
Ultimate Greed System

A portal opened, and when unknown portals are opened well, it's common knowledge what might come through. This portal became an unbreakable link to Gehinnom, a collection of worlds linked together. New energies were introduced and the world evolved and terraformed to accommodate these new forms of power. Creatures and beings of fairytales were revealed. Some from other worlds and others hidden inhabitants of Earth. All this happened thousands of years back with many civilizations rising and falling during this time frame. The world as it was now had no semblance to it's past self. Well, this story is about how our MC escapes a hell hole were they were treated as lab rats and... Just read the story, nothing much to see in the synopsis, hehehe!!

holypen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs

Can We Have Sex? +18

"Are you alright?" Gabe asked.

"Yes, I am, thank you", Willow replied.

She then turned to Cole and looked at him for a moment.

"Thank you also", she said.

"No need to thank us, you handled the situation all on your own. You were pretty amazing too. They were like oh, we're going to rape you and you were like I gave you a chance to back off and you chose to spit on my goodwill, take this, AHOGO and they were like please, we are sorry, have mercy and you were like this should never repeat itself again", Cole said.

"Jerk", Willow said

"Thank you", Cole replied.

Everyone, Gabe, Cole, Willow, Rose, and the two that were minding their business whose names were Abel and Jack all looked at one another for a moment before returning to their corners, and silence was once more restored.

This silence continued for three hours. Cole picked up a watch he saw lying down, looked at the time, and saw it was 9:00 pm.

"Oh God I can't stay in this ship for another second, I didn't think that it would take even an airship this long to reach the island. Some people really went to great lengths to ensure the secrecy of the facility", Cole murmured.

The island to which they were headed was a small island that belonged to Cole. It was his mother who purchased it, built a massive safe house there, and gifted it to him. She even went to great lengths to make sure that no one in her family would know about it as the biggest threat her son faced now was from the Almer household.

A voice was heard through the communication system of the airship. The voice belonged to Gabe.

We have reached our destination. I am switching off autopilot so that I can land this baby.

"Well it's about time, I would have died if we had to stay in the air for another second", Cole said.

He then turned to the three, remaining out of the five that also broke out of the facility with them and spoke.

"I've been wanting to ask, aren't you guys scared that me and my pal would be up to no good? We decided within ourselves, the destination we wanted to go and you didn't even protest. What if we are luring you guys into a trap?"

Rose, Jack, and Abel, silently stood there, looking at one another.

"Let me tell you what I observed during my stay in the facility. Everyone who was a specimen there was smart. No matter what your base intelligence was, once you started going through their experiments, you started becoming smarter. It isn't because of experience, no, it's solely because of whatever I'm God's name they were doing to us", Abel said.

Since the time they escaped, this was the first time he had spoken. As he was talking, Gabe had already landed the airship in a designated area that Cole had pointed out to him. He joined them at the passenger area of the ship and heard just about everything that was said. Abel continued.

"The only thing was that all the specimens became more violent. Why am I saying all this? I'm just trying to say we are all smart people here. The moment we escaped from that place it was as if the violent nature went down a notch and I could think more clearly. Since we are all smart people here, there is no need for foolish questions."

About thirty minutes later everyone was in the safe house. They had already made themselves at home and taken the necessary actions on their bodies. Everyone was looking neat and good and for the first time, they really felt that they had become free.

After cleaning up everybody still went off and stayed on their own. This time Cole did not let that happen as he urged everyone to move to the sitting room.

"Look guys, I know we still have our misgivings towards each other. How about a toast to freedom", Cole said.

Everyone was still quiet when Gabe took a cup, poured some wine into it up to the brim then drank the whole wine from the cup and spoke.

"Trust is one thing that would be hard for us to give but at least we can respect each other. Besides, most of you here have never tasted alcohol in your lives so pick a cup."

After that, everyone started warming up to one another. They all introduced themselves and their ages. Gabe, Cole, and Willow were seventeen and the rest were eighteen. 

Later Gabe excused himself and went upstairs to his room. He wanted to take a piss. All the rooms had a toilet and bathroom. After he was done, he sat down for a moment to think then he heard a knock on the door. It was Rose.

"What do you need?" Gabe asked.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes you can", Gabe replied

"So, what do you need?" Gabe asked again.

"I, uh, can we have sex?" Rose asked.

Gabe was flustered but quickly calmed down. He wanted to politely turn her request down but then he saw a sight to behold.

Rose had already taken off her clothes. Gabe was wondering if she had a superpower that let her undress that quickly, but apart from that his body instantly heated up. He had seen girls naked before many times in the facility but it was during experiments or after bloody fights and they were taking a bath. In fact, there was no time for anything there apart from eating, sleeping, fighting, studying, and being lab rats.

'The only time I've ever seen a girl naked before in a normal setting was in the videos I stole from the patron of the boys' hostel in the orphanage', Gabe thought.

After that Rose took a step forward.

"This is my first time", she said.

'What? Why is she talking like I've agreed to have sex with her, and why the hell am I even more excited after hearing her say it's her first time' Gabe thought.

"Man, fuck it", Gabe said.

He then reached out and grabbed her tits as the last bit of rationality he had, flew out the window. They started kissing. This was a first for both of them and they were going on pure instinct with the guidance of porn movies they had watched in their younger years.

Rose reached down and freed Gabe's cock from his pants and started stroking it as they kissed.

Gabe then lifted her bridal style while sucking her tits and then placed her on the bed before standing back up. He then removed his clothes.

The size of Gabe's penis seemed to excite Rose more as she urged him to put it in her vagina. Not much foreplay was needed as both of them were very aroused.

"Ahn! Oh my G... ahn!"

Rose moaned like there was no tomorrow. Even when Gabe had first inserted his dick into her pussy and broke her hymen she wasn't fazed as any pain at that time was quickly drowned in pleasure.

They went at it without caring if their voices were heard and even if they did, every room in the safe house was soundproof.

About twenty minutes later Gabe was sleeping in his room with no sign of his partner in crime and no evidence of anything ever going down that night.