
Ultimate Hope Of Marvel

Basics of the story guy dies to a strange vehicle that was hit by a slipper, reincarnated with wishes cuz why not. MC will not become anywhere close to a god nor unstoppable very limited amounts of magic Shirou limits even. This bit right here is gonna be me New Author explaining that this is my first writing and is mostly for passing time. I also want it to be known that I have not written a story in a long ass time so any grammar mistakes or things that anyone who reads this thinks I should be aware of to either do/not do in the future to comment in a civil manner if you will. I’m not being paid nor do I plan on ever doing so, no pat re on bull or anything else. Also this is being written on google docs so any errors that pop up because of that if there are any I hope you will be lenient about. The tags are all I think fit and yes small harem.

UTGaster · Komik
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8 Chs

Before we start the story pt.1

This bit right here is gonna be me New Author explaining that this is my first writing and is mostly for passing time, as well as some of my plans for the story in general and if anyone wants to make some suggestions that they would like to see or believe I could do in a different manner than mentioned below

Also I may or may not add other reincarnators to the story not in his universe but for any multiversal events, only time a reincarnator or OC will appear outside of that will be for original stories not adapted for instance I'm gonna have MC fuck shit up in Spider-Mans clone sagas cuz unless its clone troopers or homunculi fuck clones(I'll let it get as far as Kaine Parker and Ben Reilly).

And before it's asked what stories be it comic wise or movie will be adapted I don't know completely yet I know I want to dabble in the clone saga and I want MC to basically reck any multiversal storylines but at the same time I'm not as well versed in comic stories as i am movie ones but you can bet your horny that I'm doing into the spider verse.

I plan to let my MC kick his spidey out of the range of the portal getting sucked in himself.

Also there will be a MINOR system no A.I., no Gacha (i don't do bad civilization),no Item Shop only Quest shop(Quests with no Penalties and no risk of True Death), basically just Quests and Omni-verse travel(as in the ability to leave Marvel which will be rare), as well as a GTFO ID if you want to call it that will be used for QP or Quest Points as well as GTFO items, resources, and tech blueprints (some of the tech in GTFO is pretty good except he will only get non-lethal ammo type blueprints and flashlights for free)

Quests will have Failure penalties but wont be slave system most penalties will be used for comedy I read [The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel] by kurit-kun on webnovel and thought his punishment of sounding like Rath from Ben10 for a week was funny, and Rickrolling people at anymoment for a week was worth a chuckle as well.

The Rewards will be knowledge based like Human Tech knowledge of Halo ect.

No immediate gains unless its something that can't be made and those will be rare and can't break the world(pretty fuckin hard since we got comic power levels but meh)so no Saitama strength.

Now what else do I plan for as far as otherworlds in the omniverse, well I got my eyes on The Witcher, Halo(Reach, and 4 only), COD(specific missions only),Star Wars (Movies/Animated series only), Assassins Creed(4,Rouge,3,and syndicate in that order!), DC(considering dropping him in DCeased to grab a few people maybe a bit of tech before NOPEing the fuck out of there)(Note-not all worlds he goes to will be untouched worlds expect possible worlds of other fanfictions to be entered and other Reincarnators (trash/evil ones) to have their existence deleted if MC knows at given time in world.)

I'm open to suggestions I thought about Invincible but not really a point except to make Mark think all the girls are bitches for the most part and I'm not adding DNA to MC he will be 100% enhanced human beit magical or scientific.

Also I don't think I want this MC to know a lot of advanced magic so what he got from Shirou that isn't connected to his soul and maybe witcher runes and runed weapons.

Let me know if there is any one you particularly want done and we'll go from there.

I also want it to be known that I have not written a story in a long ass time so any grammar mistakes or things that anyone who reads this thinks I should be aware of to either do/not do in the future to comment in a civil manner if you will.

I'm not being paid nor do I plan on ever doing so, no pat-re-on bull or anything else.

Also this is being written on google docs so any errors that pop up because of that if there are any I hope you will be lenient about.

Now after this I will write out what powers the mc will have, not his wishes.