "Do you want to become stronger? Do you want to possess unrivaled strength? "

My eyes went wide and my heart beat quickened by at least 3 times it normal pace.

He then laughed loudly: "It's nothing but a trivial matter. Accept me and you'll be able to climb the path towards the heavens and the road of success. At that time you will know that The level of your target is but a puff of smoke!...Accept me alone will make you a king, it will give you a head start in the path of Cultivation."

"But the path of cultivation is filled with thorns, it is absolutely not a smooth road. You must face all kinds of pain and suffering, can you bear it? The Hatred you bear, remember it, nurture it and your potential will be limitless."

with a resolute expression. I said: "I can endure any kind of suffering." when I said that, I figured that I had indirectly agreed so I stared coldly at The Old Man, a hint of imperceptible smugness and exaltation flashed by in his eyes.

Stunned, A thought flashed by in my mind: "This old geezer Must Think I'm stupid...Why are you so happy?, When I learn all there is to learn, I will abandon you before you abandon me."

While I was Thinking, the black mist that swirled around The Old Man's entire body, started enveloping both of us lifted us quite the distance above ground.

inside of the black mist, we were standing face to face as his glowing gold colored eyes stared into mine.

the surrounding Black mist began to feel colder and colder. My soul shivered and chilled.

As if gusts of ill wind were blowing at the depths of My heart, And a Warm Ethereal feeling sipped into my body and soul.

My own cultivation level was speedily rising up. Unable to control myself I roared as the Black mist and Old Man gushed into my open Mouth before everything went dark.


The Night before departure on the escort mission, Elena spent hours trying to learn about horse riding. To discourage Her, Zack had given her a Wild Horse to learn with. Of course he knew she would not be overly injured but he was aware of the dangers of this mission and wanted to stop her.

He didn't have the heart to do it outright hence he chose to tell her that she could only ride a horse along with the Other adventurers. But he never knew that she had this much zeal to go along with them or rather, should he say "Itachi".

She held on tight to the reins, pulling back on the coarse rope with all her might, her attempt at horse training had gone wrong; once again.

Elena stared at the feisty, white mare as she struggled against the bridle. Her nostrils were flared and her tail was still held high like a proud flag streaming in the wind. Her coat glistened with sweat and her plymonian neck curved in a stubborn arch.

As She fought with her horse she began to realize something. Maybe her horse was never meant to be "broken". She seemed to be one with the wild. Maybe she was meant to run and buck to kick and gallop. Perhaps the Plymonian could not go against the call within her, the call that she was born with. Maybe she could not deny the powerful feeling of galloping into the wind or the free feeling of kicking her legs high at the swirling sky.

With this thought Elena released a shaky breath and slowly reached her hand up to the buckle on the side of the bridle. She quickly undid it before she could change her mind, and let the bridle fall to the ground.

Elena then grasped the Plymonian's mane with both hands and closed her eyes tightly as she leaned forward.

Like a leaf being set free to ride the wind the mare burst forward in a rush of adrenaline. Klivia could hear her horse's powerful legs thumping in rhythm and feel their excitement mingle as they flew across the surface of the world. She slowly pried her eyelids open. What met her eyes was like nothing she had ever imagined before. The world rolled out before her like a giant scroll. The grass parted before her as they raced over hills and valleys towards where the Moon hung up in the Sky as A tear traveled down Elena's cheek, [HAHAHAHAHAHA...] A wild laughter that was unfit for a Lady escaped her lips.

Her father who saw this was utterly shocked and speechless, "Did I just see someone ride a plymonian horse for the first time...those things were usually caught as decorations and what in Zodelvi's name is upwith that speed???"

[Ah! Elena] Zack screamed as he chased but Girl and Horse.


Present Day...

Haru's POV

It was finally the Day that was set up for the escort mission to The City of Grotica, Up North. It was a Fort City that was Under the Jurisdiction of Count Van, They were to escort a carriage there but weren't aware of it's content but it was certain that the higher ups of the Guild came to the gate to inspect all equipment and supplies.

The first thing we did was make our way to front Primux's gate with a clear blue sky up above us.

"Looks like a good day to set out on a journey." I thought to myself.

I quickly went over our plans in order to confirm them.

We were going to set off for Grotica; it'd take us about six days for us to get there.

We'd then separate from the city after handing over the carriage to the city forces before finally returning back to Primux in order to find Jnog.

[Itachi, I'm really looking forward to this trip, how about you.] Elena said as she approached me on a white with Pure red eyes, Her sitting on it gave a magical feel to the surrounding and it seems people were more surprised by the fact that she was riding this Horse than how it looked.

「Should I be excited about it? .」I asked

「uhm!」But she was shocked and resumed a thinking posture, meanwhile, earlier Joel came secretly to tell me to help protect her bla bla bla.

"gimme a break already...so troublesome".

『We've bought everything we needed to buy and even bid all our farewells to everyone that mattered.』A man who was apparently the group leader, reported to Joel who only nodded in return before heading into the city.

The Middle aged man was excited to be leading the group and chatty as he said 『Yup I think it's about time for us to go.』

"Your still thinking?...I have a lot to do you know? " Haru cussed in his mind but his poker face reigned supreme as they set out on their journey.

Your thoughts? ask if you have a question or anything.

also happy new month....don't forget to add your thoughts.

Daoist_Xuyicreators' thoughts
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